Compare metabolites in 2 of these studies:
Study A:   Study B:  

List of Studies ( Metabolite:PI 20:4/18:0)

ST002813 AN004576 Effects of acute cold exposure on mouse metabolome BAT Mouse University of Pennsylvania Intensity
ST002813 AN004576 Effects of acute cold exposure on mouse metabolome Blood Mouse University of Pennsylvania Intensity
ST002813 AN004576 Effects of acute cold exposure on mouse metabolome Diaphragm Mouse University of Pennsylvania Intensity
ST002813 AN004576 Effects of acute cold exposure on mouse metabolome gWAT Mouse University of Pennsylvania Intensity
ST002813 AN004576 Effects of acute cold exposure on mouse metabolome Heart Mouse University of Pennsylvania Intensity
ST002813 AN004576 Effects of acute cold exposure on mouse metabolome Liver Mouse University of Pennsylvania Intensity
ST002813 AN004576 Effects of acute cold exposure on mouse metabolome Quadriceps Mouse University of Pennsylvania Intensity
ST003398 AN005578 Specific activation of the integrated stress response (ISR) uncovers regulation of lipid droplet biogenesis Cultured cells Human Cancer Calico Life Sciences Log2(Top Peak Area)