Compare metabolites in 2 of these studies:
Study A:   Study B:  

List of Studies ( Metabolite:SM 22:1;O2/16:0)

ST000963 AN001577 Lipidomics of inflammation-induced optic nerve regeneration Eye tissue Rat Eye disease University of Miami Peak area
ST003129 AN005132 Pulmonary maternal immune activation does not extend through the placenta but leads to fetal metabolic adaptation - Maternal liver Liver Mouse University of Copenhagen Peak intensity
ST003130 AN005134 Pulmonary maternal immune activation does not extend through the placenta but leads to fetal metabolic adaptation - Maternal blood Blood Mouse University of Copenhagen Peak intensity
ST001073 AN001755 Lipid profiling of Wnt3a-induced optic nerve regeneration Eye tissue Mouse Eye disease University of Miami relative abundance (main area)