Compare metabolites in 2 of these studies:
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List of Studies ( Metabolite:SM 16:1;O2/24:1)

ST002283 AN003730 The “ForensOMICS” approach to forensic post-mortem interval estimation: combining metabolomics, lipidomics and proteomics for the analysis human skeletal remains Bone Human University of Central Lancashire Area integration
ST001224 AN002037 Vaginal swab lipidome profiles at 48 h reflect the fat composition of neonatal diet during first two days postnatal Vaginal epithelium Pig Purdue University ion count
ST001052 AN001721 Lipidomics for wildlife disease etiology and biomarker discovery: a case study of pansteatitis outbreak in South Africa (part-I) Blood Fish Inflammation South East Center for Integrated Metabolomics mg/kg (relative quantification, NOT ABSOLUTE)
ST001059 AN001733 Lipidomics for wildlife disease etiology and biomarker discovery: a case study of pansteatitis outbreak in South Africa (part-II) Adipose tissue Fish Inflammation South East Center for Integrated Metabolomics mg/kg (relative quantification, NOT ABSOLUTE)
ST002398 AN003905 Lipidomics of Tango2 Deficient and Wildtype Zebrafish Muscle Tissue Muscle Zebrafish Myopathy University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill peak area
ST000612 AN000937 Sphingolipid Analysis of Human Aqueous Humor in Glaucomatous and Control eyes Eye tissue Human Eye disease University of Miami Peak area
ST000613 AN000938 Human TM Sphingolipid Analysis (part II) Eye tissue Human Eye disease University of Miami Peak area
ST000620 AN000952 Sphingolipid Analysis of hyper and normotensive DBA2J mice aqueous humor and trabecular meshwork Mouse Eye disease University of Miami Peak area
ST001442 AN002410 Human Optic Nerve Glaucoma and Control Lipidomes Eye tissue Human Eye disease University of Miami Peak area
ST001907 AN003104 Training-induced bioenergetic improvement in human skeletal muscle is associated with non-stoichiometric changes in the mitochondrial proteome without reorganisation of respiratory chain content Muscle Human Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute pmol per mg
ST002403 AN003917 Deep multi-omic profiling reveals extensive mitochondrial remodeling driven by glycemia in early diabetic kidney disease (Mitochondria) Mitochondria Rat Kidney disease Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute pmol per mg
ST002229 AN003638 Estrogen receptor α deficiency in cardiac myocytes reprograms heart-derived extracellular vesicle proteome and induces obesity in female mice (Part 1) Blood Mouse Obesity Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute pmol per mg (tissues) pmol per ml (plasma)
ST002229 AN003638 Estrogen receptor α deficiency in cardiac myocytes reprograms heart-derived extracellular vesicle proteome and induces obesity in female mice (Part 1) Epididymal fat Mouse Obesity Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute pmol per mg (tissues) pmol per ml (plasma)
ST002229 AN003638 Estrogen receptor α deficiency in cardiac myocytes reprograms heart-derived extracellular vesicle proteome and induces obesity in female mice (Part 1) Liver Mouse Obesity Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute pmol per mg (tissues) pmol per ml (plasma)
ST002229 AN003638 Estrogen receptor α deficiency in cardiac myocytes reprograms heart-derived extracellular vesicle proteome and induces obesity in female mice (Part 1) Muscle Mouse Obesity Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute pmol per mg (tissues) pmol per ml (plasma)
ST002229 AN003638 Estrogen receptor α deficiency in cardiac myocytes reprograms heart-derived extracellular vesicle proteome and induces obesity in female mice (Part 1) Ventricles Mouse Obesity Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute pmol per mg (tissues) pmol per ml (plasma)
ST003472 AN005707 An Optimized Plasmalogen Dietary Supplement Remodels the Cardiac Lipidome and Proteome, Providing Greater Protection in a Male Mouse Model of Dilated Cardiomyopathy Over Females Blood Mouse Heart disease Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute pmol per umol PC (ventricle) pmol per ml (plasma)
ST003472 AN005707 An Optimized Plasmalogen Dietary Supplement Remodels the Cardiac Lipidome and Proteome, Providing Greater Protection in a Male Mouse Model of Dilated Cardiomyopathy Over Females Heart Mouse Heart disease Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute pmol per umol PC (ventricle) pmol per ml (plasma)
ST001019 AN001667 Lipidomic profiling of heart and plasma of mice following swim training versus pressure overload Blood Mouse Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute pmol/umol PC
ST001019 AN001667 Lipidomic profiling of heart and plasma of mice following swim training versus pressure overload Heart Mouse Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute pmol/umol PC
ST001405 AN002347 MDM2-Dependent Rewiring of Metabolomic and Lipidomic Profiles in Dedifferentiated Liposarcoma Models Cultured cells Human The Ohio State University ppm