Compare metabolites in 2 of these studies:
Study A:   Study B:  

List of Studies ( Metabolite:Loganic acid)

ST002761 AN004489 Metabolic responses of normal rat kidneys to a high salt intake (Urine) Urine Rat Medical College of Wisconsin Area
ST000508 AN000778 Metabolic Profiling of Date Palm Fruits Plant Date palm Weill Cornell Medicine in Qatar Counts per second
ST000867 AN001396 Metabolic Profiling of Date Palm Fruits (part II) Date palm fruit Date palm Weill Cornell Medicine in Qatar Counts per second
ST002444 AN003981 Zebrafish Optic Nerve Regeneration Metabolomics - 3 Days Post Crush Eye tissue Zebrafish Eye disease University of Miami normalized peak areas
ST003333 AN005461 Urine Metabolite Profiling in Indian Male Population at High Altitude using Liquid Chromatography – Mass Spectrometry: A Longitudinal Pilot Study Urine Human Environmental exposure; Hypoxia Defence Institute of Physiology and Allied Sceinces Peak area
ST002066 AN003365 Glutaminase inhibition impairs CD8 T cell activation in STK11/Lkb1 deficient lung cancer Lung Mouse Cancer The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research peak height
ST002094 AN003420 Commensal intestinal microbiota regulates host luminal proteolytic activity and intestinal barrier integrity through β-glucuronidase activity (Part 1) Feces Human Irritable bowel syndrome Mayo Clinic raw intensity