Search untargeted LC-MS data on the Metabolomics Workbench

This portal searches over 4.7 million m/z,retention time features from over 900 NMDR studies and over 1600 LC-MS analyses.

Tolerance (m/z):
Retention time:
Tolerance(min or sec):
Ion mode:
Chromatography type:
MS instrument name:
MS instrument type:
Metabolite name:
Study ID:
Limit search to studies by sample source and/or species
Sample source:
Sort by:

  • Features that have been identified will appear in the "Name" column in the results table.
  • Optionally specify a retention time value and tolerance window to restrict the search.
  • Optionally enter a metabolite name to restrict the search or view m/z, rt values.
  • Leave both m/z and retention time fields blank to search for studies using a selected MS/chromatography parameter.