Metadata details for analysis AN004038
Study IDST002472
Analysis IDAN004038
Study TitleLinking bacterial metabolites to disease-associated microbes to uncover mechanisms of host-microbial interactions in intestinal inflammation. Veillonella parvula cell and media profiling
InstituteBroad Institute of MIT and Harvard
SpeciesVeillonella parvula
MS typeESI
MS Instrument NameThermo Q Exactive Plus Orbitrap
MS Instrument TypeOrbitrap
Chromatography Instrument NameShimadzu Nexera X2
Chromatography TypeReversed phase
Chromatography ColumnWaters Acquity BEH C8 (100 x 2.1mm, 1.7um)
Solvent A95% water/5% methanol; 10 mM ammonium acetate; 0.1% acetic acid
Solvent B100% methanol; 0.1% acetic acid
GradientThe column was eluted at a flow rate of 450 µL/min isocratically for 1 minute at 80% mobile phase A, followed by a linear gradient to 80% mobile-phase B over 2 minutes, a linear gradient to 100% mobile phase B over 7 minutes, and then 3 minutes at 100% mobile-phase B.
Flow rate450 µL/min
Column Temperature40C
Retention time unitsMinutes