Compare metabolites in 2 of these studies:
Study A:   Study B:  

List of Studies ( Metabolite:TG 18:0/18:0/18:0)

Study_idAnalysis_idStudy_titleSourceSpeciesDiseaseInstituteAnalysis Type
ST003751 AN006158 Comprehensive Lipidomic Analysis Identifies Critical Lipid and Metabolic Pathway Shifts in Alport Syndrome Blood Human Kidney disease Universidad CEU San Pablo LC-MS
ST003751 AN006158 Comprehensive Lipidomic Analysis Identifies Critical Lipid and Metabolic Pathway Shifts in Alport Syndrome Urine Human Kidney disease Universidad CEU San Pablo LC-MS
ST003751 AN006160 Comprehensive Lipidomic Analysis Identifies Critical Lipid and Metabolic Pathway Shifts in Alport Syndrome Blood Human Kidney disease Universidad CEU San Pablo LC-MS
ST003751 AN006160 Comprehensive Lipidomic Analysis Identifies Critical Lipid and Metabolic Pathway Shifts in Alport Syndrome Urine Human Kidney disease Universidad CEU San Pablo LC-MS
ST003672 AN006029 Advanced Lipidomics Using UHPLC-ESI-QTOF-MS/MS Reveals Novel Lipids in Hibernating Syrian Hamsters Brain Hamster Universidad CEU San Pablo LC-MS
ST003364 AN005511 Deep lipidomic profiling reveals sex dimorphism of lipid metabolism in fibro-calcific aortic valve disease Aortic valve tissue Human Heart disease Technical University Dresden LC-MS
ST003250 AN005323 Lipidomic analysis of Axon Regeneration in Xenopus laevis Tectum Eye tissue Frog Eye disease University of Miami LC-MS
ST003250 AN005323 Lipidomic analysis of Axon Regeneration in Xenopus laevis Tectum Eye tissue Frog Glaucoma University of Miami LC-MS
ST003222 AN005283 A small molecule macrophage migration inhibitory factor agonist ameliorates age-related myocardial intolerance to ischemia-reperfusion insults via metabolic regulation - Part 1 Heart Mouse Ischemia University of Mississippi Medical Center LC-MS
ST003168 AN005198 Lipidomic analysis of cryopreserved human cardiac tissue from young and ageing adults Heart Human Heart disease University of Sydney LC-MS
ST003108 AN005089 Complete absence of GLUT1 does not impair human terminal erythroid differentiation Cultured cells Human GLUT1 Deficiency Syndrome University of Colorado LC-MS
ST002787 AN004534 Metabolomic analysis of gut metabolites in colorectal cancer patients: correlation with disease development and outcome Feces Human Cancer Wuhan University of Science and Technology LC-MS
ST002522 AN004155 Lipidomics study on the effect of LBP protein on hepatic lipid composition in mice Liver Mouse Oxidative stress University of Science and Technology of China LC-MS
ST002493 AN004088 Composition of raw plant-based food items Pilot Study Plant Apple Northeastern University; Massachusets Institute of Technology LC-MS
ST002493 AN004088 Composition of raw plant-based food items Pilot Study Plant Basil Northeastern University; Massachusets Institute of Technology LC-MS
ST002493 AN004088 Composition of raw plant-based food items Pilot Study Plant Garlic Northeastern University; Massachusets Institute of Technology LC-MS
ST002493 AN004088 Composition of raw plant-based food items Pilot Study Plant Lettuce Northeastern University; Massachusets Institute of Technology LC-MS
ST002493 AN004088 Composition of raw plant-based food items Pilot Study Plant Strawberry Northeastern University; Massachusets Institute of Technology LC-MS
ST002493 AN004088 Composition of raw plant-based food items Pilot Study Plant Tomato Northeastern University; Massachusets Institute of Technology LC-MS
ST002452 AN004007 Lipidomic analysis of human brain from frontotemporal dementia cases of with GRN and C9orf72 mutations Brain Human Dementia University of Sydney LC-MS
ST002414 AN003935 Mass spectrometry dataset of LC-MS Lipidomics Analysis of Xenopus Laevis Optic Nerve Eye tissue Frog Eye disease University of Miami LC-MS
ST002303 AN003763 Fitm2 is required for ER homeostasis and normal function of murine liver Liver Mouse Harvard School of Public Health LC-MS
ST002283 AN003730 The “ForensOMICS” approach to forensic post-mortem interval estimation: combining metabolomics, lipidomics and proteomics for the analysis human skeletal remains Bone Human University of Central Lancashire LC-MS
ST002243 AN003661 Lipidomics analysis of Friedreich's ataxia (FRDA) (part II) Blood Human Friedreichs Ataxia University of Pennsylvania LC-MS
ST002093 AN003419 Lipidomics of High Fat vs Control Mice Lung Mouse Obesity University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill LC-MS
ST002047 AN003334 Lyso-lipid induced oligodendrocytes maturation underlie restoration of optic nerve function Cultured cells Rat Eye disease University of Miami LC-MS
ST001988 AN003240 THEM6-mediated lipid remodelling sustains stress resistance in cancer (Part 2) LNCaP cells Human Cancer IGMM LC-MS
ST001936 AN004932 Pseudoexfoliation aqueous humor lipidome suggests enrichment of specific pathways Eye tissue Human Pseudoexfoliation syndrome University of Miami LC-MS
ST001935 AN003147 Metabolomic profiling of spontaneous macaque model for diabetes mellitus Blood Macaque monkey Diabetes Xiamen University GC-MS
ST001935 AN003147 Metabolomic profiling of spontaneous macaque model for diabetes mellitus Liver Macaque monkey Diabetes Xiamen University GC-MS
ST001919 AN003118 Exposure to environmental contaminants is associated with alterations in hepatic lipid metabolism in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease Liver Mouse Fatty liver disease Örebro University LC-MS
ST001849 AN002995 Longitudinal Metabolomics of Human Plasma Reveals Robust Prognostic Markers of COVID-19 Disease Severity (part I) Blood Human COVID-19 Washington University in St. Louis LC-MS
ST001725 AN002810 Lipidomics dataset of Danio rerio optic nerve regeneration model Eye tissue Zebrafish Eye disease University of Miami LC-MS
ST001710 AN002785 Metabolic signatures of NAFLD - Lipidomics data (part 1 of 3) Blood Human Fatty liver disease Örebro University LC-MS
ST001689 AN002759 Exposure to per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances associates with altered lipid profile of breast milk (Part 1) Breast milk Human Environmental exposure University of Turku LC-MS
ST001686 AN002753 Exposure to per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances associates with altered lipid profile of breast milk (Part 3) Blood Human Environmental exposure University of Turku LC-MS
ST001676 AN002734 Lipidomic analysis of CD4+ T-cell subsets (Th1,Th2,Th17 and iTreg cells) (part I) T-cells Human University of Turku LC-MS
ST001477 AN002453 Lipidomics dataset of PTEN deletion-induced nerve regeneration mouse model Eye tissue Mouse Eye disease University of Miami LC-MS
ST001442 AN002410 Human Optic Nerve Glaucoma and Control Lipidomes Eye tissue Human Eye disease University of Miami MS(Dir. Inf.)
ST001381 AN002301 Lipid profile Dataset of optogenetics induced optic nerve regeneration Optic nerve Mouse Eye disease University of Miami LC-MS
ST001381 AN002302 Lipid profile Dataset of optogenetics induced optic nerve regeneration Optic nerve Mouse Eye disease University of Miami LC-MS
ST001115 AN001811 Growth cone-enriched lipidome of embryonic to early postnatal mouse brain Brain Mouse Eye disease University of Miami LC-MS
ST001106 AN001799 Lipidomics of Newborn Heart Tissue Exposed to Excess Maternal Cortisol in Late Gestation (part-1) Heart Sheep University of Florida LC-MS
ST001105 AN001798 Retinal ganglion cells lipid profiling Eye tissue Mouse Eye disease University of Miami LC-MS
ST001073 AN001755 Lipid profiling of Wnt3a-induced optic nerve regeneration Eye tissue Mouse Eye disease University of Miami LC-MS
ST001061 AN001731 Lipidomics of Near-Term Fetal and Newborn Sheep Cardiac Tissue Heart Sheep University of Florida LC-MS
ST001019 AN001667 Lipidomic profiling of heart and plasma of mice following swim training versus pressure overload Blood Mouse Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute LC-MS
ST001019 AN001667 Lipidomic profiling of heart and plasma of mice following swim training versus pressure overload Heart Mouse Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute LC-MS
ST000911 AN001481 Insights into the pathogenesis of myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) through metabolomic profiling of cerebrospinal fluid (part II) Cerebrospinal fluid Human Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome University of California, Davis LC-MS
ST000310 AN000490 TC and B6 untreated plasma in lupus-prone mice lipidomics (part-II) Blood Mouse Lupus University of Florida LC-MS
ST000310 AN000492 TC and B6 untreated plasma in lupus-prone mice lipidomics (part-II) Blood Mouse Lupus University of Florida LC-MS