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List of Studies ( Metabolite:Glucuronolactone)

ST001680 AN002739 Metabolome of NAFLD in high fat diet mouse model Liver Mouse Fatty liver disease Weill Cornell Medicine Abundance
ST002179 AN003569 Impact of nitisinone on the cerebrospinal fluid metabolome of a murine model of alkaptonuria Cerebrospinal fluid Mouse Genetic disease University of Liverpool Institute of Life Course & Medical Sciences area
ST002316 AN003783 Differential requirements for mitochondrial electron transport chain components in the adult murine liver - Untargeted Metabolomics (qTOF) Liver Mouse Metabolic syndrome The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas area
ST002211 AN003615 Effects of Medwakh Smoking on Oxidative Stress and Inflammation Among Youth in UAE using Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry Saliva Human Oxidative stress Sharjah Institute for Medical Research AU
ST002248 AN003674 Quantitative multi-Omics analysis of paclitaxel-loaded Poly(lactide-co-glycolide) nanoparticles for identification of potential biomarkers for head and neck cancer Cultured cells Human Cancer University of Sharjah AU
ST002273 AN003715 Multi-Omics analysis revealed a significant alteration of critical metabolic pathways due to sorafenib-resistance in Hep3B cell lines Cultured cells Human Cancer Sharjah Institute for Medical Research AU
ST002447 AN003988 Bioactive molecule(s) of gut bacteria of Crocodile (Crocodylus palustris) as potential pharmaceuticals Pseudomonas aeruginosa Bacterial infection Sharjah Institute for Medical Research AU
ST002731 AN004428 Untargeted Multi-Omics of LNCaP Cell-line Treated with Novel DNA Minor Groove Binder and /or Doxorubicin Using Mass-Spectrometry LNCaP cells Human Cancer Sharjah Institute for Medical Research AU
ST002910 AN004779 Identifying the impact of RelA overexpression in triple negative breast cancer cells using mass spectroscopy-based proteomics and metabolomics analysis Cultured cells Human Cancer Sharjah Institute for Medical Research AU
ST002975 AN004885 Metabolomics Insights into Doxorubicin and 5-Fluorouracil Combination Therapy in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer: A Xenograft Model Study (Part 1) Blood Mouse Cancer Sharjah Institute for Medical Research AU
ST003029 AN004966 Estrogen-mediated inhibition of purine metabolism and cell cycle arrest as a novel therapeutic approach in colorectal cancer cells Colorectal Cancer Cells Human Cancer Sharjah Institute for Medical Research AU
ST003146 AN005162 Exploring The Impact of Two Novel DNA Minor Groove Binders on HCT-116 Cells: A Comprehensive Multi-Omics Analysis Using Mass Spectrometry Cultured cells Human Cancer Sharjah Institute for Medical Research AU
ST003201 AN005251 Molecular signatures of xenograft colon cancer models treated with topotecan: A Mass Spectrometry-Based Study Blood Mouse Cancer Sharjah Institute for Medical Research AU
ST003028 AN004964 Chronic stress dampens Lactobacillus johnsonii-mediated tumor suppression to enhance colorectal cancer progression Colon Mouse Cancer China Pharmaceutical University count per second (cps)
ST000041 AN000062 High PUFA diet in humans Blood Human University of Michigan Counts
ST000042 AN000065 BALF Control vs ALI by RPLC-MS Lung Human University of Michigan Counts
ST000044 AN000069 Pilot experiment looking for the existence of certain molecules in pancreatic cancer cells Pancreas Human Cancer University of Michigan Counts
ST000090 AN000144 Caloric Restriction vs drugs Blood Mouse University of Michigan Counts
ST000105 AN000174 SCOR Metabolomics Blood Human University of Chicago Counts
ST000106 AN000176 IWMS Study 1:Weight comparison of obese and lean patients Blood Human Obesity University of Michigan Counts
ST001805 AN002927 Metabolic responses of two pioneer wood decay fungi to diurnally cycling temperature Exidia glandulosa Swansea University Integrated signal (SpectConnect)
ST001805 AN002927 Metabolic responses of two pioneer wood decay fungi to diurnally cycling temperature Mucidula mucida Swansea University Integrated signal (SpectConnect)
ST002797 AN004551 Fetal metabolic adaptations to cardiovascular stress in twin-twin transfusion syndrome Amniotic fluid Human Twin-twin transfusion syndrome University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston intensity
ST002459 AN004013 Comparison of metabolite profiles from matched whole blood microsamplers, whole blood dried blood spots, and plasma. Blood Human Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Ion abundance
ST002477 AN004046 Neutrophil metabolomics in COVID-19 Neutrophils Human COVID-19 UT Southwestern Medical Center MS reading
ST003143 AN005157 Mitochondrial complex I promotes kidney cancer metastasis Kidney Human Cancer University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas Normalized Abundance
ST003143 AN005157 Mitochondrial complex I promotes kidney cancer metastasis Tumor cells Human Cancer University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas Normalized Abundance
ST003143 AN005158 Mitochondrial complex I promotes kidney cancer metastasis Kidney Human Cancer University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas Normalized Abundance
ST003143 AN005158 Mitochondrial complex I promotes kidney cancer metastasis Tumor cells Human Cancer University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas Normalized Abundance
ST001841 AN002984 Metabolomics of lung microdissections reveals region- and sex-specific metabolic effects of acute naphthalene exposure in mice (part II) Liver Mouse Oxidative stress University of California, Davis normalized peak height
ST000009 AN000024 Mixed meal tolerance Human University of Michigan Peak area
ST000017 AN000035 Rat HCR/LCR Stamina Study Blood Rat University of Michigan Peak area
ST000244 AN000382 Metabolomic Diagnosis in Horse Blood Horse University of Florida Peak area
ST000291 AN000465 LC-MS Based Approaches to Investigate Metabolomic Differences in the Urine of Young Women after Drinking Cranberry Juice or Apple Juice Urine Human University of Florida Peak area
ST000692 AN001070 Metabolites produced by strains associated with inflammation Bacterial cells Treponema Inflammation University of Michigan Peak area
ST000694 AN001074 Differences in bile acids composition between ASCL5 knockout and floxed mice. Intestine Mouse University of Michigan Peak area
ST001385 AN002313 Urine Metabolomics Urine Human Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Peak area
ST003249 AN005322 Mitochondrial respiration impairment in microglia dampens response to demyelinating injury but is not sufficient to induce an aging phenotype Microglia Mouse Alzheimers disease Northwestern University Peak area
ST000243 AN000380 Metabolomic-based investigation on the effects of antifungal agents in Candida albicans Yeast cells Candida albicans University of Florida Peak height
ST000294 AN000471 Mechanisms of Metabolic Cycles in Diapausing Flesh Fly by Metabolomics Approach Whole insect Flesh Fly University of Florida Peak height
ST000564 AN000866 2014 Biotron Experiment Metabolites (part II) Maize kernel Maize University of Florida Peak height
ST000564 AN000867 2014 Biotron Experiment Metabolites (part II) Maize kernel Maize University of Florida Peak height
ST001274 AN002115 Metabolomics-based profiling of the mode of action of Pathogen Box compounds in Trypanosoma brucei (part-I) Cultured cells Trypanosoma brucei Sleeping sickness Monash University Peak height
ST001048 AN001716 Pediatric Inner-City Environmental Exposures at School and Home and Asthma Study Urine Human Asthma Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Peak intensity
ST001317 AN002192 Dynamics of Exposure, Phthalates, and Asthma in a Randomized Trial (DEPART) Urine Human Asthma Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Peak intensity
ST001317 AN002192 Dynamics of Exposure, Phthalates, and Asthma in a Randomized Trial (DEPART) Urine Human Environmental exposure Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Peak intensity
ST003313 AN005425 Integrative analysis of serum and fecal metabolome and the microbiome that herald Crohn Disease flare - feces Feces Human Inflammatory bowel disease; Crohn disease Sheba hospital percentage of metabolites per sample
ST002094 AN003420 Commensal intestinal microbiota regulates host luminal proteolytic activity and intestinal barrier integrity through β-glucuronidase activity (Part 1) Feces Human Irritable bowel syndrome Mayo Clinic raw intensity
ST002434 AN003964 Metabolomics analysis of heart from CHCHD10S59L/+ KI mice Heart Mouse ALS INSERM relative units
ST002231 AN003641 Metabolomics Analysis of HOG-EV and HOG-R132H Cells with and without BAY 2402234 Treatment Cultured cells Human Cancer UT Southwestern Medical Center TIC-Corrected Peak Area
ST003161 AN005186 Diet-omics in the Study of Urban and Rural Crohn disease Evolution (SOURCE) cohort Feces Human Inflammatory bowel disease Sheba hospital TSS normalized values
ST002082 AN003396 Predicting dying: a study of the metabolic changes and the dying process in patients with lung cancer Urine Human Cancer University of Liverpool Institute of Life Course & Medical Sciences Values are raw peak area
ST002082 AN003397 Predicting dying: a study of the metabolic changes and the dying process in patients with lung cancer Urine Human Cancer University of Liverpool Institute of Life Course & Medical Sciences Values are raw peak area