Compare metabolites in 2 of these studies:
Study A:   Study B:  

List of Studies ( Metabolite:PE 16:0/15:0)

Study_idAnalysis_idStudy_titleSourceSpeciesDiseaseInstituteAnalysis Type
ST001345 AN002239 C56BL6 WT or IFNARKO BMDM stimulated with different TLRs (part-V) Macrophages Mouse University of California, Los Angeles MS(Dir. Inf.)
ST001344 AN002238 C56BL6 WT or MyD88KO BMDM stimulated with different TLRs (part-IV) Macrophages Mouse University of California, Los Angeles MS(Dir. Inf.)
ST001343 AN002237 C56BL6 WT or TRIFKO BMDM stimulated with different TLRs (part-III) Macrophages Mouse University of California, Los Angeles MS(Dir. Inf.)
ST001342 AN002236 Timecourse of C56BL6 BMDM stimulated with different TLRs (part-I) Macrophages Mouse University of California, Los Angeles MS(Dir. Inf.)
ST001341 AN002235 C56BL6 BMDM stimulated with different TLRs W/O acetylated LDL (part-II) Macrophages Mouse University of California, Los Angeles MS(Dir. Inf.)