Metadata details for analysis AN003534
Study IDST002158
Analysis IDAN003534
Study TitleUntargeted serum metabolomic profiling for early detection of Schistosoma mekongi infection in mouse model
InstitutePrincess Srisavangavadhana College of Medicine, Chulabhorn Royal Academy
SpeciesMus musculus
MS typeESI
MS Instrument NameABI Sciex 5600+ TripleTOF
MS Instrument TypeQTOF
Chromatography Instrument NameAgilent 1260
Chromatography TypeReversed phase
Chromatography ColumnWaters Acquity BEH C8 (100 x 2.1mm,1.7um)
Solvent A
Solvent B
Flow rate
Column Temperature
Retention time unitsMinutes