Compare metabolites in 2 of these studies:
Study A:   Study B:  

List of Studies ( Metabolite:Monoisononyl phthalate)

ST002866 AN004698 The role of PFAS exposures in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and hepatocellular carcinoma in the Multiethnic Cohort Blood Human Cancer University of Southern California abundance
ST002866 AN004698 The role of PFAS exposures in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and hepatocellular carcinoma in the Multiethnic Cohort Blood Human NASH University of Southern California abundance
ST002866 AN004699 The role of PFAS exposures in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and hepatocellular carcinoma in the Multiethnic Cohort Blood Human Cancer University of Southern California abundance
ST002866 AN004699 The role of PFAS exposures in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and hepatocellular carcinoma in the Multiethnic Cohort Blood Human NASH University of Southern California abundance
ST002459 AN004012 Comparison of metabolite profiles from matched whole blood microsamplers, whole blood dried blood spots, and plasma. Blood Human Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Ion abundance
ST001317 AN002193 Dynamics of Exposure, Phthalates, and Asthma in a Randomized Trial (DEPART) Urine Human Asthma Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Peak intensity
ST001317 AN002193 Dynamics of Exposure, Phthalates, and Asthma in a Randomized Trial (DEPART) Urine Human Environmental exposure Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Peak intensity