List of Studies ( Metabolite:Glycochenodeoxycholic acid)
Study_id | Analysis_id | Study_title | Source | Species | Disease | Institute | Units(range) |
ST002866 | AN004698 | The role of PFAS exposures in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and hepatocellular carcinoma in the Multiethnic Cohort | Blood | Human | Cancer | University of Southern California | abundance |
ST002866 | AN004698 | The role of PFAS exposures in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and hepatocellular carcinoma in the Multiethnic Cohort | Blood | Human | NASH | University of Southern California | abundance |
ST002866 | AN004699 | The role of PFAS exposures in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and hepatocellular carcinoma in the Multiethnic Cohort | Blood | Human | Cancer | University of Southern California | abundance |
ST002866 | AN004699 | The role of PFAS exposures in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and hepatocellular carcinoma in the Multiethnic Cohort | Blood | Human | NASH | University of Southern California | abundance |
ST000923 | AN001515 | Longitudinal Metabolomics of the Human Microbiome in Inflammatory Bowel Disease | Feces | Human | Inflammatory bowel disease | Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard | Abundance |
ST001192 | AN001986 | A library of human gut bacterial isolates paired with longitudinal multiomics data enables mechanistic microbiome research | Feces | Human | Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard | Abundance | |
ST001680 | AN002740 | Metabolome of NAFLD in high fat diet mouse model | Liver | Mouse | Fatty liver disease | Weill Cornell Medicine | Abundance |
ST002470 | AN004032 | Linking bacterial metabolites to disease-associated microbes to uncover mechanisms of host-microbial interactions in intestinal inflammation. Human plasma profiling | Blood | Human | Ulcerative colitis | Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard | Abundance |
ST002471 | AN004036 | Linking bacterial metabolites to disease-associated microbes to uncover mechanisms of host-microbial interactions in intestinal inflammation. Human stool profiling | Feces | Human | Ulcerative colitis | Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard | Abundance |
ST002247 | AN003673 | Microbiota and Health Study (Dhaka, Bangladesh) | Feces | Human | Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard | Abundances | |
ST003076 | AN005034 | Data-dependent and -independent acquisition lipidomics analysis reveals the tissue-dependent effect of metformin on lipid metabolism | Adipose tissue | Mouse | North Carolina State University | arbitrary unit | |
ST003076 | AN005034 | Data-dependent and -independent acquisition lipidomics analysis reveals the tissue-dependent effect of metformin on lipid metabolism | Blood | Mouse | North Carolina State University | arbitrary unit | |
ST003076 | AN005034 | Data-dependent and -independent acquisition lipidomics analysis reveals the tissue-dependent effect of metformin on lipid metabolism | Heart | Mouse | North Carolina State University | arbitrary unit | |
ST003076 | AN005034 | Data-dependent and -independent acquisition lipidomics analysis reveals the tissue-dependent effect of metformin on lipid metabolism | Intestine | Mouse | North Carolina State University | arbitrary unit | |
ST003076 | AN005034 | Data-dependent and -independent acquisition lipidomics analysis reveals the tissue-dependent effect of metformin on lipid metabolism | Kidney | Mouse | North Carolina State University | arbitrary unit | |
ST003076 | AN005034 | Data-dependent and -independent acquisition lipidomics analysis reveals the tissue-dependent effect of metformin on lipid metabolism | Liver | Mouse | North Carolina State University | arbitrary unit | |
ST003076 | AN005034 | Data-dependent and -independent acquisition lipidomics analysis reveals the tissue-dependent effect of metformin on lipid metabolism | Muscle | Mouse | North Carolina State University | arbitrary unit | |
ST000509 | AN000780 | Metabolic changes to maternal rat liver tissue during and post-pregnancy | Liver | Rat | University of Colorado Denver | Arbitrary units | |
ST003254 | AN005335 | The impact of grass- and grain-finishing on metabolomic profiles of North American Black Angus Beef cattle. | Bovine meat | Cow | Duke University | Arbitrary Units | |
ST002316 | AN003783 | Differential requirements for mitochondrial electron transport chain components in the adult murine liver - Untargeted Metabolomics (qTOF) | Liver | Mouse | Metabolic syndrome | The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas | area |
ST003066 | AN005022 | Heritability of RBC metabolites: baseline correlation of metabolites and markers of RBC health and stability | Erythrocytes | Human | University of Iowa | area under curve | |
ST000450 | AN000706 | Metabolic features of chronic fatigue syndrome | Blood | Human | Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome | University of California, San Diego | Area under curve |
ST000465 | AN000726 | Uniquely Tumor-Selective Englerin A Profoundly Alters Lipid Metabolism in Renal Cell Carcinoma inducing ER-Stress and an Acute Inflammatory Response | Kidney | Human | Cancer | University of California, San Diego | Area under curve |
ST000617 | AN000946 | Validation of the application of targeted metabolomic appraoch in the diagnosis of CFS | Blood | Human | Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome | University of California, San Diego | Area under curve |
ST001639 | AN002683 | Plasma Metabolomic signatures of COPD in a SPIROMICS cohort | Blood | Human | COPD | National Jewish Health | AU |
ST003546 | AN005827 | Improved Soil Health and Pasture Phytochemical Richness Underlies Improved Beef Nutrient Density in Southern US Grass-Finished Beef Systems | Muscle | Cow | Utah State University | AU | |
ST002178 | AN003567 | Age-independent Cardiac Protection by Pharmacological Activation of Beclin-1 During Endotoxemia and Its Association with Energy Metabolic Reprograming in Myocardium — A Targeted Metabolomics Study | Heart | Mouse | Endotoxemia | Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine | count per second (cps) |
ST003028 | AN004964 | Chronic stress dampens Lactobacillus johnsonii-mediated tumor suppression to enhance colorectal cancer progression | Colon | Mouse | Cancer | China Pharmaceutical University | count per second (cps) |
ST002100 | AN003433 | Functional metabolomics-based molecular profiling of acute and chronic hepatitis (Human Serum Metabolomics) | Blood | Human | NASH | Shanghai Center for Systems Biomedicine, Shanghai Jiaotong University | counts |
ST002861 | AN004692 | Gut Microbiota-associated Metabolites Affected the Susceptibility to Heart Health Abnormality in Young Migrants at High-altitude-Human Serum Metabolomics | Blood | Human | Heart disease | Shanghai Center for Systems Biomedicine, Shanghai Jiaotong University | counts |
ST002862 | AN004694 | Gut Microbiota-associated Metabolites Affected the Susceptibility to Heart Health Abnormality in Young Migrants at High-altitude-Human Faeces Metabolomics | Feces | Human | Heart disease | Shanghai Center for Systems Biomedicine, Shanghai Jiaotong University | counts |
ST000946 | AN001553 | Untargeted Metabolomics of T1 Participants | Blood | Human | Environmental exposure | University of Michigan | Counts |
ST000992 | AN001619 | Metabolomic Markers of Dietary Patterns in the Costa Rica Study | Blood | Human | Metabolic syndrome | University of Michigan | Counts |
ST001671 | AN002728 | A gut microbe-focused metabolomics pipeline enables mechanistic interrogation of microbiome metabolism | Bacterial cells | Bacteria | Stanford University | counts (area) | |
ST001688 | AN002757 | A gut microbe-focused metabolomics pipeline enables mechanistic interrogation of microbiome metabolism (part-II) | Bacterial cells | Bacteria | Stanford University | counts (area) | |
ST000284 | AN000452 | Colorectal Cancer Detection Using Targeted Serum Metabolic Profiling | Blood | Human | University of Washington | Counts per second | |
ST001777 | AN002884 | Comparison of High-Resolution Fourier Transform Mass Spectrometry Platforms for Metabolite Annotation - C. elegans | Worms | C. elegans | Georgia Institute of Technology | Da | |
ST001777 | AN002885 | Comparison of High-Resolution Fourier Transform Mass Spectrometry Platforms for Metabolite Annotation - C. elegans | Worms | C. elegans | Georgia Institute of Technology | Da | |
ST001778 | AN002886 | Comparison of High-Resolution Fourier Transform Mass Spectrometry Platforms for Metabolite Annotation | Worms | C. elegans | Georgia Institute of Technology | Da | |
ST001778 | AN002887 | Comparison of High-Resolution Fourier Transform Mass Spectrometry Platforms for Metabolite Annotation | Worms | C. elegans | Georgia Institute of Technology | Da | |
ST001402 | AN002344 | Ontogeny related changes in the pediatric liver metabolome | Liver | Human | Moffitt Cancer Center | estimated abundances | |
ST001403 | AN002345 | Ontogeny related changes in the pediatric liver metabolome (part-II) | Liver | Human | Moffitt Cancer Center | estimated abundances | |
ST002555 | AN004207 | Ethnicity-Specific Differences in Ovarian Cancer Metabolic Signatures | Cultured cells | Human | Cancer | University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center | Fold change over standard |
ST002016 | AN003284 | Metabolomics of COVID patients | Blood | Human | COVID-19 | University of Virginia | intensity |
ST002155 | AN003530 | Longitudinal metabolomic stool dynamics in primary C. difficile infections | Feces | Human | Bacterial infection | Brigham and Women's Hospital | intensity |
ST003636 | AN005971 | Individual glycemic responses to carbohydrates vary and reflect underlying metabolic physiology (metabolomics) | Blood | Human | Diabetes, Cardiovascular Disease | Stanford University | intensity |
ST003636 | AN005972 | Individual glycemic responses to carbohydrates vary and reflect underlying metabolic physiology (metabolomics) | Blood | Human | Diabetes, Cardiovascular Disease | Stanford University | intensity |
ST001788 | AN002900 | β-Adrenergic regulation of metabolism in macrophages (part-IV) | Macrophages | Human | Monash University | Intensity | |
ST002459 | AN004011 | Comparison of metabolite profiles from matched whole blood microsamplers, whole blood dried blood spots, and plasma. | Blood | Human | Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai | Ion abundance | |
ST002459 | AN004012 | Comparison of metabolite profiles from matched whole blood microsamplers, whole blood dried blood spots, and plasma. | Blood | Human | Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai | Ion abundance | |
ST002459 | AN004013 | Comparison of metabolite profiles from matched whole blood microsamplers, whole blood dried blood spots, and plasma. | Blood | Human | Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai | Ion abundance | |
ST003551 | AN005837 | Metabolomics analysis of N-methyl-arginine-treated HEK293 control (sgTomato) and ALDH7A1-deficient (sgALDH7A1) cells. | Cultured cells | Human | University of British Columbia | Ion counts | |
ST003551 | AN005838 | Metabolomics analysis of N-methyl-arginine-treated HEK293 control (sgTomato) and ALDH7A1-deficient (sgALDH7A1) cells. | Cultured cells | Human | University of British Columbia | Ion counts | |
ST003222 | AN005283 | A small molecule macrophage migration inhibitory factor agonist ameliorates age-related myocardial intolerance to ischemia-reperfusion insults via metabolic regulation - Part 1 | Heart | Mouse | Ischemia | University of Mississippi Medical Center | lipid content in the sample (nmol/g) |
ST002829 | AN004621 | Nucleotide, phospholipid, and kynurenine metabolites are robustly associated with COVID-19 severity and time of plasma sample collection in a prospective cohort study | Blood | Human | COVID-19 | National Institutes of Health | log transformed data |
ST001940 | AN003155 | Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Irritable Bowel Syndrome Induces Bidirectional Alterations in the Brain-Gut-Microbiome Axis Associated with Gastrointestinal Symptom Improvement | Feces | Human | Irritable bowel syndrome | University of California, Los Angeles | Metabolon original scale |
ST001940 | AN003156 | Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Irritable Bowel Syndrome Induces Bidirectional Alterations in the Brain-Gut-Microbiome Axis Associated with Gastrointestinal Symptom Improvement | Feces | Human | Irritable bowel syndrome | University of California, Los Angeles | Metabolon original scale |
ST001940 | AN003157 | Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Irritable Bowel Syndrome Induces Bidirectional Alterations in the Brain-Gut-Microbiome Axis Associated with Gastrointestinal Symptom Improvement | Feces | Human | Irritable bowel syndrome | University of California, Los Angeles | Metabolon original scale |
ST001940 | AN003158 | Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Irritable Bowel Syndrome Induces Bidirectional Alterations in the Brain-Gut-Microbiome Axis Associated with Gastrointestinal Symptom Improvement | Feces | Human | Irritable bowel syndrome | University of California, Los Angeles | Metabolon original scale |
ST000158 | AN000250 | Human fecal bile acid profiles before and after fecal transplant | Blood | Human | University of Michigan | mg/100mg (fecal), and mg/ml (serum, duodenum) | |
ST003027 | AN004963 | NMR- and MS-based omics reveal characteristic metabolome atlas and optimize biofluid earlydiagnostic biomarkers for esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (part-Ⅳ) | Tissue | Human | Cancer | Shantou University Medical College | m/z |
ST002943 | AN004828 | Targeted bile acid analysis for the XMaS trial. | Feces | Human | Inflammation | Oregon State University | ng/g |
ST003284 | AN005380 | Quantification of bile acids in amoxicillin treated mice | Intestine | Mouse | Brown University | ng/mg of sample | |
ST001991 | AN003248 | Dynamics of bile acid metabolism between the host and gut microbiome in progression to islet autoimmunity (Blood) | Blood | Human | Diabetes | University of Turku | ng/ml |
ST001992 | AN003249 | Dynamics of bile acid metabolism between the host and gut microbiome in progression to islet autoimmunity (Feces) | Feces | Human | Diabetes | University of Turku | ng/ml |
ST002496 | AN004206 | Study of environmental toxicants and gut microbiome in relation to obesity and insulin resistance | Blood | Human | Diabetes | Örebro University | ng/ml |
ST002496 | AN004206 | Study of environmental toxicants and gut microbiome in relation to obesity and insulin resistance | Blood | Human | Obesity | Örebro University | ng/ml |
ST003208 | AN005260 | Dynamics of Gut Metabolome and Microbiome Maturation during Early Life - Bile acid data (targeted LCMS) | Feces | Human | University of Turku | ng/ml | |
ST002073 | AN003380 | Profiling of the human intestinal microbiome and bile acids under physiologic conditions using an ingestible sampling device | Intestine | Human | University of California, Davis | ng/mL | |
ST003349 | AN005486 | An integrated LC-MS analysis of the biometric characteristics of different time cohorts of race walkers - targeted | Blood | Human | The First Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical University | ng/mL | |
ST003390 | AN005560 | In-depth profiling of biosignatures for Type 2 diabetes mellitus cohort utilizing an integrated targeted LC-MS platform | Blood | Human | Diabetes | The First Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical University | ng/mL |
ST000095 | AN000151 | Dysfunctional lipid metabolism underlies the effect of perinatal DDT exposure on the development of metabolic syndrome | Liver | Mouse | Metabolic syndrome | University of California, Davis | nM |
ST000845 | AN001368 | Statin Immuno-Metabolomics in Asthma (part III) | Blood | Rhesus monkey | Asthma | University of California, Davis | nM |
ST000847 | AN001371 | Statin Immuno-Metabolomics in Asthma (part V) | Lung | Rhesus monkey | Asthma | University of California, Davis | nM |
ST001154 | AN001947 | A comprehensive plasma metabolomics dataset for a cohort of mouse knockouts within the International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium | Blood | Mouse | University of California, Davis | nM | |
ST001743 | AN002836 | The Role of Intestinal-derived FGF15 and Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy on Plasma Bile Acid Composition in Mice | Blood | Mouse | University of Michigan | nM | |
ST001851 | AN002999 | Quantitative analysis of bile acids in fecal samples from centenarians, elderly and young subjects. | Feces | Human | Keio University School of Medicine | nM | |
ST002029 | AN003299 | Metabolomics Analysis of Blood Plasma and Stool from Six Week Flaxseed Dietary Intervention in Postmenopausal Women (Serum/Bile acids) | Blood | Human | University of California, Davis | nM | |
ST000193 | AN000295 | BAF60a LKO Liver specific knockout Bile acid | Liver | Mouse | University of Michigan | nmol | |
ST000222 | AN000331 | Bile acid targeted metabolomics of the small intestine in malnourished and control mice | Feces | Mouse | University of Victoria | nmol/mg | |
ST000277 | AN000442 | Pouch metabolome | Feces | Human | University of Michigan | nmol/mg dry sample weight | |
ST003143 | AN005157 | Mitochondrial complex I promotes kidney cancer metastasis | Kidney | Human | Cancer | University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas | Normalized Abundance |
ST003143 | AN005157 | Mitochondrial complex I promotes kidney cancer metastasis | Tumor cells | Human | Cancer | University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas | Normalized Abundance |
ST003143 | AN005158 | Mitochondrial complex I promotes kidney cancer metastasis | Kidney | Human | Cancer | University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas | Normalized Abundance |
ST003143 | AN005158 | Mitochondrial complex I promotes kidney cancer metastasis | Tumor cells | Human | Cancer | University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas | Normalized Abundance |
ST003277 | AN005367 | LC-MS/MS spatial analysis of mouse GI | Intestine | Mouse | Brown University | normalized imputed data | |
ST003312 | AN005424 | Integrative analysis of serum and fecal metabolome and the microbiome that herald Crohn Disease flare - serum | Blood | Human | Crohns disease | Sheba hospital | normalized metabolite percentage per sample |
ST003312 | AN005424 | Integrative analysis of serum and fecal metabolome and the microbiome that herald Crohn Disease flare - serum | Blood | Human | Inflammatory bowel disease | Sheba hospital | normalized metabolite percentage per sample |
ST002809 | AN004568 | Role of cilia in mitochondrial function | Cultured cells | Dog | Kidney disease | Medical University of South Carolina | Normalized/scaled raw area counts |
ST002809 | AN004568 | Role of cilia in mitochondrial function | Cultured cells | Mouse | Kidney disease | Medical University of South Carolina | Normalized/scaled raw area counts |
ST002020 | AN003290 | TIPs Metabolomics (urine) | Urine | Human | Vanderbilt University Medical Center | osmolality normalized scaled imputed | |
ST001780 | AN002890 | Comparative analysis of metabolomic profiles in cerebrospinal fluid before and after endurance exercise | Cerebrospinal fluid | Human | University of California, San Diego School of Medicine | peak area | |
ST001789 | AN002901 | Acute metabolomic changes of plasma in response to endurance exercise | Blood | Human | University of California, San Diego | peak area | |
ST001873 | AN003035 | Metabolomics analysis of multiple samples on AB 5600-Part 1 | Blood | Human | Dalian Institute Of Chemical Physics | peak area | |
ST001873 | AN003035 | Metabolomics analysis of multiple samples on AB 5600-Part 1 | Hep G2 cells | Human | Dalian Institute Of Chemical Physics | peak area | |
ST001873 | AN003035 | Metabolomics analysis of multiple samples on AB 5600-Part 1 | Urine | Human | Dalian Institute Of Chemical Physics | peak area | |
ST001874 | AN003036 | Metabolomics analysis of multiple samples on Agilent 6546-Part 1 | Blood | Human | Dalian Institute Of Chemical Physics | peak area | |
ST001874 | AN003036 | Metabolomics analysis of multiple samples on Agilent 6546-Part 1 | Hep G2 cells | Human | Dalian Institute Of Chemical Physics | peak area | |
ST001874 | AN003036 | Metabolomics analysis of multiple samples on Agilent 6546-Part 1 | Urine | Human | Dalian Institute Of Chemical Physics | peak area | |
ST001875 | AN003037 | Metabolomics analysis of multiple samples on AB 5600-Part 2 | Feces | Mouse | Dalian Institute Of Chemical Physics | peak area | |
ST001875 | AN003037 | Metabolomics analysis of multiple samples on AB 5600-Part 2 | Liver | Mouse | Dalian Institute Of Chemical Physics | peak area | |
ST001876 | AN003038 | Metabolomics analysis of multiple samples on Agilent 6546-Part 2 | Feces | Mouse | Dalian Institute Of Chemical Physics | peak area | |
ST001876 | AN003038 | Metabolomics analysis of multiple samples on Agilent 6546-Part 2 | Liver | Mouse | Dalian Institute Of Chemical Physics | peak area | |
ST001999 | AN003262 | Polyamine import and accumulation causes immunomodulation in macrophages engulfing apoptotic cells (Part 4) | Macrophages | Mouse | University of Colorado Denver | peak area | |
ST002153 | AN003527 | Data from plasma metabolome analysis of APP-KI and Wild type mice treated with B. breve MCC1274 | Blood | Mouse | Morinaga milk industry CO., LTD. | peak area | |
ST002200 | AN003602 | Human Trisome Project Plasma Metabolomics v1 | Blood | Human | Down syndrome | University of Colorado Denver | peak area |
ST002498 | AN004656 | Plasma Metabolomics Profiling of 580 Patients from the Weill Cornell Medicine Early Detection Research Network Prostate Cancer Cohort | Blood | Human | Cancer | Weill Cornell Medicine | peak area |
ST002536 | AN004174 | Effectors enabling adaptation to mitochondrial complex I loss in Hürthle cell carcinoma | Thyroid | Human | Cancer | Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard | peak area |
ST002632 | AN004304 | MoTrPAC: Endurance exercise training study in young adult rats, Rat Plasma - Untargeted Reversed-Phase Negative | Blood | Rat | University of Michigan | peak area | |
ST002633 | AN004305 | MoTrPAC: Endurance exercise training study in young adult rats, Rat Plasma - Untargeted Reversed-Phase Positive | Blood | Rat | University of Michigan | peak area | |
ST002672 | AN004344 | MoTrPAC: Endurance exercise training study in young adult rats, Rat Lung Powder - Untargeted Reversed-Phase Negative | Lung | Rat | University of Michigan | peak area | |
ST002679 | AN004351 | MoTrPAC: Endurance exercise training study in young adult rats, Rat Liver Powder - Untargeted Reversed-Phase Negative | Liver | Rat | University of Michigan | peak area | |
ST002680 | AN004352 | MoTrPAC: Endurance exercise training study in young adult rats, Rat Liver Powder - Untargeted Reversed-Phase Positive | Liver | Rat | University of Michigan | peak area | |
ST002686 | AN004359 | MoTrPAC: Endurance exercise training study in young adult rats, Rat Brown Adipose Powder - Untargeted Reversed-Phase Negative | Brown adipose | Rat | University of Michigan | peak area | |
ST002693 | AN004366 | MoTrPAC: Endurance exercise training study in young adult rats, Rat White Adipose Powder - Untargeted Reversed-Phase Negative | White adipose | Rat | University of Michigan | peak area | |
ST002915 | AN004785 | MoTrPAC: Endurance exercise training study in young adult rats, Rat Kidney Powder - Untargeted Reversed-Phase Negative | Kidney | Rat | University of Michigan | peak area | |
ST002916 | AN004786 | MoTrPAC: Endurance exercise training study in young adult rats, Rat Heart Powder - Untargeted Reversed-Phase Negative | Heart | Rat | University of Michigan | peak area | |
ST003044 | AN004993 | A High-Fat Eucaloric Diet Induces Reprometabolic Syndrome of Obesity in Normal Weight Women - lipidomics | Blood | Human | Obesity | University of Colorado Denver | peak area |
ST003044 | AN004994 | A High-Fat Eucaloric Diet Induces Reprometabolic Syndrome of Obesity in Normal Weight Women - lipidomics | Blood | Human | Obesity | University of Colorado Denver | peak area |
ST003177 | AN005216 | A Longitudinal Study in Rheumatoid Arthritis Unveils Metabolomic Biomarkers Preceding Clinical Onset, Assessing Disease Severity, and Anticipating Treatment Response to csDMARDs | Blood | Human | Rheumatoid arthritis | West China Hospital of Sichuan University | peak area |
ST000135 | AN000217 | LCMS analysis of Bile Acids | Feces | Mouse | Pennsylvania State University | Peak area | |
ST000135 | AN000217 | LCMS analysis of Bile Acids | Intestine | Mouse | Pennsylvania State University | Peak area | |
ST000135 | AN000217 | LCMS analysis of Bile Acids | Liver | Mouse | Pennsylvania State University | Peak area | |
ST000523 | AN000798 | Prenatal exposures and Metabolite and Lipid Profiles | Blood | Human | Environmental exposure | University of Michigan | Peak area |
ST000689 | AN001064 | Influence of Noxa knockdown on cell metabolism | Cultured cells | Human | University of Michigan | Peak area | |
ST000692 | AN001070 | Metabolites produced by strains associated with inflammation | Bacterial cells | Treponema | Inflammation | University of Michigan | Peak area |
ST000693 | AN001072 | Lanthanide-mineral induced alteration of bile acid metabolism in a murine model of steatohepatitis (part II) | Mouse | Fatty liver disease | University of Michigan | Peak area | |
ST000694 | AN001074 | Differences in bile acids composition between ASCL5 knockout and floxed mice. | Intestine | Mouse | University of Michigan | Peak area | |
ST000695 | AN001076 | Pilot metabolomics study of aromatase inhibitor associated arthralgias | Blood | Human | Arthralgia | University of Michigan | Peak area |
ST000696 | AN001080 | Brain-Immune system-Gut Interaction in Chronic Mild Stress (CMS +/- Lacto) | Mouse | Stress | University of Michigan | Peak area | |
ST000708 | AN001099 | Metabolic effects of weight reduction of very low energy diet vs dietary counseling | Human | University of Michigan | Peak area | ||
ST000725 | AN001137 | Metabolome, body composition, and muscle performance in children | Blood | Human | University of Michigan | Peak area | |
ST000741 | AN001156 | Metabolite-phenotype link in X-linked Adrenoleukodystrophy (fibroblast cell culture) | Cultured cells | Human | Adrenoleukodystrophy | University of Michigan | Peak area |
ST000748 | AN001173 | Placental cells (BeWo) phthalate exposure metabolomics | Cultured cells | Human | University of Michigan | Peak area | |
ST000750 | AN001177 | Rat amniotic fluid metabolomics (part II) | Amniotic fluid | Rat | University of Michigan | Peak area | |
ST000756 | AN001187 | Metabolomics of cilia and modulation of renal microcirculation | Blood | Rat | University of Michigan | Peak area | |
ST000758 | AN001191 | Effects of caloric restriction in HCR/LCR rats | Rat | University of Michigan | Peak area | ||
ST000775 | AN001223 | Michigan Biomarkers for Refractory Depression (Bluebird) metabolomics pilot study | Blood | Human | Depression | University of Michigan | Peak area |
ST000823 | AN001307 | Metabolic profiling of cyst fluid from patients with Intraductal Pancreatic Mucinous Neoplasm (part II) | Cyst fluid | Human | Cancer | University of Michigan | Peak area |
ST000879 | AN001431 | Diet, genetics and gut microbiome drive dynamic changes in plasma metabolites [plasma] | Mouse | Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard | Peak area | ||
ST001212 | AN002046 | Fish-oil supplementation in pregnancy, child metabolomics and asthma risk | Blood | Human | University of Copenhagen | Peak area | |
ST001223 | AN002036 | Host Metabolic Response in Early Lyme Disease | Blood | Human | Lyme disease | Colorado State University | Peak area |
ST001385 | AN002313 | Urine Metabolomics | Urine | Human | Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai | Peak area | |
ST001411 | AN002361 | Plasma metabolites of lipid metabolism associate with diabetic polyneuropathy in a cohort with screen-tested type 2 diabetes: ADDITION-Denmark | Blood | Human | Obesity | University of Michigan | Peak area |
ST001412 | AN002362 | Metabolomics study in Plasma of Obese Patients with Neuropathy Identifies Potential Metabolomics Signatures | Blood | Human | Obesity | University of Michigan | Peak area |
ST001420 | AN002375 | Metabolomic analysis of patients with recurrent angina | Blood | Human | Angina | University of California, San Diego | Peak area |
ST001441 | AN002408 | Metabolomics of patient-derived fibroblasts | Fibroblast cells | Human | Mitochondrial disease | North Carolina State University | Peak area |
ST001828 | AN002965 | Nested case–control study of environmental exposure within the ongoing Puerto Rico Testsite for Exploring Contamination Threats (PROTECT) pregnancy cohort. | Blood | Human | University of Michigan | Peak area | |
ST001935 | AN003146 | Metabolomic profiling of spontaneous macaque model for diabetes mellitus | Blood | Macaque monkey | Diabetes | Xiamen University | Peak area |
ST001935 | AN003146 | Metabolomic profiling of spontaneous macaque model for diabetes mellitus | Liver | Macaque monkey | Diabetes | Xiamen University | Peak area |
ST002399 | AN003906 | Metabolomics of Adipocyte-Conditioned Media Compared to Stromal Cell- and Un-conditioned Media | Cultured cells | Mouse | Obesity | Emory University | Peak area |
ST002787 | AN004535 | Metabolomic analysis of gut metabolites in colorectal cancer patients: correlation with disease development and outcome | Feces | Human | Cancer | Wuhan University of Science and Technology | Peak area |
ST002857 | AN004683 | Intracerebroventricular Transplantation of Foetal Allogeneic Neural Stem Cells in Patients with Secondary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis (hNSC-SPMS): a phase I dose-escalation clinical trial - Metabolomics Analysis of Human CSF and Serum | Cerebrospinal fluid | Human | Multiple sclerosis | University of Colorado Denver | Peak area |
ST002858 | AN004688 | Intracerebroventricular Transplantation of Foetal Allogeneic Neural Stem Cells in Patients with Secondary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis (hNSC-SPMS): a phase I dose-escalation clinical trial - Metabolomics Analysis of Human Serum | Blood | Human | Multiple sclerosis | University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus | Peak area |
ST003063 | AN005018 | Uncoupling Metabolic Health from Thermogenesis via BCAA Nitrogen Flux in Brown Fat - Serum metabolomics from control and MBC UCP1-KO | Blood | Mouse | Diabetes | BIDMC | Peak area |
ST003333 | AN005461 | Urine Metabolite Profiling in Indian Male Population at High Altitude using Liquid Chromatography – Mass Spectrometry: A Longitudinal Pilot Study | Urine | Human | Environmental exposure | Defence Institute of Physiology and Allied Sciences | Peak area |
ST003333 | AN005461 | Urine Metabolite Profiling in Indian Male Population at High Altitude using Liquid Chromatography – Mass Spectrometry: A Longitudinal Pilot Study | Urine | Human | Hypoxia | Defence Institute of Physiology and Allied Sciences | Peak area |
ST003348 | AN005484 | An integrated LC-MS analysis of the biometric characteristics of different time cohorts of race walkers - untargeted | Blood | Human | The First Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical University | Peak area | |
ST003520 | AN005780 | Identification of Plasma Metabolomic Biomarkers of Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis | Blood | Human | Arthritis | University of Kansas | Peak area |
ST002909 | AN004777 | Plasma metabolomics reveals distinct biological and diagnostic signatures for melioidosis | Blood | Human | Melioidosis | University of Washington | Peak Area |
ST003032 | AN004971 | Effects of Preanalytical Sample Collection and Handling on Comprehensive Metabolite Measurements in Human Urine Biospecimens | Urine | Human | National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences | Peak Area | |
ST000698 | AN001084 | Metabolomics analysis of Sirt5 knockdown (KD) melanoma | Human | University of Michigan | Peak area normalized | ||
ST000711 | AN001111 | Microbial ecology of nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) in cystic fibrosis (CF) sputum | Sputum | Human | Cystic fibrosis | University of Michigan | Peak area normalized |
ST000721 | AN001127 | Metabolomic Profiles of Recovery from Traumatic Brain Injury | Blood | Human | Trauma | University of Michigan | Peak area normalized |
ST000726 | AN001139 | Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome(PCOS) metabolomics | Blood | Human | Polycystic ovary syndrome | University of Michigan | Peak area normalized |
ST000743 | AN001159 | Metabolomics of bariatric weight loss | Human | Diabetes | University of Michigan | Peak area normalized | |
ST000744 | AN001163 | Metabolomics of intensive weight management clinic (IWMC) weight loss | Human | Diabetes | University of Michigan | Peak area normalized | |
ST000818 | AN001297 | Integrated nutrigenomic and metabolomic analysis of Africans with variable diet | Blood | Human | Heart disease | University of Michigan | Peak area normalized |
ST001325 | AN002206 | Obesity and Poor Diet as Susceptibility Factors for Secondhand Smoke in Childhood Asthma | Blood | Human | Asthma | University of Michigan | Peak area normalized |
ST001325 | AN002207 | Obesity and Poor Diet as Susceptibility Factors for Secondhand Smoke in Childhood Asthma | Blood | Human | Asthma | University of Michigan | Peak area normalized |
ST001383 | AN002306 | Investigating exposures and health impacts of endocrine disrupting chemicals among inner-city children. | Blood | Human | Environmental exposure | University of Michigan | Peak area normalized |
ST001383 | AN002307 | Investigating exposures and health impacts of endocrine disrupting chemicals among inner-city children. | Blood | Human | Environmental exposure | University of Michigan | Peak area normalized |
ST002926 | AN004799 | Multi-“omics” analysis reveals the orphan P. falciparum protein kinase PfPK8 regulates multi-gene family expression | Blood | Plasmodium falciparum | Malaria | Monash University | peak height |
ST000403 | AN000643 | Metabolomics-based elucidation of active metabolic pathways in erythrocytes and HSC-derived reticulocytes | Cells | Human | Monash Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences | Peak height | |
ST000539 | AN000819 | Metabolomics-based elucidation of active metabolic pathways in erythrocytes and HSC-derived reticulocytes (part II) | Cells | Human | Monash University | Peak height | |
ST000546 | AN000833 | Multi-omics based identification of specific biochemical changes associated with PfKelch13-mutant artemisinin resistant Plasmodium | Cells | Plasmodium falciparum | Malaria | Monash University | Peak height |
ST000552 | AN000843 | Metabolite signatures in trauma patients with venous thromboembolism (VTE) | Blood | Human | Trauma | University of Florida | Peak height |
ST000919 | AN001506 | Investigating Eicosanoids Implications on the Blood Pressure Response to Thiazide Diuretics | Blood | Human | University of Florida | Peak height | |
ST000954 | AN001564 | Explore Metabolites and Pathways Associated Increased Airway Hyperresponsiveness in Asthma | Blood | Human | Asthma | University of Florida | Peak height |
ST000957 | AN001570 | Global metabolomics of human milk fractions | Breast milk | Human | Obesity | University of Florida | Peak height |
ST001274 | AN002115 | Metabolomics-based profiling of the mode of action of Pathogen Box compounds in Trypanosoma brucei (part-I) | Cultured cells | Trypanosoma brucei | Sleeping sickness | Monash University | Peak height |
ST001276 | AN002117 | Development and Characterisation of a Novel Class of Aroyl Guanidine Containing Anti-Trypanosomal Compounds | Cultured cells | Trypanosoma brucei | Sleeping sickness | Monash University | Peak height |
ST003179 | AN005222 | Property and Activity Refinement of Dihydroquinazolinone-3-carboxamides as Orally Efficacious Antimalarials that Target PfATP4 | Plasmodium cells | Plasmodium falciparum | Malaria | Monash University | Peak height |
ST003356 | AN005498 | Noninvasive multiomic measurement of cell type repertoires in human urine | Urine | Human | Urinary tract infection | CZ Biohub | Peak height |
ST003565 | AN005858 | Metaboloomics analysis of the antimalarial compound WEHI-1888504 (aka compound 59) in Plasmodium falciparum (3D7) infected red blood cells | Cultured cells | Plasmodium falciparum | Malaria | Monash University | Peak height |
ST000448 | AN000701 | Emory University high-resolution metabolomic profiling of ring trial samples | Blood | Human | Emory University | Peak intensity | |
ST001040 | AN001702 | Maternal gut microbiome, pregnancy exposure to environmental contaminants, and child health outcomes: A pilot study exploring potential effect modifications by diet | Urine | Human | Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai | Peak intensity | |
ST001048 | AN001716 | Pediatric Inner-City Environmental Exposures at School and Home and Asthma Study | Urine | Human | Asthma | Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai | Peak intensity |
ST001048 | AN001717 | Pediatric Inner-City Environmental Exposures at School and Home and Asthma Study | Urine | Human | Asthma | Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai | Peak intensity |
ST001201 | AN001999 | Peroxide antimalarial treatment timecourse on trophozoite-stage P. falciparum parasites | Cultured cells | Human | Malaria | Monash University | Peak intensity |
ST001201 | AN001999 | Peroxide antimalarial treatment timecourse on trophozoite-stage P. falciparum parasites | Cultured cells | Plasmodium falciparum | Malaria | Monash University | Peak intensity |
ST001205 | AN002007 | Peroxide antimalarial treatment of K13-mutant and -wildtype P. falciparum parasites | Cultured cells | Human | Malaria | Monash University | Peak intensity |
ST001205 | AN002007 | Peroxide antimalarial treatment of K13-mutant and -wildtype P. falciparum parasites | Cultured cells | Plasmodium falciparum | Malaria | Monash University | Peak intensity |
ST001317 | AN002192 | Dynamics of Exposure, Phthalates, and Asthma in a Randomized Trial (DEPART) | Urine | Human | Asthma | Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai | Peak intensity |
ST001317 | AN002192 | Dynamics of Exposure, Phthalates, and Asthma in a Randomized Trial (DEPART) | Urine | Human | Environmental exposure | Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai | Peak intensity |
ST001547 | AN002577 | β-Adrenergic regulation of metabolism in macrophages | Macrophages | Human | Monash University | Peak intensity | |
ST001548 | AN002579 | β-Adrenergic regulation of metabolism in macrophages (part-II) | Macrophages | Human | Monash University | Peak intensity | |
ST003313 | AN005425 | Integrative analysis of serum and fecal metabolome and the microbiome that herald Crohn Disease flare - feces | Feces | Human | Crohns disease | Sheba hospital | percentage of metabolites per sample |
ST003313 | AN005425 | Integrative analysis of serum and fecal metabolome and the microbiome that herald Crohn Disease flare - feces | Feces | Human | Inflammatory bowel disease | Sheba hospital | percentage of metabolites per sample |
ST002030 | AN003300 | Metabolomics Analysis of Blood Plasma and Stool from Six Week Flaxseed Dietary Intervention in Postmenopausal Women (Stool/Bile acids) | Feces | Human | University of California, Davis | pg/mg wet stool | |
ST000193 | AN000295 | BAF60a LKO Liver specific knockout Bile acid | Liver | Mouse | University of Michigan | pmol/100 mg sample | |
ST001827 | AN002963 | The pregnancy metabolome from a multi-ethnic pregnancy cohort | Blood | Human | Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai | pmoles/l | |
ST001225 | AN002038 | Targeted metabolomics | Colon | Human | Cancer | University of Michigan | pmol/mg |
ST001230 | AN002043 | Aquamin and Prevention of Colon Cancer (part-VI) | Feces | Human | Cancer | University of Michigan | pmol/mg |
ST000192 | AN000294 | TRF Microbiome Study NA/FA/FT/CDKO 4-14 | Feces | Mouse | University of Michigan | pmol/mg sample | |
ST000194 | AN000296 | Lanthanide-mineral induced alteration of bile acid metabolism in a murine model of steatohepatitis | Liver | Mouse | Fatty liver disease | University of Michigan | pmol/mg sample |
ST000213 | AN000315 | Germfree vs Conventional Swiss webster mice Studies (part II) | Feces | Mouse | University of Michigan | pmol/mg sample | |
ST001983 | AN003234 | Metabolomic Fingerprinting of Human High Grade Serous Ovarian Carcinoma Cell Lines | Ovarian cancer cells | Human | Cancer | University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center | ratio |
ST001835 | AN002977 | Use of Integrated Metabolomics, Transcriptomics, and Signal Protein Profile to Characterize the Effector Function and Associated Metabotype of Polarized Macrophage Phenotypes | Blood | Human | Idaho Veterans Research and Education Foundation | raw area count | |
ST000899 | AN001464 | Alterations in Lipid, Amino Acid, and Energy Metabolism Distinguish Crohn Disease from Ulcerative Colitis and Control Subjects by Serum Metabolomic Profiling | Blood | Human | Inflammatory bowel disease | Vanderbilt University Medical Center | raw area counts |
ST001400 | AN002341 | Identification of distinct metabolic perturbations and associated immunomodulatory events during intra-erythrocytic development stage of pediatric Plasmodium falciparum malaria | Blood | Human | Malaria | New York University Abu Dhabi | raw area counts |
ST001516 | AN002516 | Identification of distinct metabolic perturbations and associated immunomodulatory events during intra-erythrocytic development stage of pediatric Plasmodium falciparum malaria (part-II) | Blood | Human | Malaria | New York University Abu Dhabi | raw area counts |
ST001517 | AN002519 | Identification of distinct metabolic perturbations and associated immunomodulatory events during intra-erythrocytic development stage of pediatric Plasmodium falciparum malaria (part-III) | Blood | Human | Malaria | New York University Abu Dhabi | raw area counts |
ST001749 | AN002850 | REACH Metabolomics Study | Blood | Human | Alzheimers disease | University of Wisconsin-Madison | Raw area counts |
ST002818 | AN004588 | Evaluation of Novel Candidate Filtration Markers from a Global Metabolomics Discovery for Glomerular Filtration Rate Estimation (ALTOLD) | Blood | Human | Tufts Medical Center | raw area counts rescaled to set the median equal to 1 | |
ST002819 | AN004592 | Evaluation of Novel Candidate Filtration Markers from a Global Metabolomics Discovery for Glomerular Filtration Rate Estimation (MDRD) | Blood | Human | Tufts Medical Center | raw area counts rescaled to set the median equal to 1 | |
ST002820 | AN004596 | Evaluation of Novel Candidate Filtration Markers from a Global Metabolomics Discovery for Glomerular Filtration Rate Estimation (AASKG1) | Blood | Human | Tufts Medical Center | raw area counts rescaled to set the median equal to 1 | |
ST001683 | AN002748 | A gut microbe-focused metabolomics pipeline enables mechanistic interrogation of microbiome metabolism. | Blood | Mouse | Stanford University | Raw ion count (peak area) | |
ST001683 | AN002748 | A gut microbe-focused metabolomics pipeline enables mechanistic interrogation of microbiome metabolism. | Cecum | Mouse | Stanford University | Raw ion count (peak area) | |
ST001683 | AN002748 | A gut microbe-focused metabolomics pipeline enables mechanistic interrogation of microbiome metabolism. | Feces | Mouse | Stanford University | Raw ion count (peak area) | |
ST001683 | AN002748 | A gut microbe-focused metabolomics pipeline enables mechanistic interrogation of microbiome metabolism. | Urine | Mouse | Stanford University | Raw ion count (peak area) | |
ST003361 | AN005503 | Bile acid–induced gut mitochondrial dysfunction promotes Enterobacteriaceae colonization and associates with dysbiosis in Crohn's disease | Feces | Mouse | Crohns disease | University of British Columbia | Relative abundance |
ST003361 | AN005503 | Bile acid–induced gut mitochondrial dysfunction promotes Enterobacteriaceae colonization and associates with dysbiosis in Crohn's disease | Feces | Mouse | Inflammatory bowel disease | University of British Columbia | Relative abundance |
ST001241 | AN002062 | Global Metabolic Analysis Trisomy 21 - Cohort 3, Plasma | Blood | Human | Down syndrome | University of Colorado Denver | Relative Abundance |
ST001404 | AN002346 | Ontogeny related changes in the pediatric liver metabolome (part-III) | Liver | Human | Moffitt Cancer Center | Relative Abundance | |
ST001730 | AN002816 | Mitochondrial ATP fuels ABC transporter-mediated drug efflux in cancer chemoresistance | Cultured cells | Human | Cancer | University of Colorado Denver | Relative Abundance |
ST001731 | AN002818 | Mitochondrial ATP fuels ABC transporter-mediated drug efflux in cancer chemoresistance (part-II) | Cultured cells | Human | Cancer | University of Colorado Denver | Relative Abundance |
ST001439 | AN002404 | Metabolites in contents of small intestine in wild type and DAOG181R/G181R mice | Small intestine | Mouse | Keio University | relative_area | |
ST002206 | AN003609 | Lipolysis-derived Lipids Determine Autophagy Initiation during Fasting | Worms | C. elegans | Seoul National University | relative area | |
ST001668 | AN002723 | D-Allulose effects on hepatic metabolomics profile in rodents | Liver | Rat | Matsutani Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. | Relative Area | |
ST003298 | AN005405 | Annual changes on metabolomics profile in latex | Latex | Rubber tree | Sumitomo Riko Co., Ltd. | Relative Area | |
ST002309 | AN003772 | Targeting malaria parasites with novel derivatives of azithromycin | Blood | Plasmodium falciparum | Malaria | Monash University | relative intensity |
ST001849 | AN002993 | Longitudinal Metabolomics of Human Plasma Reveals Robust Prognostic Markers of COVID-19 Disease Severity (part I) | Blood | Human | COVID-19 | Washington University in St. Louis | Relative Intensity |
ST002088 | AN003408 | Plasma Metabolomic signatures of COPD in a SPIROMICS cohort: A metabolomic severity score for airflow obstructions and emphysema | Blood | Human | COPD | National Jewish Health | relativeMedian |
ST002089 | AN003412 | Plasma metabolomic signatures of COPD: A metabolomic severity score for airflow obstruction and emphysema. | Blood | Human | COPD | National Jewish Health | relativeMedian |
ST001869 | AN003031 | WNK463 Inhibition on Right Ventricular metabolomics | Heart | Rat | Hypertension | University of Minnesota | relative value |
ST002017 | AN003287 | Multi-omic analysis of the microbiome and metabolome in healthy subjects (blood) | Blood | Human | Vanderbilt University Medical Center | scaled imputed | |
ST002018 | AN003288 | Multi-omic analysis of the microbiome and metabolome in healthy subjects (feces) | Feces | Human | Vanderbilt University Medical Center | scaled imputed | |
ST002019 | AN003289 | TIPs Metabolomics (blood) | Blood | Human | Vanderbilt University Medical Center | scaled imputed | |
ST000974 | AN001595 | GC6-74 matabolomic of TB (Part 1: Plasma) | Blood | Human | Tuberculosis | Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology | scaled units |
ST000975 | AN001596 | GC6-74 metabolomics of TB vs healthy (Part 2: Serum) | Blood | Human | Tuberculosis | Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology | scaled units |
ST000976 | AN001597 | GC6-74 matabolomic of TB (Part 3: Plasma_RPMI) | Blood | Human | Tuberculosis | Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology | scaled units |
ST001515 | AN002513 | A Metabolomic Signature of Glucagon Action in Healthy Individuals with Overweight/Obesity Humans | Blood | Human | Obesity | Translational Research Institute- AdventHealth Orlando | scaled units |
ST001175 | AN001951 | Multi-omics analysis demonstrates unique mode of action of a potent new antimalarial compound, JPC-3210, against Plasmodium falciparum | Plasmodium cells | Plasmodium falciparum | Malaria | Monash University | Signal Intensity |
ST001315 | AN002190 | Retargeting azithromycin-like compounds as antimalarials with dual modality | Blood | Plasmodium falciparum | Malaria | Monash University | Signal Intensity |
ST002231 | AN003641 | Metabolomics Analysis of HOG-EV and HOG-R132H Cells with and without BAY 2402234 Treatment | Cultured cells | Human | Cancer | UT Southwestern Medical Center | TIC-Corrected Peak Area |
ST003161 | AN005186 | Diet-omics in the Study of Urban and Rural Crohn disease Evolution (SOURCE) cohort | Feces | Human | Inflammatory bowel disease | Sheba hospital | TSS normalized values |
ST000303 | AN000482 | Human fecal bile acid profiles before and after fecal transplant (Part 2) | Cecum | Human | University of Michigan | ug/100 mg | |
ST000735 | AN001149 | Murine bile acid profiles during CDI R20291 infection | Intestine | Mouse | Antibiotic resistance | University of Michigan | ug/100 mg |
ST000831 | AN001325 | Bile acid analysis of the germ free mouse gut | Feces | Mouse | Bacterial infection | University of Michigan | ug/100 mg |
ST000212 | AN000314 | Murine gut bile acid analysis | Cecum | Mouse | University of Michigan | ug/100mg sample | |
ST000196 | AN000298 | Murine gastrointestinal bile acid profiles before and after antibiotics | Cecum | Mouse | Antibiotic resistance | University of Michigan | ug/100mg sample weight |
ST000195 | AN000297 | ACSL5 Whole Body Bile Acids | Flushing | Mouse | University of Michigan | uM | |
ST000998 | AN001627 | Bile Acid of Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis (part IV) | Blood | Human | Mayo Clinic | uM | |
ST001226 | AN002039 | Aquamin and Prevention of Colon Cancer (part-II) | Blood | Human | Cancer | University of Michigan | uM |
ST001349 | AN002244 | Multiparous and Primiparous Simmental Dairy Cows | Blood | Cow | Institute of Animal Nutrition and Functional Plant Compounds | uM | |
ST001388 | AN002317 | Quantitative bile acids study on total murine liver tissue from mice at different age | Liver | Mouse | Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research | uM | |
ST001669 | AN002724 | Serum metabolome of Guangzhou Nutrition and Health Study (GNHS) | Blood | Human | Westlake University | uM | |
ST002313 | AN003780 | Dietary inclusion of nitrite-containing frankfurter exacerbates colorectal cancer pathology, increases oxidative stress, alters metabolism and causes gut dybiosis in APCmin mice | Blood | Mouse | Cancer | Institute for Global Food Security | uM |
ST003203 | AN005254 | Metabolomic investigation of tear fluid biomarkers obtained from participants enrolled in the BiZiFED nutrition study | Tear | Human | Zinc deficiency | Institute for Global Food Security | uM |
ST003527 | AN005793 | Combining antibiotics alters the longitudinal maturation of gut microbiota and its short chain fatty acid metabolites in extremely and very preterm infants | Feces | Human | Gastrointestinal disease | Seoul National University | uM |
ST002337 | AN003819 | Guangzhou Nutrition and Health Study (GNHS) | Feces | Human | Westlake University | umol/L | |
ST002246 | AN003669 | Longitudinal fecal metabolomic profiles from mothers and their infants in the EDIA study | Feces | Human | Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard | Unitless Abundances | |
ST001519 | AN002528 | Stool metabolites of known identity profiled using hybrid nontargeted methods (part-I) | Feces | Human | Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard | unitless peak areas | |
ST001521 | AN002536 | Plasma metabolites of known identity profiled using hybrid nontargeted methods (part-III) | Blood | Human | Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard | unitless peak areas | |
ST003100 | AN005071 | Lactiplantibacillus plantarum intervention on fecal bile acids of gestational fecal microbiome transplant germ-free mice | Feces | Mouse | Gastrointestinal disease | Beijing Sanyuan Foods Co. Ltd | μg/g |
ST001832 | AN002974 | Quantitative bile acids study on blood serum and ceacal content of rat models (part I) | Blood | Rat | Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research | µM | |
ST001832 | AN002974 | Quantitative bile acids study on blood serum and ceacal content of rat models (part I) | Cecum | Rat | Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research | µM | |
ST001933 | AN003143 | Absolute quantification of plasma cytokines and metabolome reveals the glycylproline regulating antibody-fading in convalescent COVID-19 patients | Blood | Human | COVID-19 | Hong Kong Baptist University | µM |
ST002023 | AN003293 | A targeted metabolomics study for assessing rodent thyroid toxicity | Liver | Rat | Thyroid toxicity | Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research | µM |
ST002023 | AN003293 | A targeted metabolomics study for assessing rodent thyroid toxicity | Thyroid | Rat | Thyroid toxicity | Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research | µM |
ST003069 | AN005026 | Plasma instead of serum avoids critical confounding of clinical metabolomics studies by platelets (Part 3/3 - Plasma and serum metabolomics) | Blood | Human | University of Vienna | µM | |
ST003403 | AN005584 | The double-edged role of FASII regulator FabT in Streptococcus pyogenes infection - Metabolomics | Bacterial cells | Streptococcus pyogenes | Bacterial infection | INSERM | µM |
ST003477 | AN005712 | Biocrates Test | Blood | Human | Hannover Medical School | µM |