Compare metabolites in 2 of these studies:
Study A:   Study B:  

List of Studies ( Metabolite:Glucosamine 6-phosphate)

ST001986 AN003237 Fbxo7 promotes Cdk6 activity to inhibit PFKP and glycolysis in T cells T-cells Mouse University of Cambridge arbitrary unit
ST003076 AN005034 Data-dependent and -independent acquisition lipidomics analysis reveals the tissue-dependent effect of metformin on lipid metabolism Adipose tissue Mouse North Carolina State University arbitrary unit
ST003076 AN005034 Data-dependent and -independent acquisition lipidomics analysis reveals the tissue-dependent effect of metformin on lipid metabolism Blood Mouse North Carolina State University arbitrary unit
ST003076 AN005034 Data-dependent and -independent acquisition lipidomics analysis reveals the tissue-dependent effect of metformin on lipid metabolism Heart Mouse North Carolina State University arbitrary unit
ST003076 AN005034 Data-dependent and -independent acquisition lipidomics analysis reveals the tissue-dependent effect of metformin on lipid metabolism Intestine Mouse North Carolina State University arbitrary unit
ST003076 AN005034 Data-dependent and -independent acquisition lipidomics analysis reveals the tissue-dependent effect of metformin on lipid metabolism Kidney Mouse North Carolina State University arbitrary unit
ST003076 AN005034 Data-dependent and -independent acquisition lipidomics analysis reveals the tissue-dependent effect of metformin on lipid metabolism Liver Mouse North Carolina State University arbitrary unit
ST003076 AN005034 Data-dependent and -independent acquisition lipidomics analysis reveals the tissue-dependent effect of metformin on lipid metabolism Muscle Mouse North Carolina State University arbitrary unit
ST003254 AN005336 The impact of grass- and grain-finishing on metabolomic profiles of North American Black Angus Beef cattle. Bovine meat Cow Duke University Arbitrary Units
ST002179 AN003568 Impact of nitisinone on the cerebrospinal fluid metabolome of a murine model of alkaptonuria Cerebrospinal fluid Mouse Genetic disease University of Liverpool Institute of Life Course & Medical Sciences area
ST002760 AN004484 Metabolic responses of normal rat kidneys to a high salt intake (Kidney outer medulla) Kidney outer medulla Rat Medical College of Wisconsin Area
ST002835 AN004631 Investigation of FGFR signaling controlled metabolism in FGFR2-fusion+ intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma Tumor cells Human Cancer Massachusetts General Hospital area analyzed by Compound discoverer (counts x seconds)
ST002835 AN004632 Investigation of FGFR signaling controlled metabolism in FGFR2-fusion+ intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma Tumor cells Human Cancer Massachusetts General Hospital area analyzed by Compound discoverer (counts x seconds)
ST000450 AN000706 Metabolic features of chronic fatigue syndrome Blood Human Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome University of California, San Diego Area under curve
ST000465 AN000726 Uniquely Tumor-Selective Englerin A Profoundly Alters Lipid Metabolism in Renal Cell Carcinoma inducing ER-Stress and an Acute Inflammatory Response Kidney Human Cancer University of California, San Diego Area under curve
ST001143 AN001884 Microbial depletion and ozone exposure - Lung tissue (part I) Lung Mouse Asthma Harvard School of Public Health Area under curve
ST002840 AN004648 Collaborative role of YqgC and superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) in manganese intoxication: Replicate Experiment 1 Bacterial cells Bacillus subtilis Cornell University Area under the curve
ST002841 AN004650 Collaborative role of YqgC and superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) in manganese intoxication: Replicate Experiment 2 Bacterial cells Bacillus subtilis Cornell University Area under the curve
ST003088 AN005051 Metabolome changes in embryonic CSF (Part 10) Blood Mouse Autism Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School a.u.
ST003088 AN005051 Metabolome changes in embryonic CSF (Part 10) CSF Mouse Autism Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School a.u.
ST003088 AN005051 Metabolome changes in embryonic CSF (Part 10) Liver Mouse Autism Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School a.u.
ST002123 AN003476 GCN2 regulates mitochondrial OXPHOS in HSPCs under proliferation conditions. Bone marrow Mouse Sun Yat-sen University AU
ST002211 AN003615 Effects of Medwakh Smoking on Oxidative Stress and Inflammation Among Youth in UAE using Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry Saliva Human Oxidative stress Sharjah Institute for Medical Research AU
ST003146 AN005162 Exploring The Impact of Two Novel DNA Minor Groove Binders on HCT-116 Cells: A Comprehensive Multi-Omics Analysis Using Mass Spectrometry Cultured cells Human Cancer Sharjah Institute for Medical Research AU
ST001855 AN003007 The metabolomic resetting effect of FG4592 in AKI to CKD transition-day 21 (Part 1) Kidney Mouse Kidney disease Children’s Hospital of Nanjing Medical University AUC
ST002289 AN003741 Map of microbially induced metabolic changes across diverse body sites in mice - Bacterial culture data Bacterial cells Bacteria University of Calgary AUC
ST002465 AN004021 Map of microbially induced metabolic changes across diverse body sites in mice - Mouse Data Blood Mouse University of Calgary AUC
ST002465 AN004021 Map of microbially induced metabolic changes across diverse body sites in mice - Mouse Data Intestine Mouse University of Calgary AUC
ST002465 AN004021 Map of microbially induced metabolic changes across diverse body sites in mice - Mouse Data Liver Mouse University of Calgary AUC
ST002465 AN004021 Map of microbially induced metabolic changes across diverse body sites in mice - Mouse Data Peritoneal fluid Mouse University of Calgary AUC
ST002465 AN004021 Map of microbially induced metabolic changes across diverse body sites in mice - Mouse Data Spleen Mouse University of Calgary AUC
ST002465 AN004021 Map of microbially induced metabolic changes across diverse body sites in mice - Mouse Data Urine Mouse University of Calgary AUC
ST002457 AN004009 Mouse kidney metabolomics (Whole kidney) Kidney Mouse Chronic kidney disease Hadassah Medical Center concentration
ST002178 AN003567 Age-independent Cardiac Protection by Pharmacological Activation of Beclin-1 During Endotoxemia and Its Association with Energy Metabolic Reprograming in Myocardium — A Targeted Metabolomics Study Heart Mouse Endotoxemia Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine count per second (cps)
ST003028 AN004964 Chronic stress dampens Lactobacillus johnsonii-mediated tumor suppression to enhance colorectal cancer progression Colon Mouse Cancer China Pharmaceutical University count per second (cps)
ST000041 AN000063 High PUFA diet in humans Blood Human University of Michigan Counts
ST000043 AN000070 MDA-MB-231 cells and p38 gamma knockdown Cells Human University of Michigan Counts
ST000044 AN000068 Pilot experiment looking for the existence of certain molecules in pancreatic cancer cells Pancreas Human Cancer University of Michigan Counts
ST000044 AN000069 Pilot experiment looking for the existence of certain molecules in pancreatic cancer cells Pancreas Human Cancer University of Michigan Counts
ST000090 AN000143 Caloric Restriction vs drugs Blood Mouse University of Michigan Counts
ST000105 AN000174 SCOR Metabolomics Blood Human University of Chicago Counts
ST000106 AN000175 IWMS Study 1:Weight comparison of obese and lean patients Blood Human Obesity University of Michigan Counts
ST000106 AN000176 IWMS Study 1:Weight comparison of obese and lean patients Blood Human Obesity University of Michigan Counts
ST001688 AN002756 A gut microbe-focused metabolomics pipeline enables mechanistic interrogation of microbiome metabolism (part-II) Bacterial cells Bacteria Stanford University Counts
ST001671 AN002727 A gut microbe-focused metabolomics pipeline enables mechanistic interrogation of microbiome metabolism Bacterial cells Bacteria Stanford University counts (area)
ST001671 AN002728 A gut microbe-focused metabolomics pipeline enables mechanistic interrogation of microbiome metabolism Bacterial cells Bacteria Stanford University counts (area)
ST001688 AN002757 A gut microbe-focused metabolomics pipeline enables mechanistic interrogation of microbiome metabolism (part-II) Bacterial cells Bacteria Stanford University counts (area)
ST002869 AN004702 Identifying Biodegradation Pathways of Cetrimonium Bromide (CTAB) Using Metagenome, Metatranscriptome, and Metabolome Tri-omics Integration Water Bacteria Environmental exposure Arizona State University counts per second
ST002187 AN003581 Interplay of CodY and CcpA in regulating central metabolism and biofilm formation in S. aureus Bacterial cells S. aureus Bacterial infection University of Nebraska Medical Center CPS
ST001403 AN002345 Ontogeny related changes in the pediatric liver metabolome (part-II) Liver Human Moffitt Cancer Center estimated abundances
ST002555 AN004207 Ethnicity-Specific Differences in Ovarian Cancer Metabolic Signatures Cultured cells Human Cancer University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center Fold change over standard
ST002813 AN004576 Effects of acute cold exposure on mouse metabolome BAT Mouse University of Pennsylvania Intensity
ST002813 AN004576 Effects of acute cold exposure on mouse metabolome Blood Mouse University of Pennsylvania Intensity
ST002813 AN004576 Effects of acute cold exposure on mouse metabolome Diaphragm Mouse University of Pennsylvania Intensity
ST002813 AN004576 Effects of acute cold exposure on mouse metabolome gWAT Mouse University of Pennsylvania Intensity
ST002813 AN004576 Effects of acute cold exposure on mouse metabolome Heart Mouse University of Pennsylvania Intensity
ST002813 AN004576 Effects of acute cold exposure on mouse metabolome Liver Mouse University of Pennsylvania Intensity
ST002813 AN004576 Effects of acute cold exposure on mouse metabolome Quadriceps Mouse University of Pennsylvania Intensity
ST002119 AN003468 Metabolomics analysis of zebrafish response to CID661578 treatment Larvae Zebrafish Diabetes North Carolina State University ion counts
ST002152 AN003524 Metabolomics analysis of mouse liver with or without SIRT5 deficiency Liver Mouse North Carolina State University ion counts
ST003405 AN005589 Specific activation of the integrated stress response uncovers regulation of central carbon metabolism and lipid droplet biogenesis Cultured cells Human Cancer Calico Life Sciences log2 peak area top
ST002822 AN004602 Effect of ERR Agonist in Mouse Heart Post Pressure Overload Heart Mouse Baylor College of Medicine log transformed data
ST002477 AN004046 Neutrophil metabolomics in COVID-19 Neutrophils Human COVID-19 UT Southwestern Medical Center MS reading
ST001324 AN002203 Metabolomics Adaptation of Juvenile Pacific Abalone Haliotis discus hannai to Heat Stress Pacific Abalone Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences mV*s
ST000570 AN000877 Metabolome analysis of the cecal contents of GF mice and GF mice colonized with dominant gut microbes present in the ceca of neonatal and adult mice Feces Mouse Keio University nmol/g
ST002476 AN004078 High body temperature increases gut microbiota-dependent host resistance to influenza A virus and SARS-CoV-2 infection (Mouse) Intestine Mouse COVID-19 Keio University nmol/g
ST002476 AN004078 High body temperature increases gut microbiota-dependent host resistance to influenza A virus and SARS-CoV-2 infection (Mouse) Intestine Mouse Influenza Keio University nmol/g
ST003143 AN005157 Mitochondrial complex I promotes kidney cancer metastasis Kidney Human Cancer University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas Normalized Abundance
ST003143 AN005157 Mitochondrial complex I promotes kidney cancer metastasis Tumor cells Human Cancer University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas Normalized Abundance
ST003143 AN005158 Mitochondrial complex I promotes kidney cancer metastasis Kidney Human Cancer University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas Normalized Abundance
ST003143 AN005158 Mitochondrial complex I promotes kidney cancer metastasis Tumor cells Human Cancer University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas Normalized Abundance
ST003266 AN005350 Metabolomics analysis of human spermatozoa reveals impaired metabolic pathways in asthenozoospermia Spermatozoa Human University of Aveiro normalized areas
ST003266 AN005351 Metabolomics analysis of human spermatozoa reveals impaired metabolic pathways in asthenozoospermia Spermatozoa Human University of Aveiro normalized areas
ST003193 AN005241 Metabolomics study on frozen tissue derived from the tumor and adjacent non-malignant liver tissue (NML) of patient afflicted with fibrolamellar carinoma (FLC) Liver Human Cancer Cornell University normalized-BatchCorrected-Imputed-log2transformed Intensity
ST003193 AN005241 Metabolomics study on frozen tissue derived from the tumor and adjacent non-malignant liver tissue (NML) of patient afflicted with fibrolamellar carinoma (FLC) Lung Human Cancer Cornell University normalized-BatchCorrected-Imputed-log2transformed Intensity
ST003193 AN005241 Metabolomics study on frozen tissue derived from the tumor and adjacent non-malignant liver tissue (NML) of patient afflicted with fibrolamellar carinoma (FLC) Lymph node Human Cancer Cornell University normalized-BatchCorrected-Imputed-log2transformed Intensity
ST003193 AN005241 Metabolomics study on frozen tissue derived from the tumor and adjacent non-malignant liver tissue (NML) of patient afflicted with fibrolamellar carinoma (FLC) Peritoneal fluid Human Cancer Cornell University normalized-BatchCorrected-Imputed-log2transformed Intensity
ST003193 AN005241 Metabolomics study on frozen tissue derived from the tumor and adjacent non-malignant liver tissue (NML) of patient afflicted with fibrolamellar carinoma (FLC) Spinal cord Human Cancer Cornell University normalized-BatchCorrected-Imputed-log2transformed Intensity
ST002184 AN003577 Metabolic effect of the loss of mitochondrial-specific aspartyl-tRNA synthetase Das2 on mouse intestinal epithelial cells Intestine Mouse CECAD Research Center peak area
ST002199 AN003599 FOXA2 controls the anti-oxidant response in FH-deficient cells independent of NRF2 Cultured cells Mouse Cancer CECAD Research Center peak area
ST002221 AN003630 Glutaminolysis contribution to the carbon backbone of aspartate through ATP Citrate Lyase (ACLY) in ccRCC Cultured cells Human Cancer CECAD Research Center peak area
ST002222 AN003631 Glutaminolysis contribution to the carbon backbone of aspartate and glutamate in ccRCC Cultured cells Human Cancer CECAD Research Center peak area
ST002223 AN003632 Metabolic profiling of mouse tissues and tissue interstitial fluids Heart Mouse Cancer CECAD Research Center peak area
ST002223 AN003632 Metabolic profiling of mouse tissues and tissue interstitial fluids Kidney Mouse Cancer CECAD Research Center peak area
ST002223 AN003632 Metabolic profiling of mouse tissues and tissue interstitial fluids Liver Mouse Cancer CECAD Research Center peak area
ST002223 AN003632 Metabolic profiling of mouse tissues and tissue interstitial fluids Lung Mouse Cancer CECAD Research Center peak area
ST002242 AN003660 Hypoxia promotes osteogenesis via regulating the acetyl-CoA-mediated mito-nuclear communication. Cultured cells Mouse CECAD Research Center peak area
ST002361 AN003855 UCP2-dependent redox-sensing in POMC neurons regulates feeding Cultured cells Mouse Columbia University peak area
ST002361 AN003856 UCP2-dependent redox-sensing in POMC neurons regulates feeding Cultured cells Mouse Columbia University peak area
ST002371 AN003866 High-resolution metabolomics analysis of NLRP3 inflammasome activated macrophages Macrophages Mouse Inflammation Wake Forest School of Medicine peak area
ST002736 AN004438 Assessing mitochondrial bioenergetics in coronary artery disease: A translational multiomic tissue study in humans (The AMBITION study). Heart Human Cardiovascular disease Imperial College London peak area
ST003162 AN005188 Loss of dihydroceramide desaturase drives neurodegeneration by disrupting endoplasmic reticulum and lipid droplet homeostasis in glial cells CNS Drosophila melanogaster Brain disease Washington University in St. Louis peak area
ST003162 AN005188 Loss of dihydroceramide desaturase drives neurodegeneration by disrupting endoplasmic reticulum and lipid droplet homeostasis in glial cells Larvae Drosophila melanogaster Brain disease Washington University in St. Louis peak area
ST000009 AN000023 Mixed meal tolerance Human University of Michigan Peak area
ST000010 AN000025 Lung Cancer Cells 4 Lung Human Cancer University of Michigan Peak area
ST000016 AN000033 NPM-ALK metabolic regulation Lymphoma cells Human University of Michigan Peak area
ST000017 AN000034 Rat HCR/LCR Stamina Study Blood Rat University of Michigan Peak area
ST000040 AN000061 Heatshock response of C. elegans using IROA (I) Worms C. elegans University of Florida Peak area
ST000116 AN000197 Comparative metabolomics analysis of the key metabolic nodes in propionic acid synthesis in Propionibacterium acidipropionici Bacterial cells Propionibacterium Jiangnan University Peak area
ST000230 AN000343 Comprehensive analysis of transcriptome and metabolome in Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma and Hepatocellular Carcinoma Liver Human Cancer Osaka City University Peak area
ST000231 AN000345 Comprehensive analysis of transcriptome and metabolome in Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma and Hepatocellular Carcinoma (part II) Liver Human Cancer Osaka City University Peak area
ST000252 AN000399 Impact of recurrent hypoglycemia on brain metabolite profile Brain Rat Hypoglycemia University of Florida Peak area
ST000288 AN000459 Metabolomic profiling of AML Cell Lines AML cells Human University of Florida Peak area
ST000424 AN000673 Metabolomics Approach to Allograft Assessment in Liver Transplantation (part II) Liver Human University of Florida Peak area
ST000692 AN001069 Metabolites produced by strains associated with inflammation Bacterial cells Treponema Inflammation University of Michigan Peak area
ST000692 AN001070 Metabolites produced by strains associated with inflammation Bacterial cells Treponema Inflammation University of Michigan Peak area
ST000693 AN001072 Lanthanide-mineral induced alteration of bile acid metabolism in a murine model of steatohepatitis (part II) Mouse Fatty liver disease University of Michigan Peak area
ST000694 AN001074 Differences in bile acids composition between ASCL5 knockout and floxed mice. Intestine Mouse University of Michigan Peak area
ST000695 AN001076 Pilot metabolomics study of aromatase inhibitor associated arthralgias Blood Human Arthralgia University of Michigan Peak area
ST000741 AN001156 Metabolite-phenotype link in X-linked Adrenoleukodystrophy (fibroblast cell culture) Cultured cells Human Adrenoleukodystrophy University of Michigan Peak area
ST000751 AN001179 Mouse placentas-DEHP exposure (part II) Placenta Mouse University of Michigan Peak area
ST000758 AN001191 Effects of caloric restriction in HCR/LCR rats Rat University of Michigan Peak area
ST001256 AN002085 Metabolic landscape remodeling in dystrophic muscle through glucocorticoid steroid regimens Muscle Mouse Muscular dystrophy Northwestern University Peak area
ST001441 AN002408 Metabolomics of patient-derived fibroblasts Fibroblast cells Human Mitochondrial disease North Carolina State University Peak area
ST001611 AN002646 Mouse model of sarcoma (STS) to characterize tumor vulnerabilities and identify novel targets for anti-cancer treatment Muscle Mouse Cancer North Carolina State University Peak area
ST001611 AN002646 Mouse model of sarcoma (STS) to characterize tumor vulnerabilities and identify novel targets for anti-cancer treatment Sarcoma Mouse Cancer North Carolina State University Peak area
ST001621 AN002656 Untargeted metabolomics of intestinal organoids treated with fructose Intestine Mouse China Pharmaceutical University Peak area
ST002492 AN004084 Composition of raw plant-based food items Plant Plants Northeastern University Peak area
ST002505 AN004126 A Mammalian Conserved Circular RNA CircLARP2 Regulates Hepatocellular Carcinoma Metastasis and Lipid Metabolism (Part 1) Cultured cells Human Cancer University of Science and Technology of China Peak area
ST000722 AN001129 Metabolomics of Diapause in Aedes albopictus Eggs Mosquito University of Michigan Peak area normalized
ST002926 AN004798 Multi-“omics” analysis reveals the orphan P. falciparum protein kinase PfPK8 regulates multi-gene family expression Blood Plasmodium falciparum Malaria Monash University peak height
ST003053 AN005006 Providing insight into the mechanism of action of Cationic Lipidated Oligomers (CLOs) using metabolomics Bacterial cells Staphylococcus aureus Bacterial infection Monash University peak height
ST003053 AN005007 Providing insight into the mechanism of action of Cationic Lipidated Oligomers (CLOs) using metabolomics Bacterial cells Staphylococcus aureus Bacterial infection Monash University peak height
ST000248 AN000391 Metabolic heterogeneity in Glioblastoma Glioma cells Human Cancer University of Florida Peak height
ST000403 AN000642 Metabolomics-based elucidation of active metabolic pathways in erythrocytes and HSC-derived reticulocytes Cells Human Monash Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Monash University Peak height
ST000539 AN000818 Metabolomics-based elucidation of active metabolic pathways in erythrocytes and HSC-derived reticulocytes (part II) Cells Human Monash Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Monash University Peak height
ST000552 AN000843 Metabolite signatures in trauma patients with venous thromboembolism (VTE) Blood Human Trauma University of Florida Peak height
ST000953 AN001562 Identification of putative cryoprotectant metabolites in Aphaenogaster picea Whole Tissue Ant Stress University of Florida Peak height
ST000953 AN001563 Identification of putative cryoprotectant metabolites in Aphaenogaster picea Whole Tissue Ant Stress University of Florida Peak height
ST000954 AN001564 Explore Metabolites and Pathways Associated Increased Airway Hyperresponsiveness in Asthma Blood Human Asthma University of Florida Peak height
ST000955 AN001566 Effects of ODC inhibition on T cell metabolism Cultured cells Mouse Cancer University of Florida Peak height
ST001122 AN001847 Identification of urine metabolites in patients with interstitial cystitis using untargeted metabolomics (part II) Urine Human Interstitial cystitis University of California, Davis Peak height
ST003179 AN005222 Property and Activity Refinement of Dihydroquinazolinone-3-carboxamides as Orally Efficacious Antimalarials that Target PfATP4 Plasmodium cells Plasmodium falciparum Malaria Monash University Peak height
ST001754 AN002858 Metabolomic Analysis of Canine Diabetes (part-II) Blood Dog Diabetes University of Florida Peak Height
ST001452 AN002427 Targeted metabolomic analysis on hexosamine biosynthetic pathway in flies on time restricted feeding Fly Fruit fly University of California, Davis Peak height normalized with creatinine
ST002284 AN003733 Genetically defined human GBM organoids reveal principles of GBM development and actionable targets Cultured cells Human Cancer DKFZ peak intensity
ST003112 AN005111 Glucose Hypometabolism Prompts RAN Translation and Exacerbates C9orf72-related ALS/FTD Phenotypes Brain Mouse Neurodegenerative Disorder Thomas Jefferson University peak intensity
ST003113 AN005098 Inhibition of Asparagine Synthetase Effectively Retards Polycystic Kidney Disease Progression, investigated with targeted tracing metabolomics analysis in MEF cells using 15N2-glutamine. Cultured cells Mouse Kidney disease San Raffaele University peak intensity
ST003113 AN005099 Inhibition of Asparagine Synthetase Effectively Retards Polycystic Kidney Disease Progression, investigated with targeted tracing metabolomics analysis in MEF cells using 15N2-glutamine. Cultured cells Mouse Kidney disease San Raffaele University peak intensity
ST003118 AN005112 Glucose Hypometabolism Prompts RAN Translation and Exacerbates C9orf72-related ALS/FTD Phenotypes - Study 2 Brain Mouse Neurodegenerative Disorder Thomas Jefferson University peak intensity
ST001204 AN002004 Peroxide antimalarial extended treatment timecourse on trophozoite-stage P. falciparum parasites Cultured cells Human Malaria Monash University Peak intensity
ST001204 AN002004 Peroxide antimalarial extended treatment timecourse on trophozoite-stage P. falciparum parasites Cultured cells Plasmodium falciparum Malaria Monash University Peak intensity
ST001382 AN002303 Distinct metabolic states of a cell guide alternate fates of mutational buffering through altered proteostasis Bacterial cells E. coli CSIR National Chemical Laboratory Peak intensity
ST002541 AN004186 Methionine restriction constrains lipoylation and activates mitochondria for nitrogenic synthesis of amino acids (Part 1) Yeast cells Yeast Life Sciences Institute, ZheJiang University Peak intensity
ST002542 AN004188 Methionine restriction constrains lipoylation and activates mitochondria for nitrogenic synthesis of amino acids (Part 2) Yeast cells Yeast Life Sciences Institute, ZheJiang University Peak intensity
ST002872 AN004708 Comparative multi-omics analyses of cardiac mitochondrial stress in three mouse models of frataxin deficiency Heart Mouse Cardiomyopathy Weill Cornell Medicine Peak intensity
ST002872 AN004708 Comparative multi-omics analyses of cardiac mitochondrial stress in three mouse models of frataxin deficiency Heart Mouse Friedreichs Ataxia Weill Cornell Medicine Peak intensity
ST002927 AN004800 O-GlcNAcase activity maintains stress granules for proximity-enhanced ATP production to ensure recovery from stress Cultured cells Human Stress Zhejiang University Peak intensity
ST002270 AN003711 Xenopus tropicalis glycolysis and PPP inhibition Tail Western clawed frog University of Washington Peak Intensity
ST003126 AN005125 Effect of high fat diet on heart metabolome of CHCHD10 mutant mice Heart Mouse Cardiomyopathy Weill Cornell Medicine Peak Intensity
ST003128 AN005128 Effect of high fat diet on serum lipidome and metabolome in CHCHD10 Mutant Mice Blood Mouse Cardiomyopathy Weill Cornell Medicine Peak Intensity
ST000451 AN000707 The alpha-1A adrenergic receptor agonist A61603 reduces cardiac polyunsaturated fatty acid-Heart raw data Muscle Mouse University of North Carolina Peak values (scaled)
ST003313 AN005425 Integrative analysis of serum and fecal metabolome and the microbiome that herald Crohn Disease flare - feces Feces Human Inflammatory bowel disease; Crohn disease Sheba hospital percentage of metabolites per sample
ST001745 AN002841 Metabolomic profiling of the rat hippocampus across developmental ages and after learning Brain Rat New York University pmoles/l
ST002805 AN004561 IL-1β-mediated adaptive re-programming of endogenous human cardiac fibroblasts to cells with immune features during fibrotic remodeling Cultured cells Human Pulmonary hypertension Brown University Q3 Peak Area (area under curve)
ST003495 AN005736 Hepatocyte Period 1 dictates oxidative substrate selection independent of the core circadian clock Liver Mouse Washington University in St. Louis Raw Area
ST001835 AN002977 Use of Integrated Metabolomics, Transcriptomics, and Signal Protein Profile to Characterize the Effector Function and Associated Metabotype of Polarized Macrophage Phenotypes Blood Human Idaho Veterans Research and Education Foundation raw area count
ST001683 AN002747 A gut microbe-focused metabolomics pipeline enables mechanistic interrogation of microbiome metabolism. Blood Mouse Stanford University Raw ion count (peak area)
ST001683 AN002747 A gut microbe-focused metabolomics pipeline enables mechanistic interrogation of microbiome metabolism. Feces Mouse Stanford University Raw ion count (peak area)
ST001683 AN002747 A gut microbe-focused metabolomics pipeline enables mechanistic interrogation of microbiome metabolism. Intestine Mouse Stanford University Raw ion count (peak area)
ST001683 AN002747 A gut microbe-focused metabolomics pipeline enables mechanistic interrogation of microbiome metabolism. Urine Mouse Stanford University Raw ion count (peak area)
ST001683 AN002748 A gut microbe-focused metabolomics pipeline enables mechanistic interrogation of microbiome metabolism. Blood Mouse Stanford University Raw ion count (peak area)
ST001683 AN002748 A gut microbe-focused metabolomics pipeline enables mechanistic interrogation of microbiome metabolism. Feces Mouse Stanford University Raw ion count (peak area)
ST001683 AN002748 A gut microbe-focused metabolomics pipeline enables mechanistic interrogation of microbiome metabolism. Intestine Mouse Stanford University Raw ion count (peak area)
ST001683 AN002748 A gut microbe-focused metabolomics pipeline enables mechanistic interrogation of microbiome metabolism. Urine Mouse Stanford University Raw ion count (peak area)
ST002082 AN003398 Predicting dying: a study of the metabolic changes and the dying process in patients with lung cancer Urine Human Cancer University of Liverpool Institute of Life Course & Medical Sciences raw peak area
ST003132 AN005142 Untargeted Metabolomics on Mouse colonic mucosa Colonic mucosa Mouse University College Cork Raw Peak Area
ST003101 AN005073 Parallel pheromonal, metabolite, and lipid analyses reveal patterns associated with early life transitions and ovary activation in honey bee (Apis mellifera) queens Bee heads Honey bee Life Sciences Institute, The University of British Columbia Rel Abundance
ST003281 AN005375 Phosphate availability conditions caspofungin tolerance, capsule attachment and titan cell formation in Cryptococcus neoformans Fungal cells Cryptococcus neoformans Meningoencephalitis University of British Columbia Rel Abundance
ST001404 AN002346 Ontogeny related changes in the pediatric liver metabolome (part-III) Liver Human Moffitt Cancer Center Relative Abundance
ST003298 AN005403 Annual changes on metabolomics profile in latex Latex Plant Sumitomo Riko Co., Ltd. Relative Area
ST002106 AN003445 Genetic and chemical validation of Plasmodium falciparum aminopeptidase PfA-M17 as a drug target in the hemoglobin digestion pathway (Part 1) Blood Plasmodium falciparum Malaria Monash University relative intensity
ST002107 AN003447 Genetic and chemical validation of Plasmodium falciparum aminopeptidase PfA-M17 as a drug target in the hemoglobin digestion pathway (Part 2) Blood Plasmodium falciparum Malaria Monash University relative intensity
ST002108 AN003448 Genetic and chemical validation of Plasmodium falciparum aminopeptidase PfA-M17 as a drug target in the hemoglobin digestion pathway (Part 3) Blood Plasmodium falciparum Malaria Monash University relative intensity
ST002513 AN004139 Gnotobiotic mice: Metabolites in serum of germ-free mice colonized with strains of gut bacterium Eggerthella lenta Blood Mouse University of California, San Francisco relative ion counts
ST001869 AN003031 WNK463 Inhibition on Right Ventricular metabolomics Heart Rat Hypertension University of Minnesota relative value
ST001870 AN003032 Effects of GP130 Antagonism on Right Ventricular Metabolism in Monocrotaline Rats Heart Rat University of Minnesota relative value
ST001970 AN003211 Analytical methodology for a metabolome atlas of goat’s plasma, milk and feces using 1H-NMR and UHPLC-HRMS:MS/milk Milk Goat INSERM SI
ST001970 AN003212 Analytical methodology for a metabolome atlas of goat’s plasma, milk and feces using 1H-NMR and UHPLC-HRMS:MS/milk Milk Goat INSERM SI
ST002231 AN003641 Metabolomics Analysis of HOG-EV and HOG-R132H Cells with and without BAY 2402234 Treatment Cultured cells Human Cancer UT Southwestern Medical Center TIC-Corrected Peak Area
ST003161 AN005186 Diet-omics in the Study of Urban and Rural Crohn disease Evolution (SOURCE) cohort Feces Human Inflammatory bowel disease Sheba hospital TSS normalized values
ST002171 AN003558 Serum metabolome of specific-pathogen-free mice fed with five distinct rodent diets with varying fiber content and source. Blood Mouse Luxembourg Institute of Health uM
ST002082 AN003396 Predicting dying: a study of the metabolic changes and the dying process in patients with lung cancer Urine Human Cancer University of Liverpool Institute of Life Course & Medical Sciences Values are raw peak area
ST002082 AN003397 Predicting dying: a study of the metabolic changes and the dying process in patients with lung cancer Urine Human Cancer University of Liverpool Institute of Life Course & Medical Sciences Values are raw peak area
ST002212 AN003617 Human fecal metabolome profiles under 3 different dietary terms Feces Human Keio University µmol/g