Compare metabolites in 2 of these studies:
Study A:   Study B:  

List of Studies ( Metabolite:Phenylpropiolic acid)

ST002405 AN003919 Stool global metabolite levels in peanut allergy (Part 2) Feces Human Peanut allergy Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Absolute Intensity
ST002759 AN004481 Metabolic responses of normal rat kidneys to a high salt intake (Kidney cortex) Kidney cortex Rat Medical College of Wisconsin Area
ST002760 AN004485 Metabolic responses of normal rat kidneys to a high salt intake (Kidney outer medulla) Kidney outer medulla Rat Medical College of Wisconsin Area
ST002761 AN004487 Metabolic responses of normal rat kidneys to a high salt intake (Urine) Urine Rat Medical College of Wisconsin Area
ST000450 AN000706 Metabolic features of chronic fatigue syndrome Blood Human Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome University of California, San Diego Area under curve
ST000465 AN000726 Uniquely Tumor-Selective Englerin A Profoundly Alters Lipid Metabolism in Renal Cell Carcinoma inducing ER-Stress and an Acute Inflammatory Response Kidney Human Cancer University of California, San Diego Area under curve
ST001908 AN003105 Post Acute Myocardial Infarction Left Ventricular Remodeling Bio marker Analysis (PAMILA) Blood Human Heart disease National University of Singapore a.u.
ST002123 AN003476 GCN2 regulates mitochondrial OXPHOS in HSPCs under proliferation conditions. Bone marrow Mouse Sun Yat-sen University AU
ST002173 AN003561 Unveiling the mechanism of action of nature-inspired anti-cancer compounds using a multi-Omics approach Cultured cells Human Cancer University of Sharjah AU
ST002250 AN003676 Ramadan diurnal intermittent fasting is associated with significant plasma metabolomics changes in overweight and obese subjects: A prospective cohort study Blood Human Obesity University of Sharjah AU
ST002301 AN003757 Serum metabolomics profiling identifies new predictive biomarkers for disease severity in COVID-19 patients Blood Human COVID-19 Sharjah Institute for Medical Research AU
ST002730 AN004427 Multi-Omics profiling of Candida albicans from agar plate and suspension media Yeast cells Candida albicans University of Sharjah AU
ST002755 AN004472 Metabolomics Profiling of the Antiproliferative, Anti-migratory and Anti-invasive Potential of Amlodipine in Lung Cancer Cells Lung Human Cancer Sharjah Institute for Medical Research AU
ST003201 AN005251 Molecular signatures of xenograft colon cancer models treated with topotecan: A Mass Spectrometry-Based Study Blood Mouse Cancer Sharjah Institute for Medical Research AU
ST002375 AN003870 Metabolomics analysis of WT or GOT1 knockout CD8+ T cells cultured in serine-replete or serine-free media Cultured cells Mouse Johns Hopkins University AUC
ST002024 AN003294 Plasmodium falciparum stable-isotope carbon labeling to explore metabolic consequences of keto–acid dehydrogenase disruption Cultured cells Plasmodium falciparum Malaria Pennsylvania State University Peak Abundance (normalized, blank subtracted, and corrected for baseline noise)
ST002078 AN003388 Multiple modes of interfering with the activity of Plasmodium falciparum cytoplasmic isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase illustrate the enzyme is a promising antimalarial target. Cultured cells Plasmodium falciparum Malaria Pennsylvania State University peak area
ST001382 AN002303 Distinct metabolic states of a cell guide alternate fates of mutational buffering through altered proteostasis Bacterial cells E. coli CSIR National Chemical Laboratory Peak intensity
ST002541 AN004187 Methionine restriction constrains lipoylation and activates mitochondria for nitrogenic synthesis of amino acids (Part 1) Yeast cells Yeast Life Sciences Institute, ZheJiang University Peak intensity
ST002542 AN004189 Methionine restriction constrains lipoylation and activates mitochondria for nitrogenic synthesis of amino acids (Part 2) Yeast cells Yeast Life Sciences Institute, ZheJiang University Peak intensity
ST002805 AN004561 IL-1β-mediated adaptive re-programming of endogenous human cardiac fibroblasts to cells with immune features during fibrotic remodeling Cultured cells Human Pulmonary hypertension Brown University Q3 Peak Area (area under curve)
ST001683 AN002747 A gut microbe-focused metabolomics pipeline enables mechanistic interrogation of microbiome metabolism. Blood Mouse Stanford University Raw ion count (peak area)
ST001683 AN002747 A gut microbe-focused metabolomics pipeline enables mechanistic interrogation of microbiome metabolism. Feces Mouse Stanford University Raw ion count (peak area)
ST001683 AN002747 A gut microbe-focused metabolomics pipeline enables mechanistic interrogation of microbiome metabolism. Intestine Mouse Stanford University Raw ion count (peak area)
ST001683 AN002747 A gut microbe-focused metabolomics pipeline enables mechanistic interrogation of microbiome metabolism. Urine Mouse Stanford University Raw ion count (peak area)