Compare metabolites in 2 of these studies:
Study A:   Study B:  

List of Studies ( Metabolite:SM 18:1;O2/20:0)

ST000923 AN001516 Longitudinal Metabolomics of the Human Microbiome in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Feces Human Inflammatory bowel disease Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard Abundance
ST001125 AN001850 WT and ΔSPT cultures of B. thetaiotaomicron and B. ovatus grown BHI liquid media (part I) Bacterial cells Bacteroides ovatus Inflammatory bowel disease Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard Abundance
ST001125 AN001850 WT and ΔSPT cultures of B. thetaiotaomicron and B. ovatus grown BHI liquid media (part I) Bacterial cells Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron Inflammatory bowel disease Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard Abundance
ST001127 AN001852 Lipid profiling of caecal samples from GF mice colonized with B. thetaiotaomicron WT or the ΔSPT mutants (part III) Cecum Mouse Irritable bowel syndrome Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard Abundance
ST002470 AN004029 Linking bacterial metabolites to disease-associated microbes to uncover mechanisms of host-microbial interactions in intestinal inflammation. Human plasma profiling Blood Human Ulcerative colitis Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard Abundance
ST002470 AN004030 Linking bacterial metabolites to disease-associated microbes to uncover mechanisms of host-microbial interactions in intestinal inflammation. Human plasma profiling Blood Human Ulcerative colitis Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard Abundance
ST002471 AN004034 Linking bacterial metabolites to disease-associated microbes to uncover mechanisms of host-microbial interactions in intestinal inflammation. Human stool profiling Feces Human Ulcerative colitis Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard Abundance
ST002247 AN003670 Microbiota and Health Study (Dhaka, Bangladesh) Feces Human Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard Abundances
ST002247 AN003671 Microbiota and Health Study (Dhaka, Bangladesh) Feces Human Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard Abundances
ST003077 AN005035 Data-dependent and -independent acquisition lipidomics analysis reveals the tissue-dependent effect of metformin on lipid metabolism (Adipose tissue measurements) Adipose tissue Mouse North Carolina State University arbitrary unit
ST003077 AN005035 Data-dependent and -independent acquisition lipidomics analysis reveals the tissue-dependent effect of metformin on lipid metabolism (Adipose tissue measurements) Blood Mouse North Carolina State University arbitrary unit
ST003077 AN005035 Data-dependent and -independent acquisition lipidomics analysis reveals the tissue-dependent effect of metformin on lipid metabolism (Adipose tissue measurements) Heart Mouse North Carolina State University arbitrary unit
ST003077 AN005035 Data-dependent and -independent acquisition lipidomics analysis reveals the tissue-dependent effect of metformin on lipid metabolism (Adipose tissue measurements) Intestine Mouse North Carolina State University arbitrary unit
ST003077 AN005035 Data-dependent and -independent acquisition lipidomics analysis reveals the tissue-dependent effect of metformin on lipid metabolism (Adipose tissue measurements) Kidney Mouse North Carolina State University arbitrary unit
ST003077 AN005035 Data-dependent and -independent acquisition lipidomics analysis reveals the tissue-dependent effect of metformin on lipid metabolism (Adipose tissue measurements) Liver Mouse North Carolina State University arbitrary unit
ST003077 AN005035 Data-dependent and -independent acquisition lipidomics analysis reveals the tissue-dependent effect of metformin on lipid metabolism (Adipose tissue measurements) Muscle Mouse North Carolina State University arbitrary unit
ST002150 AN003520 Sphingomyelin depletion inhibits CXCR4 dynamics and CXCL12-mediated directed cell migration in human T cells HEK cells Human Universidad CEU San Pablo AREA
ST002911 AN004780 LiLA: Lipid Lung-based ATLAS built Through a Comprehensive Workflow Designed for an Accurate Lipid Annotation Lung Mouse Tuberculosis Universidad CEU San Pablo AREA
ST002911 AN004781 LiLA: Lipid Lung-based ATLAS built Through a Comprehensive Workflow Designed for an Accurate Lipid Annotation Lung Mouse Tuberculosis Universidad CEU San Pablo AREA
ST000450 AN000706 Metabolic features of chronic fatigue syndrome Blood Human Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome University of California, San Diego Area under curve
ST000465 AN000726 Uniquely Tumor-Selective Englerin A Profoundly Alters Lipid Metabolism in Renal Cell Carcinoma inducing ER-Stress and an Acute Inflammatory Response Kidney Human Cancer University of California, San Diego Area under curve
ST000617 AN000946 Validation of the application of targeted metabolomic appraoch in the diagnosis of CFS Blood Human Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome University of California, San Diego Area under curve
ST000903 AN001469 Pharmacometabolomic analysis of rat hippocampus and plasma in response to chronic stress and albiflorin treament Blood Rat Stress Beijing Wonner Biotech. Ltd. Co. Area under curve
ST001819 AN002952 EC and PVC from 14-15 month-old APOE3/3, APOE3/4 and APOE4/4 mice Brain Mouse Alzheimers disease Columbia University area under the curve
ST001820 AN002955 WT neurons treated with APOE3/3 and APOE4/4 ACM Neurons Mouse Alzheimers disease Columbia University area under the curve
ST003103 AN005077 Reinforcing the Evidence of Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Long COVID Patients using a Multiplatform Mass Spectrometry-based Metabolomics Approach Blood Human COVID-19 Universidad CEU San Pablo Corrected areas
ST003514 AN005769 Highly reliable LC-MS lipidomics database for efficient human plasma profiling based on NIST SRM 1950 Blood Human Universidad CEU San Pablo Corrected areas
ST001942 AN003184 Lipidomics of esophageal adenocarcinoma Esophagus Human Cancer QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute counts
ST001336 AN002226 Effect of high-fat diet and bile acid treatment on serum and tissue lipidomes in mice Blood Mouse QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute Counts
ST003114 AN005103 Lipidomics analyses in model membranes, isolated mitochondria and cellular systems to study how the local lipid environment affects BAX and BAK function during apoptosis. Mitochondria Human Cancer University of Cologne counts per second (cps)
ST002903 AN004762 Identification and targeting of microbial putrescine acetylation in bloodstream infections Blood Human Septic shock Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard integrated peak area
ST002903 AN004764 Identification and targeting of microbial putrescine acetylation in bloodstream infections Blood Human Septic shock Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard integrated peak area
ST002813 AN004577 Effects of acute cold exposure on mouse metabolome BAT Mouse University of Pennsylvania Intensity
ST002813 AN004577 Effects of acute cold exposure on mouse metabolome Blood Mouse University of Pennsylvania Intensity
ST002813 AN004577 Effects of acute cold exposure on mouse metabolome Diaphragm Mouse University of Pennsylvania Intensity
ST002813 AN004577 Effects of acute cold exposure on mouse metabolome gWAT Mouse University of Pennsylvania Intensity
ST002813 AN004577 Effects of acute cold exposure on mouse metabolome Heart Mouse University of Pennsylvania Intensity
ST002813 AN004577 Effects of acute cold exposure on mouse metabolome Liver Mouse University of Pennsylvania Intensity
ST002813 AN004577 Effects of acute cold exposure on mouse metabolome Quadriceps Mouse University of Pennsylvania Intensity
ST002824 AN004608 Leukemia inhibitory factor suppresses hepatic de novo lipogenesis and induces cachexia Blood Mouse Cancer Rutgers University Ion counts
ST002842 AN004651 Leukemia inhibitory factor suppresses hepatic de novo lipogenesis and induces cachexia (Fenofibrate) Liver Mouse Cancer Rutgers University Ion counts
ST002843 AN004653 Leukemia inhibitory factor suppresses hepatic de novo lipogenesis and induces cachexia (Tamoxifen) Liver Mouse Cancer Rutgers University Ion counts
ST003090 AN005054 Analysis of lipid profiles of N2A-Pz1-KO cells expressing tdTOMATO-vector (mock), TMEM120A, or TMEM120B Cultured cells Mouse Rutgers University Ion counts
ST001236 AN002054 Metabolic responses to PD1 immune-checkpoint blockade and association with therapeutic benefits - Part II Blood Human Cancer Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard Log10(Peak Area)
ST001237 AN002055 Metabolic responses to PD1 immune-checkpoint blockade and association with therapeutic benefits - Part III Blood Human Cancer Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard Log10(Peak Area)
ST002956 AN004853 An application of automated LLE extraction in determine the age and HFD effects in adult mice in metabolomic, lipidomic, and proteomic Blood Mouse Calico Life Sciences Log2(Top Peak Area)
ST001059 AN001733 Lipidomics for wildlife disease etiology and biomarker discovery: a case study of pansteatitis outbreak in South Africa (part-II) Adipose tissue Fish Inflammation South East Center for Integrated Metabolomics mg/kg (relative quantification, NOT ABSOLUTE)
ST003215 AN005272 Protein restriction slows the development and progression of Alzheimer's disease in mice Brain Mouse Alzheimers disease University of Wisconsin-Madison ng lipid/mg brain
ST000916 AN001495 Biomarkers of NAFLD progression: a lipidomics approach to an epidemic. Part 2:Plasma Blood Human Fatty liver disease LIPID MAPS nM
ST000917 AN001501 Biomarkers of NAFLD progression: a lipidomics approach to an epidemic. Part 3:Urine Urine Human Fatty liver disease LIPID MAPS nM
ST003410 AN005600 Lipidomics Analysis of ER+ Breast Cancer Cells Treated with Giredestrant and Palbociclib Cultured cells Human Cancer Genentech Inc. nmol/250 ug protein
ST003409 AN005597 Impact of giredestrant on the lipid profile of MCF-7 breast cancer cells Cultured cells Human Cancer Genentech Inc. nmol/300 ug protein
ST002180 AN003570 Global, distinctive and personal changes in molecular and microbial profiles induced by specific fibers in humans (Targeted) Blood Human Stanford University nmol/g
ST003630 AN005963 Individual glycemic responses to carbohydrates vary and reflect underlying metabolic physiology (Lipidomics) Blood Human Cardiovascular disease Stanford University nmol/g
ST001687 AN002754 Non-transformed cells respond to fat by inducing glucose metabolism Liver Mouse VIB-KU Leuven Center for Cancer Biology nmol lipid/mg DNA
ST002334 AN003810 Phospholipase D3 impact on the endolysosomal lipidome Cultured cells Human Alzheimers disease VIB-KU Leuven nmol lipid per mg protein
ST003268 AN005354 WT and PHGDH(+/-) mice fed control or -SG diet: Plasma Blood Mouse Salk Institute for Biological Studies Normalized ion count/L
ST003269 AN005355 WT and PHGDH(+/-) mice fed control or -SG diet: Retina samples Retina Mouse Salk Institute for Biological Studies Normalized ion count/mg of protein
ST003270 AN005356 WT and PHGDH(+/-) mice fed control or -SG diet: Back of eye Back of Eye Mouse Salk Institute for Biological Studies Normalized ion count/mg of protein
ST002343 AN003827 The impact of myriocin and dietary serine restriction on paw skin sphingolipid diversity Skin Mouse Salk Institute for Biological Studies normalized ion count/mg protein
ST002344 AN003828 The impact of dietary serine/glycine restriction and myriocin treatment on hepatic sphingolipid diversity during prolonged high fat diet feeding. Liver Mouse Salk Institute for Biological Studies normalized ion count/mg protein
ST001789 AN002902 Acute metabolomic changes of plasma in response to endurance exercise Blood Human University of California, San Diego peak area
ST002304 AN003765 White-nose syndrome disrupts the splenic lipidome of little brown bats (Myotis lucifugus) at early disease stages Spleen Little brown bat White-nose syndrome Georgetown University peak area
ST002536 AN004171 Effectors enabling adaptation to mitochondrial complex I loss in Hürthle cell carcinoma Thyroid Human Cancer Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard peak area
ST002536 AN004173 Effectors enabling adaptation to mitochondrial complex I loss in Hürthle cell carcinoma Thyroid Human Cancer Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard peak area
ST002628 AN004300 MoTrPAC: Endurance exercise training study in young adult rats, Rat Plasma - Untargeted HILIC-Positive Blood Rat Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard peak area
ST002634 AN004306 MoTrPAC: Endurance exercise training study in young adult rats, Rat Hippocampus Powder - Untargeted HILIC-Positive Hippocampus Rat Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard peak area
ST002640 AN004312 MoTrPAC: Endurance exercise training study in young adult rats, Rat Cortex Powder - Untargeted HILIC-Positive Cortex Rat Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard peak area
ST002641 AN004313 MoTrPAC: Endurance exercise training study in young adult rats, Rat Hypothalamus Powder - Untargeted HILIC-Positive Hypothalamus Rat Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard peak area
ST002642 AN004314 MoTrPAC: Endurance exercise training study in young adult rats, Rat Gastrocnemius Powder - Untargeted HILIC-Positive Gastrocnemius Rat Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard peak area
ST002648 AN004320 MoTrPAC: Endurance exercise training study in young adult rats, Rat Vastus Lateralis Powder - Untargeted HILIC-Positive Vastus lateralis Rat Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard peak area
ST002649 AN004321 MoTrPAC: Endurance exercise training study in young adult rats, Rat Heart Powder - Untargeted HILIC-Positive Heart Rat Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard peak area
ST002654 AN004326 MoTrPAC: Endurance exercise training study in young adult rats, Rat Kidney Powder - Untargeted HILIC-Positive Kidney Rat Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard peak area
ST002659 AN004331 MoTrPAC: Endurance exercise training study in young adult rats, Rat Adrenal Powder - Untargeted HILIC-Positive Adrenal gland Rat Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard peak area
ST002664 AN004336 MoTrPAC: Endurance exercise training study in young adult rats, Rat Colon Powder - Untargeted HILIC-Positive Colon Rat Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard peak area
ST002665 AN004337 MoTrPAC: Endurance exercise training study in young adult rats, Rat Spleen Powder - Untargeted HILIC-Positive Spleen Rat Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard peak area
ST002666 AN004338 MoTrPAC: Endurance exercise training study in young adult rats, Rat Testes Powder - Untargeted HILIC-Positive Testes Rat Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard peak area
ST002667 AN004339 MoTrPAC: Endurance exercise training study in young adult rats, Rat Ovaries Powder - Untargeted HILIC-Positive Ovaries Rat Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard peak area
ST002668 AN004340 MoTrPAC: Endurance exercise training study in young adult rats, Rat Lung Powder - Untargeted HILIC-Positive Lung Rat Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard peak area
ST002674 AN004346 MoTrPAC: Endurance exercise training study in young adult rats, Rat Small Intestine Powder - Untargeted HILIC-Positive Small intestine Rat Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard peak area
ST002675 AN004347 MoTrPAC: Endurance exercise training study in young adult rats, Rat Liver Powder - Untargeted HILIC-Positive Liver Rat Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard peak area
ST002682 AN004355 MoTrPAC: Endurance exercise training study in young adult rats, Rat Brown Adipose Powder - Untargeted HILIC-Positive Brown adipose Rat Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard peak area
ST002688 AN004361 MoTrPAC: Endurance exercise training study in young adult rats, Rat White Adipose Powder - Untargeted HILIC-Positive White adipose Rat Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard peak area
ST002695 AN004368 MoTrPAC: Endurance exercise training study in young adult rats, Rat Vena Cava Powder - Untargeted HILIC-Positive Vena cava Rat Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard peak area
ST003437 AN005647 White adipose tissue remodeling in Little Brown Myotis (Myotis lucifugus) with white-nose syndrome Adipose tissue Little brown bat White-nose syndrome Georgetown University peak area
ST003038 AN004984 Untargeted lipidomics of WT and Cyp2c44(-/-) mice liver. Liver Mouse Diabetes Vanderbilt University Medical Center peakarea
ST003038 AN004985 Untargeted lipidomics of WT and Cyp2c44(-/-) mice liver. Liver Mouse Diabetes Vanderbilt University Medical Center peakarea
ST000612 AN000937 Sphingolipid Analysis of Human Aqueous Humor in Glaucomatous and Control eyes Eye tissue Human Eye disease University of Miami Peak area
ST000613 AN000938 Human TM Sphingolipid Analysis (part II) Eye tissue Human Eye disease University of Miami Peak area
ST000620 AN000952 Sphingolipid Analysis of hyper and normotensive DBA2J mice aqueous humor and trabecular meshwork Mouse Eye disease University of Miami Peak area
ST000879 AN001432 Diet, genetics and gut microbiome drive dynamic changes in plasma metabolites [plasma] Mouse Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard Peak area
ST000880 AN001436 Diet, genetics and gut microbiome drive dynamic changes in plasma metabolites [cecal] Mouse Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard Peak area
ST001420 AN002375 Metabolomic analysis of patients with recurrent angina Blood Human Angina University of California, San Diego Peak area
ST002827 AN004616 Multi-assay nutritional metabolomics profiling of low vitamin A status versus adequacy is characterized by reduced plasma lipid mediators among lactating women in the Philippines: A pilot study. Blood Human California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo Peak Area
ST000362 AN000594 Associations between 69 Sphingolipids and Emphysema, Chronic Bronchitis, Exacerbations, and FEV1/FVC Blood Human COPD National Jewish Health Peak area ratio
ST000414 AN000655 Metabolomics-based screening of the Malaria Box reveals both novel and established mechanisms of action Cells Plasmodium falciparum Malaria Monash Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences Peak height
ST002284 AN003732 Genetically defined human GBM organoids reveal principles of GBM development and actionable targets Cultured cells Human Cancer DKFZ peak intensity
ST000445 AN000696 Follicular fluid lipidomics reveals lipid alterations by LH addition during IVF cycles Follicular fluid Human Universidade Federal de Sao Paulo Peak intensity
ST001323 AN002199 Effect of high-fat diet on serum lipidome in mice Blood Mouse QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute Peak intensity
ST003129 AN005131 Pulmonary maternal immune activation does not extend through the placenta but leads to fetal metabolic adaptation - Maternal liver Liver Mouse University of Copenhagen Peak intensity
ST001672 AN002730 Targeted Sphingolipid analysis of human Fibroblasts silenced for or overexpressing GOLPH3 Fibroblast cells Human École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) pmol
ST001289 AN002142 Regulated accumulation of desmosterol integrates macrophage lipid metabolism and inflammatory responses Macrophages Mouse LIPID MAPS pmol/1E6 cells
ST001877 AN003080 Targeted Sphingolipid analysis of HeLa knockout for expression of GRASP55 HeLa cells Human IBBC, CNR pmole/nmole Pi
ST003248 AN005320 Effects of acute mitoregulin loss on cardiac mitochondrial lipids in mice Mitochondria Mouse Cardiovascular disease University of Iowa pmol lipid per mg tissue
ST000915 AN001489 Biomarkers of NAFLD progression: a lipidomics approach to an epidemic. Part 2:Liver Liver Human Fatty liver disease LIPID MAPS pmol/mg
ST003290 AN005388 High expression of oleoyl-ACP-hydrolase underpins life-threatening respiratory viral diseases Lung Mouse Viral infection Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity pmol/mg lung tissue
ST001288 AN002141 Subcellular organelle lipidomics in TLR-4-activated macrophages Macrophages Mouse LIPID MAPS pmol/mg protein
ST003220 AN005280 Obesity, sex, and depot drive distinct lipid profiles in murine white adipose tissue Adipose tissue Mouse Obesity University of Utah pmol/mg tissue
ST003326 AN005448 Lipidome profiling in non-alcoholic steatohepatitis identifies phosphatidylserine synthase 1 as a regulator of hepatic lipoprotein metabolism Liver Mouse Liver disease University of Melbourne pmol/mg tissue
ST003326 AN005449 Lipidome profiling in non-alcoholic steatohepatitis identifies phosphatidylserine synthase 1 as a regulator of hepatic lipoprotein metabolism Liver Mouse Liver disease University of Melbourne pmol/mg tissue
ST002549 AN004197 Lipidomic analysis of serum from mice with Toxoplasma gondii infection Blood Mouse Cachexia University of Virginia pmol/mL of plasma
ST001632 AN002668 Lipidomics of Ginseng Total Secondary Saponins on Myocardial Ischemia Rat Blood Rat Ischemia Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical College pmol/ml(PL) & pmol/mg(HL)
ST001632 AN002668 Lipidomics of Ginseng Total Secondary Saponins on Myocardial Ischemia Rat Heart Rat Ischemia Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical College pmol/ml(PL) & pmol/mg(HL)
ST001673 AN002731 Targeted Sphingolipid analysis of HeLa silenced for or overexpressing GOLPH3 or LCS HeLa cells Human École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) pmols
ST000005 AN000012 Timecourse on RAW 264.7 cells treated with Kdo2-Lipid A and compactin Macrophages Mouse LIPID MAPS pmol/ug DNA
ST002937 AN004821 Deep Metabolic Phenotyping of Newborn Cord Blood Reveals Maternal-Fetal Interactions and Disease Risk Blood Human Stanford University Relative Abundance
ST001061 AN001731 Lipidomics of Near-Term Fetal and Newborn Sheep Cardiac Tissue Heart Sheep University of Florida Relative peak area
ST001106 AN001799 Lipidomics of Newborn Heart Tissue Exposed to Excess Maternal Cortisol in Late Gestation (part-1) Heart Sheep University of Florida Relative peak area
ST002928 AN004802 The major TMEM106B dementia risk allele affects TMEM106B protein levels, fibril formation, and myelin lipid homeostasis in the ageing human hippocampus Brain Human Dementia University of Sydney % Total
ST001477 AN002453 Lipidomics dataset of PTEN deletion-induced nerve regeneration mouse model Eye tissue Mouse Eye disease University of Miami ug/ug protein
ST002246 AN003666 Longitudinal fecal metabolomic profiles from mothers and their infants in the EDIA study Feces Human Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard Unitless Abundances
ST002246 AN003667 Longitudinal fecal metabolomic profiles from mothers and their infants in the EDIA study Feces Human Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard Unitless Abundances
ST001519 AN002526 Stool metabolites of known identity profiled using hybrid nontargeted methods (part-I) Feces Human Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard unitless peak areas
ST001521 AN002533 Plasma metabolites of known identity profiled using hybrid nontargeted methods (part-III) Blood Human Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard unitless peak areas
ST001521 AN002534 Plasma metabolites of known identity profiled using hybrid nontargeted methods (part-III) Blood Human Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard unitless peak areas