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List of Studies ( Metabolite:LPC O-20:5)

Study_idAnalysis_idStudy_titleSourceSpeciesDiseaseInstituteAnalysis Type
ST003776 AN006202 Investigation of Hepatic Lipid Alterations Following Micro- and Nanoplastic-Ingestion Liver Mouse Environmental exposure University of Bonn LC-MS
ST003702 AN006074 Kupffer cells control neonatal hepatic glucose metabolism via Igf1 signaling - lipidomics analysis of postnatal day 0 murine livers after macropahges depletion using Csf1r conditional KO Liver Mouse University of Bonn LC-MS
ST003614 AN005939 Kupffer cells control neonatal hepatic glucose metabolism via Igf1 signaling - lipidomics analysis of postnatal day 0 murine livers after macropahges depletion Liver Mouse University of Bonn LC-MS
ST002782 AN004529 Lipidomics analysis of maternal obesity model - knock out Liver Mouse Fatty liver disease University of Bonn MS(Dir. Inf.)
ST002782 AN004529 Lipidomics analysis of maternal obesity model - knock out Liver Mouse Obesity University of Bonn MS(Dir. Inf.)
ST002781 AN004528 Lipidomics analysis of maternal obesity model - wild type Liver Mouse Fatty liver disease University of Bonn MS(Dir. Inf.)
ST002781 AN004528 Lipidomics analysis of maternal obesity model - wild type Liver Mouse Obesity University of Bonn MS(Dir. Inf.)