Principal Component Analysis on NMR studies

This analysis uses the "prcomp" function of the R statistics environment

Click on links below to perform analysis.

PCAStudy IDStudy TitleInstituteNMR Analysis Type
ST000020 Biomarker Discovery in Knee Osteoarthritis (I) RTI International 1H NMR 950 MHz
ST000022 Biomarker Discovery in Knee Osteoarthritis (II) RTI International 1H NMR 950 MHz
ST000026 Metabolomics Involved in Early Life Antibiotic Exposures(DuraSTAT-Cecal) RTI International 1H NMR 700 MHz
ST000027 Metabolomics Involved in Early Life Antibiotic Exposures(DuraSTAT-Liver) RTI International 1H NMR 700 MHz
ST000028 Metabolomics Involved in Early Life Antibiotic Exposures(DuraSTAT-Urine) RTI International 1H NMR 700 MHz
ST000029 Metabolomics Involved in Early Life Antibiotic Exposures(TranSTAT-Cecal) RTI International 1H NMR 700 MHz
ST000030 Metabolomics Involved in Early Life Antibiotic Exposures(TranSTAT-Liver) RTI International 1H NMR 700 MHz
ST000031 Metabolomics Involved in Early Life Antibiotic Exposures(TranSTAT-Serum) RTI International 1H NMR 700 MHz
ST000032 Metabolomics Involved in Early Life Antibiotic Exposures(NOD-Cecal) RTI International 1H NMR 700 MHz
ST000033 Metabolomics Involved in Early Life Antibiotic Exposures(NOD-Liver) RTI International 1H NMR 700 MHz
ST000034 Metabolomics Involved in Early Life Antibiotic Exposures(NOD-Serum) RTI International 1H NMR 700 MHz
ST000035 Metabolomics Involved in Early Life Antibiotic Exposures(EstroSTAT-Liver ) RTI International 1H NMR 700 MHz
ST000036 Metabolomics Involved in Early Life Antibiotic Exposures(EstroSTAT-Serum) RTI International 1H NMR 700 MHz
ST000037 Metabolomics Involved in Early Life Antibiotic Exposures(EstroSTAT-Urine) RTI International 1H NMR 700 MHz
ST000038 Metabolomics Involved in Early Life Antibiotic Exposures(VGSTAT-Cecal) RTI International 1H NMR 700 MHz
ST000039 Metabolomics Involved in Early Life Antibiotic Exposures(VGSTAT-Liver) RTI International 1H NMR 700 MHz
ST000049 Metabolomics Analysis of Thermally Challenged Mayfly Larvae (NMR analysis) RTI International 1H NMR 950 MHz
ST000050 Preterm Neonatal Urinary Renal Developmental and acute kidney injury Metabolomic Profiling RTI International 1H NMR 950 MHz
ST000051 Fetal metabolomic signature of exposure to iAs during pregnancy RTI International 1H NMR 950 MHz
ST000056 Environmental impact on metabolomics and food allergy RTI International 1H NMR 700 MHz
ST000101 NMR analysis of Synthetic Mixture Analysis University of Florida NMR:13C 1D
ST000101 NMR analysis of Synthetic Mixture Analysis University of Florida NMR: 1D 1H
ST000104 Factors for Epigenetic Silencing of Lung Cancer Genes RTI International NMR:INADEQUATE
ST000223 Metabolic Aberrations in Barth Syndrome RTI International 1H NMR 950 MHz
ST000261 1H NMR metabolomics study of spleen from C57BL/6 mice exposed to gamma radiation Pacific Northwest National Laboratory 1H NMR 500 MHz
ST000285 NMR-based Metabolomics for CRC Diagnosis University of Washington NMR analysis
ST000305 Pig Athersclerosis Model RTI International NMR analysis
ST000306 Metabolomics Approach to Identify Molecules and Pathways Involved in the Development of Atherosclerotic Coronary Artery Disease RTI International NMR analysis
ST000314 NSAID treatment alters the metabolomics profile of liver, kidney, lung, and heart in an experimental mouse model of heat stroke RTI International NMR analysis
ST000315 Metabolomics and Childhood Obesity: A Pilot and Feasibility Study With Multiple Phenotypic Anchors RTI International NMR analysis
ST000364 Metabolomics Profiling of NEST Cord Blood Plasma RTI International NMR analysis
ST000365 Zebrafish Metabolomics: Model for Environmental Metal Toxicity RTI International NMR analysis
ST000366 Metabolomics analysis of colon adenoma in African Americans RTI International NMR analysis
ST000406 Noninvasive Recognition and Biomarkers of Early Allergic Asthma in Cats using Multivariate Statistics of NMR Spectra of Exhaled Breath Condensate University of Missouri-Columbia NMR analysis
ST000407 Arsenic and the fecal metabolome RTI International NMR analysis
ST000408 Metabolomic analysis of oxytocin effects on social deficits in mice RTI International NMR analysis
ST000409 Metabolomic analysis of oxytocin effects on social deficits in mice (part II) RTI International NMR analysis
ST000411 Smoking and urinary metabolomics RTI International NMR analysis
ST000438 Characterizing commonalities and differences between the breast and prostate cancer metabotypes in African-American cohorts (part I) RTI International NMR analysis
ST000439 Characterizing commonalities and differences between the breast and prostate cancer metabotypes in African-American cohorts RTI International NMR analysis
ST000440 Metabotypes of Subjects with Adverse Reactions Following Vaccination RTI International NMR analysis
ST000442 Metabolomics Analysis of Triple Negative Breast Cancer (BCa) Cell Lines RTI International NMR analysis
ST000454 Utilizing Metabolomics to Understand Novel Anti-Desmoid Tumor Drugs RTI International NMR analysis
ST000455 Utilizing Metabolomics to Understand Novel Anti-Desmoid Tumor Drugs (part II) RTI International NMR analysis
ST000462 CNS and peripheral metabolomics of calorie restriction in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease (part I) RTI International NMR analysis
ST000463 CNS and peripheral metabolomics of calorie restriction in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease (part II) RTI International NMR analysis
ST000464 Transpulmonary metabolomics in pulmonary arterial hypertension RTI International NMR analysis
ST000487 Impacts of high-fat diet (HFD), high-carbohydrate diet (HCD) and high-fat-high-carbohydrate diet (HFHCD) on metabolites in a farmed cyprinid fish Megalobrama amblycephala. Huazhong Agricultural University NMR analysis
ST000503 Understanding the response to endurance exercise using a systems biology approach: combining blood metabolomics, transcriptomics and miRNome in horses INRA NMR data
ST000573 Exploratory research on first and second trimester urinary metabolic profiles and fetal growth restriction Mayo Clinic NMR data
