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List of Studies ( Metabolite:cis,cis-Muconic acid)

ST002328 AN003798 Metabolome and transcriptome analysis of oral mucosa of HIV+ patients reveal a role for polyamine metabolic pathway in T cell dysfunction Saliva Human HIV Case Western Reserve University area
ST002173 AN003561 Unveiling the mechanism of action of nature-inspired anti-cancer compounds using a multi-Omics approach Cultured cells Human Cancer University of Sharjah AU
ST002416 AN003937 Proteomics and metabolomics of multiple sclerosis (Part 2) Brain Mouse Multiple sclerosis Sharjah Institute for Medical Research AU
ST002447 AN003988 Bioactive molecule(s) of gut bacteria of Crocodile (Crocodylus palustris) as potential pharmaceuticals Bacterial cells Pseudomonas aeruginosa Bacterial infection Sharjah Institute for Medical Research AU
ST001922 AN003123 Sublytic membrane attack complex drives glycolysis and mitochondrial dysfunction with inflammatory consequences in human monocyte-derived macrophages Macrophages Human GSK counts
ST001922 AN003124 Sublytic membrane attack complex drives glycolysis and mitochondrial dysfunction with inflammatory consequences in human monocyte-derived macrophages Macrophages Human GSK counts
ST002968 AN004877 Untargeted metabolomic studies of the PSD95-nNOS uncoupling agent against post-stroke depression in rats Brain cortex Rat Depression Nanjing University of Science & Technology log2(peak area)
ST002998 AN004924 The role of gut microbiota in muscle mitochondria function, colon health, and sarcopenia: from clinical to bench Bacterial cells Bacteria Sarcopenia The Chinese University of Hong Kong nmol/g
ST002505 AN004127 A Mammalian Conserved Circular RNA CircLARP2 Regulates Hepatocellular Carcinoma Metastasis and Lipid Metabolism (Part 1) Cultured cells Human Cancer University of Science and Technology of China Peak area