Compare metabolites in 2 of these studies:
Study A:   Study B:  

List of Studies ( Metabolite:Leu-Phe)

ST002470 AN004029 Linking bacterial metabolites to disease-associated microbes to uncover mechanisms of host-microbial interactions in intestinal inflammation. Human plasma profiling Blood Human Ulcerative colitis Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard Abundance
ST002471 AN004033 Linking bacterial metabolites to disease-associated microbes to uncover mechanisms of host-microbial interactions in intestinal inflammation. Human stool profiling Feces Human Ulcerative colitis Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard Abundance
ST002472 AN004037 Linking bacterial metabolites to disease-associated microbes to uncover mechanisms of host-microbial interactions in intestinal inflammation. Veillonella parvula cell and media profiling Bacterial cells Veillonella parvula Ulcerative colitis Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard Abundance
ST002759 AN004480 Metabolic responses of normal rat kidneys to a high salt intake (Kidney cortex) Kidney cortex Rat Medical College of Wisconsin Area
ST002760 AN004483 Metabolic responses of normal rat kidneys to a high salt intake (Kidney outer medulla) Kidney outer medulla Rat Medical College of Wisconsin Area
ST002760 AN004484 Metabolic responses of normal rat kidneys to a high salt intake (Kidney outer medulla) Kidney outer medulla Rat Medical College of Wisconsin Area
ST003066 AN005022 Heritability of RBC metabolites: baseline correlation of metabolites and markers of RBC health and stability Erythrocytes Human University of Iowa area under curve
ST002460 AN004014 Paleamon metabolomics Shrimp organs Common prawn National Museum of Natural History counts
ST000042 AN000064 BALF Control vs ALI by RPLC-MS Lung Human University of Michigan Counts
ST000105 AN000173 SCOR Metabolomics Blood Human University of Chicago Counts
ST000106 AN000175 IWMS Study 1:Weight comparison of obese and lean patients Blood Human Obesity University of Michigan Counts
ST002747 AN004454 Evolutionary genomics identifies host-directed therapeutics to treat intracellular bacterial infections Cultured cells Human CZ Biohub counts, height
ST002747 AN004454 Evolutionary genomics identifies host-directed therapeutics to treat intracellular bacterial infections Cultured cells Rickettsia parkeri CZ Biohub counts, height
ST000508 AN000778 Metabolic Profiling of Date Palm Fruits Plant Date palm Weill Cornell Medicine in Qatar Counts per second
ST000867 AN001396 Metabolic Profiling of Date Palm Fruits (part II) Date palm fruit Date palm Weill Cornell Medicine in Qatar Counts per second
ST002775 AN004517 Zebrafish Retina Regeneration Metabolomics - 3 Days Post Crush Eye tissue Zebrafish Eye disease University of Miami Normalized Concentrations
ST002775 AN004518 Zebrafish Retina Regeneration Metabolomics - 3 Days Post Crush Eye tissue Zebrafish Eye disease University of Miami Normalized Concentrations
ST002444 AN003981 Zebrafish Optic Nerve Regeneration Metabolomics - 3 Days Post Crush Eye tissue Zebrafish Eye disease University of Miami normalized peak areas
ST002444 AN003982 Zebrafish Optic Nerve Regeneration Metabolomics - 3 Days Post Crush Eye tissue Zebrafish Eye disease University of Miami normalized peak areas
ST002028 AN003298 Metabolomics Analysis of Blood Plasma and Stool from Six Week Flaxseed Dietary Intervention in Postmenopausal Women (Stool/HILIC) Feces Human UC Davis normalized peak height
ST002966 AN004873 Metabolomics reveal the pathway of benzylisoquinoline alkaloids in Corydalis yanhusuo bulbs Plant Plant Chongqing Academy of Chinese Materia Medica, Chongqing, China peak area
ST000016 AN000033 NPM-ALK metabolic regulation Lymphoma cells Human University of Michigan Peak area
ST000017 AN000034 Rat HCR/LCR Stamina Study Blood Rat University of Michigan Peak area
ST000230 AN000344 Comprehensive analysis of transcriptome and metabolome in Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma and Hepatocellular Carcinoma Liver Human Cancer Osaka City University Peak area
ST000231 AN000346 Comprehensive analysis of transcriptome and metabolome in Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma and Hepatocellular Carcinoma (part II) Liver Human Cancer Osaka City University Peak area
ST002505 AN004127 A Mammalian Conserved Circular RNA CircLARP2 Regulates Hepatocellular Carcinoma Metastasis and Lipid Metabolism (Part 1) Cultured cells Human Cancer University of Science and Technology of China Peak area
ST002977 AN004887 Offline Two-dimensional Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry for Deep Annotation of the Fecal Metabolome following Fecal Microbiota Transplant Feces Human University of Michigan Peak area
ST002977 AN004889 Offline Two-dimensional Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry for Deep Annotation of the Fecal Metabolome following Fecal Microbiota Transplant Feces Human University of Michigan Peak area
ST003348 AN005483 An integrated LC-MS analysis of the biometric characteristics of different time cohorts of race walkers - untargeted Blood Human The First Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical University Peak area
ST002776 AN004520 Zebrafish Optic Nerve Regeneration, Tectum Metabolomics - 3 Days Post Crush Eye tissue Zebrafish Eye disease University of Miami Peak Area
ST002787 AN004534 Metabolomic analysis of gut metabolites in colorectal cancer patients: correlation with disease development and outcome Feces Human Cancer Wuhan University of Science and Technology Peak Area
ST002075 AN003382 Profiling of the human intestinal microbiome and bile acids under physiologic conditions using an ingestible sampling device (Part 2) Intestine Human UC Davis peak height
ST003036 AN004977 Identifying and mathematically modeling the time-course of extracellular metabolic markers associated with resistance to ceftolozane/tazobactam in Pseudomonas aeruginosa - Part 2 Bacterial cells Pseudomonas aeruginosa Bacterial infection Monash Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences peak height
ST002832 AN004625 Resource competition predicts assembly of in vitro gut bacterial communities- HILIC Bacterial cells Bacteroides fragilis Stanford University Peak height
ST002832 AN004625 Resource competition predicts assembly of in vitro gut bacterial communities- HILIC Bacterial cells Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron Stanford University Peak height
ST002832 AN004625 Resource competition predicts assembly of in vitro gut bacterial communities- HILIC Bacterial cells Bacteroides uniformis Stanford University Peak height
ST002832 AN004625 Resource competition predicts assembly of in vitro gut bacterial communities- HILIC Bacterial cells Blautia producta Stanford University Peak height
ST002832 AN004625 Resource competition predicts assembly of in vitro gut bacterial communities- HILIC Bacterial cells Clostridium clostridioforme Stanford University Peak height
ST002832 AN004625 Resource competition predicts assembly of in vitro gut bacterial communities- HILIC Bacterial cells Clostridium hathewayi Stanford University Peak height
ST002832 AN004625 Resource competition predicts assembly of in vitro gut bacterial communities- HILIC Bacterial cells Clostridium hylemonae Stanford University Peak height
ST002832 AN004625 Resource competition predicts assembly of in vitro gut bacterial communities- HILIC Bacterial cells Clostridium scindens Stanford University Peak height
ST002832 AN004625 Resource competition predicts assembly of in vitro gut bacterial communities- HILIC Bacterial cells Clostridium symbiosum Stanford University Peak height
ST002832 AN004625 Resource competition predicts assembly of in vitro gut bacterial communities- HILIC Bacterial cells Enterococcus faecalis Stanford University Peak height
ST002832 AN004625 Resource competition predicts assembly of in vitro gut bacterial communities- HILIC Bacterial cells Enterococcus faecium Stanford University Peak height
ST002832 AN004625 Resource competition predicts assembly of in vitro gut bacterial communities- HILIC Bacterial cells Enterococcus hirae Stanford University Peak height
ST002832 AN004625 Resource competition predicts assembly of in vitro gut bacterial communities- HILIC Bacterial cells Escherichia fergusonii Stanford University Peak height
ST002832 AN004625 Resource competition predicts assembly of in vitro gut bacterial communities- HILIC Bacterial cells Flavonifractor plautii Stanford University Peak height
ST002832 AN004625 Resource competition predicts assembly of in vitro gut bacterial communities- HILIC Bacterial cells Parabacteroides distasonis Stanford University Peak height
ST001794 AN002911 Metabolomics Analysis of Time-Series Gastrointestinal Lumen Samples Intestine Human University of California, Davis Peak Height Intensity
ST002493 AN004086 Composition of raw plant-based food items Pilot Study Plant Plants Massachusetts Institute of Technology peak intensity
ST002512 AN004136 Gnotobiotic mice: Metabolites in intestinal contents of germ-free mice colonized with strains of gut bacterium Eggerthella lenta Intestine Mouse University of California, San Francisco relative ion counts
ST000974 AN001595 GC6-74 matabolomic of TB (Part 1: Plasma) Blood Human Tuberculosis Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology scaled units
ST000975 AN001596 GC6-74 metabolomics of TB vs healthy (Part 2: Serum) Blood Human Tuberculosis Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology scaled units