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List of Studies ( Metabolite:cis-3-Hydroxyproline)

ST001822 AN002958 The RNA-binding protein RBP42 regulates cellular energy metabolism in mammalian-infective Trypanosoma brucei Cultured cells Trypanosoma brucei Rutgers University arbitrary
ST001062 AN001736 Arabidopsis Nit1 knockout metabolomics Plant Arabidopsis thaliana University of California, Davis Arbitrary units
ST000450 AN000705 Metabolic features of chronic fatigue syndrome Blood Human Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome University of California, San Diego Area under curve
ST000465 AN000727 Uniquely Tumor-Selective Englerin A Profoundly Alters Lipid Metabolism in Renal Cell Carcinoma inducing ER-Stress and an Acute Inflammatory Response Kidney Human Cancer University of California, San Diego Area under curve
ST000617 AN000947 Validation of the application of targeted metabolomic appraoch in the diagnosis of CFS Blood Human Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome University of California, San Diego Area under curve
ST000903 AN001469 Pharmacometabolomic analysis of rat hippocampus and plasma in response to chronic stress and albiflorin treament Blood Rat Stress Beijing Woner Biotech Co. Ltd Area under curve
ST001261 AN002092 Metabolic changes of culture supernatants of Fusobacterium nucleatum co-cultured with other oral microbes (part-II) Bacterial cells Fusobacterium nucleatum Osaka University Graduate School of Dentistry AU
ST002539 AN004181 Microbial metabolomic responses to changes in temperature and salinity along the western Antarctic Peninsula. Suspended Marine Particulate Matter Marine microbes Abiotic stress University of Washington, School of Oceanography Estimated metabolite carbon concentration (nmol C per L)
ST001179 AN001956 Metabolomic analysis of skeletal muscle in young and aged mice Muscle Mouse Sarcopenia Kyoto Prefectural University fold
ST001905 AN003102 Metabolomic profiling of saliva in diabetes patients Saliva Human Diabetes Osaka University Intensity
ST001906 AN003103 Metabolomic profiling of plasma in diabetes patients Blood Human Diabetes Osaka University Intensity
ST001834 AN002976 A metabolomics comparison of plant-based meat and grass-fed meat indicates large nutritional differences despite comparable nutrition facts labels Other Duke University Log-transformed deconvoluted spectra
ST001480 AN002456 Large diversity in nitrogen- and sulfur-containing compatible solute profiles in polar and temperate diatoms Cultured cells Algae University of Washington mM (intracellular concentration)
ST001480 AN002456 Large diversity in nitrogen- and sulfur-containing compatible solute profiles in polar and temperate diatoms Cultured cells Fragilariopsis cylindrus University of Washington mM (intracellular concentration)
ST001480 AN002456 Large diversity in nitrogen- and sulfur-containing compatible solute profiles in polar and temperate diatoms Cultured cells Navicula cf. perminuta University of Washington mM (intracellular concentration)
ST001480 AN002456 Large diversity in nitrogen- and sulfur-containing compatible solute profiles in polar and temperate diatoms Cultured cells Nitzschia lecointei University of Washington mM (intracellular concentration)
ST001005 AN001647 Amino Acid Concentrations in Muscle Tissue of Muscle Wasting in Cancer Cachexia (part I) Muscle Human Cachexia Mayo Clinic nmoles/vial
ST001005 AN001647 Amino Acid Concentrations in Muscle Tissue of Muscle Wasting in Cancer Cachexia (part I) Muscle Human Cancer Mayo Clinic nmoles/vial
ST000570 AN000878 Metabolome analysis of the cecal contents of GF mice and GF mice colonized with dominant gut microbes present in the ceca of neonatal and adult mice Feces Mouse Keio University nmol/g
ST001250 AN002075 Luminal metabolome profiles of mice developed dextran sulfate sodium (DSS) colitis Feces Mouse Colitis University of Michigan nmol/g
ST001300 AN002164 Luminal metabolome profiles ofUC-HMA mice transplanted with a healthy human-derived fecal microbiota (FMT). Feces Mouse Bacterial infection University of Michigan nmol/g
ST001301 AN002166 Luminal metabolome profiles of human microbiota-associated (HMA) mice treated with anti-IL-22 antibody or control antibody Feces Mouse Bacterial infection University of Michigan nmol/g
ST001136 AN001863 Metabolme analysis of OPC-163493 on the Liver of ZDF rats (part-II) Liver Rat Diabetes Otsuka Pharmaceuticals nmol/g tissue
ST001660 AN002711 Plasmodium falciparum metabolomics as a result of treatment with putative acetyl-CoA synthetase inhibitors Cultured cells Fungi Malaria Pennsylvania State University Normalized and blank subtracted peak area
ST001660 AN002711 Plasmodium falciparum metabolomics as a result of treatment with putative acetyl-CoA synthetase inhibitors Cultured cells Plasmodium falciparum Malaria Pennsylvania State University Normalized and blank subtracted peak area
ST002063 AN003362 Intravenous lipopolysaccharide infusion and the bovine metabolome Blood Cow Hyperlipidemia Cornell University Normalized ion intensity
ST002266 AN003701 Kīlauea lava fuels phytoplankton bloom in the North Pacific Ocean - study of particulate metabolites Water Plankton University of Washington Normalized peak area
ST001393 AN002324 Sea-ice diatom compatible solute shifts Diatom cells Nitzschia lecointei University of Washington Normalized Peak Area Per L Seawater
ST001393 AN002323 Sea-ice diatom compatible solute shifts Diatom cells Nitzschia lecointei University of Washington Normalized Peak Area Per RFU
ST002020 AN003290 TIPs Metabolomics (urine) Urine Human Vanderbilt University Medical Center osmolality normalized scaled imputed
ST001985 AN003236 Profiling Plasmodium falciparum parasites and human red blood cells after treatment with MMV693183 Blood Human Malaria Pennsylvania State University Peak Abundance (normalized, blank subtracted, and corrected for baseline noise)
ST001985 AN003236 Profiling Plasmodium falciparum parasites and human red blood cells after treatment with MMV693183 Blood Plasmodium falciparum Malaria Pennsylvania State University Peak Abundance (normalized, blank subtracted, and corrected for baseline noise)
ST001985 AN003236 Profiling Plasmodium falciparum parasites and human red blood cells after treatment with MMV693183 Cultured cells Human Malaria Pennsylvania State University Peak Abundance (normalized, blank subtracted, and corrected for baseline noise)
ST001985 AN003236 Profiling Plasmodium falciparum parasites and human red blood cells after treatment with MMV693183 Cultured cells Plasmodium falciparum Malaria Pennsylvania State University Peak Abundance (normalized, blank subtracted, and corrected for baseline noise)
ST002024 AN003294 Plasmodium falciparum stable-isotope carbon labeling to explore metabolic consequences of keto–acid dehydrogenase disruption Cultured cells Plasmodium falciparum Malaria Pennsylvania State University Peak Abundance (normalized, blank subtracted, and corrected for baseline noise)
ST001780 AN002890 Comparative analysis of metabolomic profiles in cerebrospinal fluid before and after endurance exercise Cerebrospinal fluid Human UCSD School of Medicine peak area
ST001789 AN002901 Acute metabolomic changes of plasma in response to endurance exercise Blood Human University of California, San Diego peak area
ST002011 AN003277 The anticancer human mTOR inhibitor MLN0128/Sapanisertib with potent multistage in vitro antiplasmodium activity and in vivo antimalarial efficacy in a humanised mouse model is an inhibitor of multiple Plasmodium falciparum kinases. Blood Plasmodium falciparum Malaria Pennsylvania State University peak area
ST002011 AN003278 The anticancer human mTOR inhibitor MLN0128/Sapanisertib with potent multistage in vitro antiplasmodium activity and in vivo antimalarial efficacy in a humanised mouse model is an inhibitor of multiple Plasmodium falciparum kinases. Blood Plasmodium falciparum Malaria Pennsylvania State University peak area
ST002011 AN003279 The anticancer human mTOR inhibitor MLN0128/Sapanisertib with potent multistage in vitro antiplasmodium activity and in vivo antimalarial efficacy in a humanised mouse model is an inhibitor of multiple Plasmodium falciparum kinases. Blood Plasmodium falciparum Malaria Pennsylvania State University peak area
ST002078 AN003387 Multiple modes of interfering with the activity of Plasmodium falciparum cytoplasmic isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase illustrate the enzyme is a promising antimalarial target. Cultured cells Plasmodium falciparum Malaria Pennsylvania State University peak area
ST002078 AN003388 Multiple modes of interfering with the activity of Plasmodium falciparum cytoplasmic isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase illustrate the enzyme is a promising antimalarial target. Cultured cells Plasmodium falciparum Malaria Pennsylvania State University peak area
ST002078 AN003389 Multiple modes of interfering with the activity of Plasmodium falciparum cytoplasmic isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase illustrate the enzyme is a promising antimalarial target. Cultured cells Plasmodium falciparum Malaria Pennsylvania State University peak area
ST002078 AN003390 Multiple modes of interfering with the activity of Plasmodium falciparum cytoplasmic isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase illustrate the enzyme is a promising antimalarial target. Cultured cells Plasmodium falciparum Malaria Pennsylvania State University peak area
ST000164 AN000256 Metabolomic analysis of normal and diabetic mouse bone marrow under PBS or metformin treatment Bone marrow Mouse Diabetes New York University Peak area
ST000164 AN000257 Metabolomic analysis of normal and diabetic mouse bone marrow under PBS or metformin treatment Bone marrow Mouse Diabetes New York University Peak area
ST000230 AN000344 Comprehensive analysis of transcriptome and metabolome in Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma and Hepatocellular Carcinoma Liver Human Cancer Osaka City University Peak area
ST000231 AN000346 Comprehensive analysis of transcriptome and metabolome in Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma and Hepatocellular Carcinoma (part II) Liver Human Cancer Osaka City University Peak area
ST000879 AN001429 Diet, genetics and gut microbiome drive dynamic changes in plasma metabolites [plasma] Mouse The Broad Institute Peak area
ST000880 AN001433 Diet, genetics and gut microbiome drive dynamic changes in plasma metabolites [cecal] Mouse The Broad Institute Peak area
ST001032 AN001692 Single-cell Profiling of Cationic and Anionic Metabolites in Live Frog (Xenopus) Embryos using Microprobe Capillary Electrophoresis Mass Spectrometry Embryonic cells Frog University of Maryland, College Park Peak area
ST001032 AN001693 Single-cell Profiling of Cationic and Anionic Metabolites in Live Frog (Xenopus) Embryos using Microprobe Capillary Electrophoresis Mass Spectrometry Embryonic cells Frog University of Maryland, College Park Peak area
ST001232 AN002050 Combining stage - specificity and metabolomic profiling to advance drug discovery for malaria Cultured cells Plasmodium falciparum Malaria Pennsylvania State University Peak area
ST001329 AN002215 SS-31 and NMN: Two Paths to Improve Metabolism and Function in Aged Hearts Heart Mouse University of Washington Peak area
ST001384 AN002309 Plasmodium falciparum increased time in circulation underlies persistent asymptomatic infection in the dry season Blood Human Malaria Penn State Peak area
ST001420 AN002375 Metabolomic analysis of patients with recurrent angina Blood Human Angina University of California, San Diego Peak area
ST001507 AN002498 Hepatic [U-13C]Lactate tracing and metabolomics in young and old WT and SIRT6 overexpressing mice Liver Mouse Bar Ilan University Peak area
ST001721 AN002804 Detecting sex-related changes to the metabolome of a critically endangered freshwater crayfish during the mating season Hemolymph Crayfish Edith Cowan University Peak area
ST002977 AN004887 Offline Two-dimensional Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry for Deep Annotation of the Fecal Metabolome following Fecal Microbiota Transplant Feces Human University of Michigan Peak area
ST002977 AN004889 Offline Two-dimensional Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry for Deep Annotation of the Fecal Metabolome following Fecal Microbiota Transplant Feces Human University of Michigan Peak area
ST002292 AN003744 Quantification of Dissolved Metabolites in Environmental Samples through Cation-Exchange Solid Phase Extraction (CX-SPE) paired with Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry Water Other University of Washington Peak Area
ST001149 AN001896 Plasmodium Niemann-Pick Type C1-Related Protein is a Druggable Target Required for Parasite Membrane Homeostasis Cultured cells Plasmodium falciparum Malaria Pennsylvania State University Peak Area Post-Blank Subtraction
ST001211 AN002017 Metabolomic Markers of Methotrexate Response, In Vitro Cultured cells Human University Of Kansas Peak height
ST001928 AN003136 Metabolomics profiles of premenopausal women are different based on O-desmethylangolensin metabotype Urine Human George Mason University Peak height
ST001815 AN002945 Metabolic Markers of Methotrexate Response in Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis Blood Human Arthritis University Of Kansas Peak Height Intensity
ST001154 AN001944 A comprehensive plasma metabolomics dataset for a cohort of mouse knockouts within the International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium Blood Mouse University of California Peak height normalized with creatinine
ST001373 AN002293 Targeting Sirt2 reprograms T cell metabolism for effective immune response Spleen Mouse Moffitt Cancer Center Peak intensity
ST000645 AN000977 Effects of Exercise on Dystrophic Mouse Muscle Amino Acids (part II) Heart Mouse Muscular dystrophy Mayo Clinic picomol/mg
ST001135 AN001860 Different dose exposure of OPC-163493 on HepG2 cells (part-I) Hep G2 cells Human Diabetes Otsuka Pharmaceuticals pmol/1000000 cells
ST000511 AN000784 Determine how inhibition of autophagy/proteasome degradation or inhibition of protein synthesis in models of muscle insulin resistance affect amino acid metabolites Muscle Mouse Diabetes Mayo Clinic pmol/mg
ST000516 AN000790 Measuring amino acid metabolites in insulin resistant and insulin deficient mouse tissue models Muscle Mouse Diabetes Mayo Clinic pmol/mg
ST000648 AN000980 Effects of NO Donor Therapy on the Dystrophic Mouse Muscle Amino Acids (part IV) Heart Mouse Muscular dystrophy Mayo Clinic pmol/mg
ST001439 AN002403 Metabolites in contents of small intestine in wild type and DAOG181R/G181R mice Intestine Mouse KEIO University School of Medicine relative_area
ST001178 AN001954 Metabolomic analysis of C2C12 myoblasts induced by the transcriptional factor FOXO1 Muscle Mouse Kyoto Prefectural University Relative Area
ST001668 AN002720 D-Allulose effects on hepatic metabolomics profile in rodents Liver Rat Matsutani Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. Relative Area
ST001684 AN002751 An overexpression of lipoprotein lipase leads to an alteration in the skeletal muscle metabolome in transgenic rabbits Muscle Rabbit Saga University Relative Area
ST003298 AN005402 Annual changes on metabolomics profile in latex Latex Plant Sumitomo Riko Co., Ltd. Relative Area
ST002510 AN004133 Strain supernatants: Strain diversity of Eggerthella lenta metabolites in defined media Bacterial culture supernatant Eggerthella lenta University of California, San Francisco relative ion counts
ST002017 AN003287 Multi-omic analysis of the microbiome and metabolome in healthy subjects (blood) Blood Human Vanderbilt University Medical Center scaled imputed
ST001198 AN001994 Targeted LC-MS/MS Analysis of Soluble Metabolites in the MeOH:H2O Phase (part-IV) Bacterial cells Synechococcus Colorado State University spectral abundance per cell
ST000149 AN000236 High Insulin Combined With Essential Amino Acids Stimulates Skeletal Muscle Mitochondrial Protein Synthesis While Decreasing Insulin Sensitivity in Healthy Humans Muscle Human Diabetes Mayo Clinic uM
ST000168 AN000262 Effect of Insulin Sensitizer Therapy on Amino Acids and Their Metabolites Blood Human Diabetes Mayo Clinic uM
ST000435 AN000685 Quantitative measurements of amino acids in T1D poor control, good control, and controls. Blood Human Diabetes Mayo Clinic uM
ST000483 AN000749 Amino Acid Quantifcation of obese patients on a 16 week caloric restriction from Plasma Blood Human Obesity Mayo Clinic uM
ST000484 AN000750 Amino Acid Quantifcation of obese patients on a 16 week caloric restriction from muscle biopsy (part II) Muscle Human Obesity Mayo Clinic uM
ST000491 AN000757 Sleep apnea and cardiovascular samples amino acid metabolites Blood Human Sleep apnea Mayo Clinic uM
ST000505 AN000774 Timecourse of Amino Acid Metabolites in LNCaP Cell pellets Cultured cells Human Cancer Mayo Clinic uM
ST000514 AN000787 Inhibition of autophagy/proteasome degradation or inhibition of protein synthesis in models of muscle insulin resistance affect amino acids metabolites in serum Muscle Mouse Diabetes Mayo Clinic uM
ST000524 AN000802 Effects of Curcumin Supplementation on the Amino Acid Concentration of Older Adults: Relation to Vascular Function Blood Human Heart disease Mayo Clinic uM
ST000629 AN000961 Amino Acd Metabolites of Dietary Salt Effects on Blood Pressure in Human Urine from 20 Participants of the DASH2 Clinical Trial (part II) Urine Human Heart disease Mayo Clinic uM
ST000632 AN000964 Amino Acid Metabolites of Dietary Salt Effects on Blood Pressure in Rat Urine (part V) Urine Rat Heart disease Mayo Clinic uM
ST000635 AN000967 Amino Acid Metabolites of Dietary Salt Effects on Blood Pressure in Human Urine from DASH2 Clinical Trial (part VIII) Urine Human Heart disease Mayo Clinic uM
ST000641 AN000973 Targeted Amino Acids in American Indian Adolescents (part II) Blood Human Diabetes Mayo Clinic uM
ST000791 AN001259 Identifying metabolic adaptations characteristic of multiple myeloma cells via amino acids concentrations from bone marrow plasma Bone marrow Human Cancer Mayo Clinic uM
ST000876 AN001413 Human serum for a patient with neuropathy being treated with L-serine. Blood Human Neuropathy University of Helsinki uM
ST000961 AN001575 The Influence of Sugar, Artificial Sweeteners, and the Microbiome on Rodent Amino Acids (part IV) Blood Rat Metabolic syndrome Mayo Clinic uM
ST000995 AN001624 Amino Acid Concentrations of Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis (part I) Blood Human Mayo Clinic uM
ST001012 AN001654 Amino Acid Concentrations in Serum for Muscle Wasting in Cancer Cachexia (part-VII) Blood Human Cachexia Mayo Clinic uM
ST001012 AN001654 Amino Acid Concentrations in Serum for Muscle Wasting in Cancer Cachexia (part-VII) Blood Human Cancer Mayo Clinic uM
ST001176 AN001952 Metabolite changes in human plasma before and after YF17D vaccination in symptomatic and asymptomatic subjects Blood Human Yellow fever Duke-NUS Medical School uM
ST001113 AN001809 Exposure to Oral Contraceptives Alters Human Endometrial Stem Cells Culture Media Metabolomics Stem cells Human Sao Paulo Federal University umol
ST001148 AN001895 Effect of cell harvesting technique and storage on metabolic profiles in human skin fibroblasts Fibroblast cells Human Mayo Clinic uMol/gram protein
ST001519 AN002525 Stool metabolites of known identity profiled using hybrid nontargeted methods (part-I) Feces Human Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard unitless peak areas
ST001521 AN002533 Plasma metabolites of known identity profiled using hybrid nontargeted methods (part-III) Blood Human Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard unitless peak areas
ST000638 AN000970 Amino Acid Metabolites of Dietary Salt Effects on Blood Pressure in Rat Urine and Kidney Tissue (part XI) Kidney Rat Heart disease Mayo Clinic urine uM and Tissue nnol/vial