Compare metabolites in 2 of these studies:
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List of Studies ( Metabolite:Hexacosahexaenoic acid)

ST002813 AN004576 Effects of acute cold exposure on mouse metabolome BAT Mouse University of Pennsylvania Intensity
ST002813 AN004576 Effects of acute cold exposure on mouse metabolome Blood Mouse University of Pennsylvania Intensity
ST002813 AN004576 Effects of acute cold exposure on mouse metabolome Diaphragm Mouse University of Pennsylvania Intensity
ST002813 AN004576 Effects of acute cold exposure on mouse metabolome gWAT Mouse University of Pennsylvania Intensity
ST002813 AN004576 Effects of acute cold exposure on mouse metabolome Heart Mouse University of Pennsylvania Intensity
ST002813 AN004576 Effects of acute cold exposure on mouse metabolome Liver Mouse University of Pennsylvania Intensity
ST002813 AN004576 Effects of acute cold exposure on mouse metabolome Quadriceps Mouse University of Pennsylvania Intensity
ST003241 AN005310 Lipidomic analysis of lung from Gclc WT and whole-body Gclc KO mice. Lung Mouse Oxidative stress University of Rochester Medical Center Normalized to the median value of total lipid signals
ST003241 AN005310 Lipidomic analysis of lung from Gclc WT and whole-body Gclc KO mice. Lung Mouse Stress University of Rochester Medical Center Normalized to the median value of total lipid signals
ST003226 AN005289 Lipidomic analysis of Axon Regeneration in Xenopus laevis Retina Eye tissue Frog Eye disease University of Miami peak area
ST003226 AN005289 Lipidomic analysis of Axon Regeneration in Xenopus laevis Retina Eye tissue Frog Glaucoma University of Miami peak area
ST003038 AN004985 Untargeted lipidomics of WT and Cyp2c44(-/-) mice liver. Liver Mouse Diabetes Vanderbilt University Medical Center peakarea
ST001063 AN001740 Lipidomics analysis for aged mice organs Adipose tissue Mouse Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited Peak area
ST001063 AN001740 Lipidomics analysis for aged mice organs Brain Mouse Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited Peak area
ST001063 AN001740 Lipidomics analysis for aged mice organs Liver Mouse Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited Peak area
ST001063 AN001740 Lipidomics analysis for aged mice organs Muscle Mouse Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited Peak area
ST003226 AN005290 Lipidomic analysis of Axon Regeneration in Xenopus laevis Retina Eye tissue Frog Eye disease University of Miami peak results
ST003226 AN005290 Lipidomic analysis of Axon Regeneration in Xenopus laevis Retina Eye tissue Frog Glaucoma University of Miami peak results