Compare metabolites in 2 of these studies:
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List of Studies ( Metabolite:Isorhamnetin)

ST001955 AN003181 Metabonomics analysis reveals the physiological mechanism of promoting maize shoots growth under negative pressure to stabilize soil water content Leaves Maize Heilongjiang Bayi Agricultural University µg/100ml
ST000148 AN000235 A549 13C-labeled Cell Study Epithelial cells Human Cancer University of Kentucky normalized corrected peak area
ST002407 AN003924 Spatial, temporal, and inter-subject variation of the metabolome along the human upper intestinal tract Intestine Human UC Davis Peak Height
ST002493 AN004091 Composition of raw plant-based food items Pilot Study Plant Plants Massachusetts Institute of Technology peak intensity
ST000046 AN000078 Identification of altered metabolic pathways in Alzheimer's disease, mild cognitive impairment and cognitively normals using Metabolomics (plasma) Blood Human Alzheimers disease Mayo Clinic Raw MS Intensities