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PCA analysis for Study ST003436
(Analysis AN005645 )
Select 2 or more experimental factors for PCA analysis.
Combined factors (this analysis)
Sample source:FBS-based standard | Sample Type:FBS-based standard | Drug Treatment:NA | Time post-injection:NA
Sample source:Murine brain | Sample Type:Tissue metabolite extract | Drug Treatment:10 mg/kg Fasnall | Time post-injection:15 min
Sample source:Murine brain | Sample Type:Tissue metabolite extract | Drug Treatment:10 mg/kg Fasnall | Time post-injection:1 h
Sample source:Murine brain | Sample Type:Tissue metabolite extract | Drug Treatment:10 mg/kg Fasnall | Time post-injection:2 h
Sample source:Murine brain | Sample Type:Tissue metabolite extract | Drug Treatment:10 mg/kg Fasnall | Time post-injection:3 h
Sample source:Murine brain | Sample Type:Tissue metabolite extract | Drug Treatment:10 mg/kg Fasnall | Time post-injection:4 h
Sample source:Murine brain | Sample Type:Tissue metabolite extract | Drug Treatment:10 mg/kg Fasnall | Time post-injection:6 h
Sample source:Murine brain | Sample Type:Tissue metabolite extract | Drug Treatment:Control | Time post-injection:NA
Sample source:Murine heart | Sample Type:Tissue metabolite extract | Drug Treatment:10 mg/kg Fasnall | Time post-injection:15 min
Sample source:Murine heart | Sample Type:Tissue metabolite extract | Drug Treatment:10 mg/kg Fasnall | Time post-injection:1 h
Sample source:Murine heart | Sample Type:Tissue metabolite extract | Drug Treatment:10 mg/kg Fasnall | Time post-injection:2 h
Sample source:Murine heart | Sample Type:Tissue metabolite extract | Drug Treatment:10 mg/kg Fasnall | Time post-injection:3 h
Sample source:Murine heart | Sample Type:Tissue metabolite extract | Drug Treatment:10 mg/kg Fasnall | Time post-injection:4 h
Sample source:Murine heart | Sample Type:Tissue metabolite extract | Drug Treatment:10 mg/kg Fasnall | Time post-injection:6 h
Sample source:Murine heart | Sample Type:Tissue metabolite extract | Drug Treatment:Control | Time post-injection:NA
Sample source:Murine liver | Sample Type:Tissue metabolite extract | Drug Treatment:10 mg/kg Fasnall | Time post-injection:15 min
Sample source:Murine liver | Sample Type:Tissue metabolite extract | Drug Treatment:10 mg/kg Fasnall | Time post-injection:1 h
Sample source:Murine liver | Sample Type:Tissue metabolite extract | Drug Treatment:10 mg/kg Fasnall | Time post-injection:2 h
Sample source:Murine liver | Sample Type:Tissue metabolite extract | Drug Treatment:10 mg/kg Fasnall | Time post-injection:3 h
Sample source:Murine liver | Sample Type:Tissue metabolite extract | Drug Treatment:10 mg/kg Fasnall | Time post-injection:4 h
Sample source:Murine liver | Sample Type:Tissue metabolite extract | Drug Treatment:10 mg/kg Fasnall | Time post-injection:6 h
Sample source:Murine liver | Sample Type:Tissue metabolite extract | Drug Treatment:Control | Time post-injection:NA
Sample source:Murine plasma | Sample Type:Plasma-based standard | Drug Treatment:NA | Time post-injection:NA
Sample source:Murine plasma | Sample Type:Plasma | Drug Treatment:NA | Time post-injection:NA
Sample source:NA | Sample Type:Blank | Drug Treatment:NA | Time post-injection:NA
Sample source:NA | Sample Type:QC | Drug Treatment:NA | Time post-injection:NA
Sample source:QC | Sample Type:QC | Drug Treatment:NA | Time post-injection:NA
Perform PCA on individual factors (all analyses in study)
UCSD Metabolomics Workbench, a resource sponsored by the Common Fund of the National Institutes of Health
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