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List of Studies ( Metabolite:PG 38:4)

Study_idAnalysis_idStudy_titleSourceSpeciesDiseaseInstituteAnalysis Type
ST003702 AN006074 Kupffer cells control neonatal hepatic glucose metabolism via Igf1 signaling - lipidomics analysis of postnatal day 0 murine livers after macropahges depletion using Csf1r conditional KO Liver Mouse University of Bonn LC-MS
ST003661 AN006018 Lipidomics facilitates the discovery of diagnostic biomarkers in patients with chronic total occlusion during the perioperative period Blood Serum Human Cardiovascular disease Zhongshan Hospital Fudan University LC-MS
ST003614 AN005939 Kupffer cells control neonatal hepatic glucose metabolism via Igf1 signaling - lipidomics analysis of postnatal day 0 murine livers after macropahges depletion Liver Mouse University of Bonn LC-MS
ST003114 AN005102 Lipidomics analyses in model membranes, isolated mitochondria and cellular systems to study how the local lipid environment affects BAX and BAK function during apoptosis. Mitochondria Human Cancer University of Cologne LC-MS
ST003090 AN005055 Analysis of lipid profiles of N2A-Pz1-KO cells expressing tdTOMATO-vector (mock), TMEM120A, or TMEM120B Cultured cells Mouse Rutgers University LC-MS
ST003051 AN005003 Shotgun lipidomics of breast cancer endocrine therapy persisters Breast cancer cells Human Cancer Dartmouth College LC-MS
ST003040 AN004989 MM.1S Myeloma tumor cells and tumors made by subcutaneously injecting 1M Luc+/GFP+ MM.1S cells treated with 50 μM BMS309403 and Vehicle (PBS with a matched concentration of 5% DMSO) Cultured cells Human Cancer Mainehealth LC-MS
ST002926 AN004799 Multi-“omics” analysis reveals the orphan P. falciparum protein kinase PfPK8 regulates multi-gene family expression Blood Plasmodium falciparum Malaria Monash University LC-MS
ST002781 AN004528 Lipidomics analysis of maternal obesity model - wild type Liver Mouse Fatty liver disease University of Bonn MS(Dir. Inf.)
ST002781 AN004528 Lipidomics analysis of maternal obesity model - wild type Liver Mouse Obesity University of Bonn MS(Dir. Inf.)
ST002522 AN004155 Lipidomics study on the effect of LBP protein on hepatic lipid composition in mice Liver Mouse Oxidative stress University of Science and Technology of China LC-MS
ST002505 AN004126 A Mammalian Conserved Circular RNA CircLARP2 Regulates Hepatocellular Carcinoma Metastasis and Lipid Metabolism (Part 1) Cultured cells Human Cancer University of Science and Technology of China LC-MS
ST002360 AN003854 Quantitative lipidomics of TFG-deficient B cells Cultured cells Mouse University of Cologne MS(Dir. Inf.)
ST002309 AN003772 Targeting malaria parasites with novel derivatives of azithromycin Blood Plasmodium falciparum Malaria Monash University LC-MS
ST002284 AN003733 Genetically defined human GBM organoids reveal principles of GBM development and actionable targets Cultured cells Human Cancer DKFZ LC-MS
ST002140 AN003502 Mitochondrial respiration in B lymphocytes is essential for humoral immunity by controlling flux of the TCA cycle B-cells Mouse University of Erlangen-Nürnberg LC-MS/MS(Dir. Inf.)
ST002066 AN003366 Glutaminase inhibition impairs CD8 T cell activation in STK11/Lkb1 deficient lung cancer Lung Mouse Cancer The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research LC-MS
ST002057 AN003349 Distinct Human Hepatocyte Lipidomics Profiles for Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis and In Vitro-Induced Steatosis Cultured cells Human NASH Monash Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences LC-MS
ST001971 AN003216 Lipid Profiling in African-American Men with Prostate Cancer Adipose tissue Human Cancer Baylor College of Medicine LC-MS
ST001971 AN003216 Lipid Profiling in African-American Men with Prostate Cancer Prostate Human Cancer Baylor College of Medicine LC-MS
ST001820 AN002954 WT neurons treated with APOE3/3 and APOE4/4 ACM Neurons Mouse Alzheimers disease Columbia University LC-MS
ST001819 AN002951 EC and PVC from 14-15 month-old APOE3/3, APOE3/4 and APOE4/4 mice Brain Mouse Alzheimers disease Columbia University LC-MS
ST001451 AN002425 Eleostearic acid effects on TAGs and oxLipids Breast cancer cells Human Cancer Fox Chase Cancer Center LC-MS
ST001360 AN002264 Maternal blood lipidomics associated with severe preeclampsia Blood Human Preeclampsia University of Michigan LC-MS
ST001315 AN002190 Retargeting azithromycin-like compounds as antimalarials with dual modality Blood Plasmodium falciparum Malaria Monash University LC-MS
ST001292 AN002150 Metabolomics of blood plasma and kidney tissue from control (db/m) and diabetic (db/db) mice. Kidney Mouse Diabetes University of Michigan LC-MS
ST001289 AN002142 Regulated accumulation of desmosterol integrates macrophage lipid metabolism and inflammatory responses Macrophages Mouse LIPID MAPS GC-MS/LC-MS
ST001288 AN002141 Subcellular organelle lipidomics in TLR-4-activated macrophages Macrophages Mouse LIPID MAPS LC-MS
ST001286 AN002134 Lipid composition of isolated lipid droplets from the functional bovine corpus luteum Ovaries Cow University of Nebraska Medical Center LC-MS
ST001275 AN002116 Metabolomics-based profiling of the mode of action of Pathogen Box compounds in Trypanosoma brucei (part-II) Cultured cells Trypanosoma brucei Sleeping sickness Monash University LC-MS
ST001111 AN001806 Breast Cancer Lipidomics Tissue Adipose tissue Human Cancer Baylor College of Medicine LC-MS
ST001067 AN001747 Lipidomics analysis for aged mice femoral muscle (part - IV) Adipose tissue Mouse Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited LC-MS
ST001067 AN001747 Lipidomics analysis for aged mice femoral muscle (part - IV) Brain Mouse Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited LC-MS
ST001067 AN001747 Lipidomics analysis for aged mice femoral muscle (part - IV) Liver Mouse Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited LC-MS
ST001067 AN001747 Lipidomics analysis for aged mice femoral muscle (part - IV) Muscle Mouse Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited LC-MS
ST001066 AN001745 Lipidomics analysis for aged mice liver (part-III) Adipose tissue Mouse Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited LC-MS
ST001066 AN001745 Lipidomics analysis for aged mice liver (part-III) Brain Mouse Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited LC-MS
ST001066 AN001745 Lipidomics analysis for aged mice liver (part-III) Liver Mouse Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited LC-MS
ST001066 AN001745 Lipidomics analysis for aged mice liver (part-III) Muscle Mouse Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited LC-MS
ST001065 AN001743 Lipidomics analysis for aged mice brain cortex (part-II) Adipose tissue Mouse Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited LC-MS
ST001065 AN001743 Lipidomics analysis for aged mice brain cortex (part-II) Brain Mouse Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited LC-MS
ST001065 AN001743 Lipidomics analysis for aged mice brain cortex (part-II) Liver Mouse Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited LC-MS
ST001065 AN001743 Lipidomics analysis for aged mice brain cortex (part-II) Muscle Mouse Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited LC-MS
ST001063 AN001740 Lipidomics analysis for aged mice organs Adipose tissue Mouse Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited LC-MS
ST001063 AN001740 Lipidomics analysis for aged mice organs Brain Mouse Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited LC-MS
ST001063 AN001740 Lipidomics analysis for aged mice organs Liver Mouse Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited LC-MS
ST001063 AN001740 Lipidomics analysis for aged mice organs Muscle Mouse Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited LC-MS
ST000992 AN001620 Metabolomic Markers of Dietary Patterns in the Costa Rica Study Blood Human Metabolic syndrome University of Michigan LC-MS
ST000842 AN001358 Muscle and plasma before and after exercise Blood Human Obesity University of Michigan LC-MS
ST000823 AN001308 Metabolic profiling of cyst fluid from patients with Intraductal Pancreatic Mucinous Neoplasm (part II) Cyst fluid Human Cancer University of Michigan LC-MS
ST000819 AN001300 Looking for changes in lipid levels with knock out of ACADM (shACADM) (part II) Cultured cells Human University of Michigan LC-MS
ST000781 AN001236 Rabbit Plasma Lipidomics with high fat diet and treatment Blood Rabbit University of Michigan LC-MS
ST000780 AN001234 High fat diet and sciatic nerves functions Blood Mouse Neuropathy University of Michigan LC-MS
ST000779 AN001232 Lipidomics pilot project for mice exposure to bisphenol A and high fat diets Blood Mouse Fatty liver disease University of Michigan LC-MS
ST000778 AN001230 Rat Colon Study effect of Effect of fish oil on azoxymethane (AOM) Colon Rat University of Michigan LC-MS
ST000776 AN001226 Fish Oil distal colon from rats Colon Rat University of Michigan LC-MS
ST000775 AN001224 Michigan Biomarkers for Refractory Depression (Bluebird) metabolomics pilot study Blood Human Depression University of Michigan LC-MS
ST000753 AN001181 Comparison of the metabolome and lipidome of wild type and mdx/mTR mice Muscle Mouse University of Michigan LC-MS
ST000743 AN001161 Metabolomics of bariatric weight loss Unspecified Human Diabetes University of Michigan LC-MS
ST000708 AN001101 Metabolic effects of weight reduction of very low energy diet vs dietary counseling Unspecified Human University of Michigan LC-MS
ST000688 AN001061 Biomarkers for different types of Multiple Scelerosis (MS) (BMS vs SPMS lipidomics) Unspecified Human Multiple sclerosis University of Michigan LC-MS
ST000686 AN001058 Lipodomics and Gestational bisphenol A (BPA) exposure Unspecified Sheep University of Michigan LC-MS
ST000685 AN001056 Lipidomics analysis for human liver cell lines Cultured cells Human University of Michigan LC-MS
ST000684 AN001054 Effect of fatty acids on macrophage (wild type versus knockout) lipid levels Macrophages Mouse University of Michigan LC-MS
ST000683 AN001052 Untargeted Lipidomics for hepatic lipid profile wild type versus knockout Liver Mouse University of Michigan LC-MS
ST000682 AN001050 Retinal tissue knockout to study efflux of cholesterol (AGCA1/G1 double KO - TY and LysM cre) - part II Eye tissue Mouse University of Michigan LC-MS
ST000681 AN001048 ARetinal tissue knockout to study efflux of cholesterol (AGCA1/G1 double KO - TY and LysM cre) Eye tissue Mouse University of Michigan LC-MS
ST000680 AN001046 Functional genomics study on Non Alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) - part III Cultured cells Human Fatty liver disease University of Michigan LC-MS
ST000679 AN001044 Functional genomics study on Non Alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) - part II Cultured cells Human Fatty liver disease University of Michigan LC-MS
ST000678 AN001042 Functional genomics study on Non Alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) Cultured cells Human Fatty liver disease University of Michigan LC-MS
ST000677 AN001040 Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) changes with S.Q. Leptin administrations Blood Human Fatty liver disease University of Michigan LC-MS
ST000676 AN001038 Effect of high fat diet and streptozotocin treatment on neuropathy Blood Mouse Neuropathy University of Michigan LC-MS
ST000675 AN001036 Effects of rosiglitazone treatment on lipid composition Adipose tissue Human University of Michigan LC-MS
ST000674 AN001034 Bmal1-ethanol based diet and liver injury Liver Mouse University of Michigan LC-MS
ST000673 AN001032 Lipidomics in (SIDS) Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Blood Human Sudden infant death syndrome University of Michigan LC-MS
ST000672 AN001030 Diabetic Microvascular Plasma/Tissue Lipidomics- Comparison (part II) Blood Mouse Diabetes University of Michigan LC-MS
ST000671 AN001028 LCR/HCR rat mitochondrial study Mitochondria Rat University of Michigan LC-MS
ST000670 AN001026 Exposure to high fat diets and bisphenol Blood Mouse University of Michigan LC-MS
ST000669 AN001024 Characterization of Retinal Exudates in Coats Disease - lipid profile Eye tissue Human Eye disease University of Michigan LC-MS
ST000667 AN001020 Diabetic Microvascular Plasma/Tissue Lipidomics- Comparison Blood Mouse Diabetes University of Michigan LC-MS
ST000666 AN001018 Rat Rotator Cuff Lipidomics Muscle Rat University of Michigan LC-MS
ST000665 AN001016 Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) Studies Cultured cells Human Fatty liver disease University of Michigan LC-MS
ST000664 AN001014 Nutritional Psychiatric Illness Studies Blood Human Bipolar I Disorder University of Michigan LC-MS
ST000663 AN001012 Metabolic Syndrome Plasma Lipidomics Blood Human Metabolic syndrome University of Michigan LC-MS
ST000662 AN001010 Lipidomics of hormone-sensitive lipase variants Adipose tissue Human University of Michigan LC-MS
ST000661 AN001008 CHOICE clinical weight loss study Blood Human Obesity University of Michigan LC-MS
ST000661 AN001008 CHOICE clinical weight loss study Blood Rat Obesity University of Michigan LC-MS
ST000136 AN000218 NIST lipidomics intralaboratory study Blood Human University of Florida LC-MS
ST000114 AN000193 SIRM Analysis of human P493 cells under hypoxia in [U-13C] labeled Glucose medium B-cells Human Cancer University of Kentucky GC-MS/LC-MS
ST000110 AN000184 SIRM Analysis of human P493 cells under hypoxia in [U-13C/15N] labeled Glutamine medium (Both positive and ion mode FTMS) B-cells Human University of Kentucky GC-MS/LC-MS
ST000076 AN000121 A549 Cell Study Lung Human University of Kentucky GC-MS/LC-MS
ST000005 AN000012 Timecourse on RAW 264.7 cells treated with Kdo2-Lipid A and compactin Macrophages Mouse LIPID MAPS GC-MS/LC-MS
ST000004 AN000005 Lipidomics studies on NIDDK / NIST human plasma samples Blood Human LIPID MAPS LC-MS