Compare metabolites in 2 of these studies:
Study A:   Study B:  

List of Studies ( Metabolite:Estradiol-17alpha)

ST001680 AN002739 Metabolome of NAFLD in high fat diet mouse model Liver Mouse Fatty liver disease Weill Cornell Medicine Abundance
ST001855 AN003006 The metabolomic resetting effect of FG4592 in AKI to CKD transition-day 21 (Part 1) Kidney Mouse Kidney disease Children’s Hospital of Nanjing Medical University AUC
ST001856 AN003009 The metabolomic resetting effect of FG4592 in AKI to CKD transition-day 21 (Part 2) Kidney Mouse Kidney disease Children's Hospital of Nanjing Medical University AUC
ST000041 AN000063 High PUFA diet in humans Blood Human University of Michigan Counts
ST000042 AN000064 BALF Control vs ALI by RPLC-MS Lung Human University of Michigan Counts
ST000043 AN000070 MDA-MB-231 cells and p38 gamma knockdown Cells Human University of Michigan Counts
ST000044 AN000068 Pilot experiment looking for the existence of certain molecules in pancreatic cancer cells Pancreas Human Cancer University of Michigan Counts
ST000105 AN000173 SCOR Metabolomics Blood Human University of Chicago Counts
ST000106 AN000175 IWMS Study 1:Weight comparison of obese and lean patients Blood Human Obesity University of Michigan Counts
ST002132 AN003487 Optimization of Imputation Strategies for High-Resolution Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (HR GC-MS) Metabolomics Data Blood Baboon Wake Forest School of Medicine Normalized Peak abundances
ST002132 AN003487 Optimization of Imputation Strategies for High-Resolution Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (HR GC-MS) Metabolomics Data Liver Baboon Wake Forest School of Medicine Normalized Peak abundances
ST002254 AN003682 Maternal obesity alters offspring liver and skeletal muscle metabolism in early post-puberty despite maintaining a normal post-weaning dietary lifestyle Blood Baboon Obesity Wake Forest School of Medicine Normalized Peak Intensities
ST002254 AN003682 Maternal obesity alters offspring liver and skeletal muscle metabolism in early post-puberty despite maintaining a normal post-weaning dietary lifestyle Liver Baboon Obesity Wake Forest School of Medicine Normalized Peak Intensities
ST002254 AN003682 Maternal obesity alters offspring liver and skeletal muscle metabolism in early post-puberty despite maintaining a normal post-weaning dietary lifestyle Muscle Baboon Obesity Wake Forest School of Medicine Normalized Peak Intensities
ST000009 AN000023 Mixed meal tolerance Human University of Michigan Peak area
ST000010 AN000025 Lung Cancer Cells 4 Lung Human Cancer University of Michigan Peak area
ST000011 AN000027 African Metabolomics Human University of Michigan Peak area
ST000016 AN000033 NPM-ALK metabolic regulation Lymphoma cells Human University of Michigan Peak area
ST000017 AN000034 Rat HCR/LCR Stamina Study Blood Rat University of Michigan Peak area
ST000724 AN001135 Red squirrels age related changes Blood Squirrel University of Michigan Peak area
ST001218 AN002031 Wild type versus TRACK Mice on regular chow and Vitamin A deprived diet Kidney Mouse Cancer weill cornell medicine Peak area
ST001668 AN002722 D-Allulose effects on hepatic metabolomics profile in rodents Liver Rat Matsutani Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. Relative Area
ST003298 AN005404 Annual changes on metabolomics profile in latex Latex Plant Sumitomo Riko Co., Ltd. Relative Area
ST001968 AN003208 Analytical methodology for a metabolome atlas of goat’s plasma, milk and feces using 1H-NMR and UHPLC-HRMS:MS/plasma Blood Goat INSERM SI
ST001970 AN003213 Analytical methodology for a metabolome atlas of goat’s plasma, milk and feces using 1H-NMR and UHPLC-HRMS:MS/milk Milk Goat INSERM SI