Clustering data with hclust algorithm for (Study ST001849)

(Analysis AN002993)
Acetaminophen glucuronideME4262180.730.000.630.850.830.511.530.351.571.601.360.
Glycocholic acidME4262560.400.111.500.671.030.691.900.780.610.560.740.410.250.180.941.290.821.810.300.370.840.690.881.070.980.740.641.190.810.290.802.560.620.220.860.210.701.010.450.830.270.621.360.340.
Kynurenic acidME4262601.060.060.730.980.741.450.270.640.200.332.540.470.270.790.251.320.241.530.
4 Acetamidobutanoic acidME4262130.680.110.960.590.903.270.310.810.240.310.910.560.630.730.310.700.411.160.280.310.270.690.980.610.920.752.700.920.280.340.340.521.374.951.440.250.320.650.371.670.400.241.510.220.410.200.400.435.510.
Bis 2 ethylhexyl phthalateME4262290.690.280.690.951.262.390.650.780.480.591.441.040.363.400.480.730.400.840.600.417.530.450.880.710.490.940.441.640.550.530.470.492.130.392.280.430.490.510.471.030.410.431.750.520.340.620.899.040.590.610.540.490.458.500.620.390.720.440.480.390.420.400.470.500.601.373.350.471.490.460.330.711.810.511.284.880.451.150.310.520.471.030.530.360.540.360.600.431.1611.824.620.491.140.720.510.701.280.900.530.760.400.460.720.382.703.532.421.050.500.540.340.550.450.550.250.360.880.480.540.550.580.641.570.450.895.170.620.440.800.470.910.550.530.530.400.440.540.750.621.450.790.950.520.430.320.910.690.450.512.421.000.500.721.
Mefenamic acidME4262770.640.220.440.601.321.040.841.440.700.680.930.830.230.250.500.500.570.780.690.611.130.870.580.520.430.430.490.670.640.600.497.040.460.840.460.730.700.293.410.470.330.550.420.962.282.220.470.161.410.280.520.760.450.241.130.610.401.011.562.610.482.120.810.410.550.741.482.020.391.000.300.300.530.750.310.250.850.350.180.480.530.440.280.250.900.370.710.360.900.389.680.201.540.360.390.370.370.632.621.241.640.490.390.240.630.670.230.380.371.201.410.570.730.600.500.
2 AcetamidophenolME4262072.180.110.401.140.780.611.620.682.291.790.960.
DL StachydrineME4262481.601.480.771.
Eleostearic acidME4262521.101.280.850.990.901.171.500.941.841.121.120.610.860.470.980.900.700.701.
6 Methyl 1 2 4 triazolo 4 3 b pyridazin 8 olME4262161.000.060.840.840.901.730.290.740.220.411.480.480.340.690.350.960.521.890.
6 MethylbenzoxazoleME4262170.790.240.920.800.763.260.340.770.620.411.200.480.510.150.380.520.381.580.470.410.531.471.260.501.600.662.380.640.561.230.270.641.510.152.340.340.580.600.401.
N PhenylacetylglutamineME4262801.060.030.770.830.624.190.350.460.300.371.060.400.890.280.290.580.461.450.340.140.400.921.230.551.760.552.920.670.340.450.680.582.002.491.300.140.250.500.421.880.
Pantothenic acidME4262910.690.571.250.821.009.780.560.960.660.940.730.752.312.040.650.811.030.730.420.740.460.721.091.040.771.181.101.710.753.810.680.781.121.951.220.891.361.200.731.310.420.471.170.980.580.771.430.121.341.092.050.841.200.550.671.060.670.620.291.960.310.561.070.620.530.960.801.490.990.461.381.061.010.300.981.951.240.710.480.440.750.710.280.831.210.581.070.750.880.431.760.720.781.791.000.770.741.540.850.860.860.851.490.790.520.920.550.410.990.840.331.110.921.311.100.420.930.600.591.171.830.511.640.400.760.640.480.820.462.030.780.641.070.500.261.050.870.960.830.611.
L MethionineME4262630.770.880.940.931.111.170.851.091.140.881.040.830.931.341.071.000.960.760.790.830.810.821.080.660.981.470.981.181.150.721.201.050.820.990.810.701.140.760.980.841.911.281.010.800.591.570.751.220.822.061.100.670.711.060.920.851.120.810.570.640.870.820.851.180.890.9911.631.190.951.010.690.741.530.730.880.850.810.860.510.920.910.850.720.720.980.940.680.390.681.281.320.819.
L HistidineME4262680.951.180.990.971.
L SerineME4262700.881.671.080.850.970.960.811.131.681.230.960.960.580.901.010.821.000.710.970.931.530.940.860.500.911.061.301.211.170.451.741.190.721.350.760.960.851.161.100.730.891.340.900.850.501.160.740.530.851.820.980.620.850.711.010.701.190.950.820.881.360.590.860.880.810.8410.530.810.870.930.511.031.480.420.860.651.190.931.
D ProlineME4262390.642.411.040.801.
L ValineME4262721.030.990.991.020.891.350.880.781.310.960.871.001.150.671.101.180.840.920.870.960.640.931.020.681.271.161.320.911.040.700.701.240.870.790.651.640.530.991.000.941.601.350.880.990.771.640.731.420.971.
DL TryptophanME4262491.
trans 3 Indoleacrylic acidME4263061.
L PhenylalanineME4262691.140.590.881.130.870.870.921.550.930.931.190.760.700.970.871.020.940.930.820.840.900.951.080.860.981.160.941.010.883.030.901.050.980.750.930.800.850.900.891.051.270.951.200.890.971.870.761.311.371.530.870.840.801.280.890.870.940.790.660.860.731.220.921.040.750.977.481.571.140.860.740.861.310.520.970.900.800.750.660.750.861.420.630.561.020.890.860.490.861.401.220.894.631.541.030.990.991.
5 Nitro o toluidineME4262150.630.091.330.741.022.750.190.750.380.581.101.110.582.060.381.060.461.480.170.380.380.641.271.371.020.921.801.180.360.320.310.881.632.401.270.310.510.960.751.351.520.301.260.730.190.710.440.393.380.511.900.530.621.890.571.551.090.330.253.460.
L CarnitineME4262641.051.461.170.950.740.350.531.531.610.711.080.941.762.251.451.090.921.000.661.321.550.931.081.910.560.790.561.381.062.961.780.771.330.222.300.322.730.790.781.170.310.870.560.610.100.700.161.510.831.450.440.201.211.980.931.001.520.770.101.520.491.350.652.270.830.650.643.141.810.990.951.900.830.340.681.200.821.401.461.091.460.771.100.131.330.590.520.150.580.871.430.460.111.221.640.931.370.760.320.871.210.631.360.781.131.690.150.520.850.640.460.700.371.395.421.331.531.710.501.220.850.821.370.560.411.
20 DihydrocortisolME4262090.950.250.761.131.110.450.881.700.400.961.360.650.371.470.921.031.060.780.400.650.400.621.094.310.702.300.430.920.420.350.401.031.760.490.680.410.440.890.861.010.240.630.820.480.251.670.842.151.531.470.770.850.711.150.970.780.650.470.910.590.251.590.660.680.271.800.530.860.710.520.530.751.990.891.331.090.830.820.620.680.802.760.470.320.990.381.450.880.900.401.770.640.280.860.670.860.570.920.521.680.330.560.680.542.180.900.254.240.750.971.830.750.961.800.280.290.330.310.821.390.690.540.740.940.691.941.220.710.610.800.290.701.060.730.521.030.780.370.811.411.731.
Ecgonine methyl esterME4262511.100.541.180.910.990.700.590.960.610.851.231.020.732.470.671.
L ErgothioneineME4262661.450.890.941.040.860.770.511.310.881.301.130.720.590.361.100.991.040.861.060.860.711.130.980.421.101.050.910.940.870.360.541.260.810.600.771.771.631.141.210.770.671.340.840.780.874.150.820.651.240.740.980.560.861.151.040.980.781.090.951.230.880.690.931.771.511.210.200.530.971.024.240.700.880.950.770.920.820.691.260.930.960.941.361.
Guanidineacetic acidME4262570.982.991.310.610.861.321.950.771.711.090.781.191.890.451.100.531.100.740.751.531.930.900.880.321.001.101.301.181.750.140.741.070.801.450.601.640.690.861.030.680.891.380.781.520.870.570.820.150.921.820.890.810.900.530.860.541.341.520.781.052.280.321.150.980.300.771.320.470.872.090.930.821.250.140.530.471.000.621.462.
N1 2 3 Dihydro 1H inden 5 yl acetamideME4262831.330.550.760.971.111.471.371.711.200.881.210.950.530.540.920.631.281.181.590.851.770.930.921.091.210.671.191.061.520.680.791.100.982.060.510.841.120.441.060.940.621.140.631.010.472.111.080.310.970.540.961.980.590.471.
L CystineME4262650.893.110.971.
3 Hydroxy 2 methylpyridineME4262110.940.720.931.030.930.931.000.880.770.941.380.931.160.930.990.840.940.890.840.950.880.901.240.940.990.851.620.911.090.860.900.841.080.990.850.844.480.850.850.990.850.850.911.820.860.850.850.840.920.741.860.840.880.820.880.890.831.220.751.770.880.771.180.900.820.820.810.980.790.870.820.871.260.840.810.621.530.811.010.880.901.030.780.751.071.180.700.800.800.870.941.710.660.931.030.890.711.010.810.860.740.831.940.990.901.150.910.810.911.410.820.801.900.840.481.040.930.791.760.941.051.000.820.871.
Pipecolic acidME4262931.191.360.920.960.961.330.841.341.071.410.800.622.240.351.250.791.140.651.341.981.241.210.940.910.930.800.760.740.930.781.471.090.831.020.572.302.181.370.960.810.531.350.871.300.541.340.740.660.431.990.970.231.090.880.771.310.872.040.911.141.692.740.821.070.440.850.240.671.121.501.551.050.800.450.640.121.300.761.
N L Acetyl arginineME4262791.510.771.060.841.050.690.790.710.790.591.350.830.780.510.711.111.481.150.680.540.881.180.901.071.230.910.861.040.831.310.931.260.960.491.140.640.640.891.310.711.380.711.190.750.690.450.710.551.601.990.810.410.920.990.812.601.060.710.751.290.661.220.990.910.320.712.860.891.771.410.320.880.620.770.791.920.911.590.860.710.760.780.490.881.251.060.540.110.740.560.890.523.072.091.490.990.580.751.050.740.870.611.112.020.681.200.730.290.911.070.410.791.291.640.760.671.410.660.980.520.961.131.250.430.811.000.540.710.902.000.970.751.530.630.481.120.840.730.601.031.073.800.640.840.651.121.610.710.871.471.481.291.221.761.250.840.63
N4 AcetylcytidineME4262850.840.230.950.921.270.560.471.360.700.931.020.760.301.030.851.101.111.360.390.330.410.661.231.970.761.051.281.360.332.830.530.851.502.060.910.390.430.670.691.671.040.541.150.400.250.390.501.131.551.010.760.620.811.151.390.971.590.390.551.790.311.310.830.271.931.120.472.901.170.410.441.040.793.651.321.310.801.000.610.380.450.460.720.431.320.311.950.470.940.431.100.530.521.951.041.041.771.530.261.310.330.571.270.780.440.650.371.100.730.611.060.901.901.420.730.421.091.320.380.560.910.731.380.611.581.311.460.990.362.551.090.470.720.440.450.890.750.391.310.791.280.851.130.680.301.840.970.320.801.331.630.550.651.211.670.720.23
Acetyl L carnitineME4262201.
(2-oxo-2_3-dihydro-1H-indol-3-yl)acetic acidME4262021.140.210.791.101.080.700.531.450.740.821.210.710.691.150.751.320.811.200.550.800.580.821.060.810.981.120.971.460.751.280.610.980.960.650.890.490.840.980.871.341.510.821.840.551.031.460.622.331.540.960.790.900.822.220.920.981.000.690.731.110.531.390.890.260.761.080.753.431.310.700.640.820.821.001.172.730.870.950.810.480.620.670.490.551.470.531.340.280.920.811.370.730.691.881.140.930.721.070.531.370.710.800.940.780.530.620.910.630.760.671.371.111.571.220.560.431.701.670.680.410.960.891.140.520.951.790.860.620.571.601.540.630.980.540.551.090.730.641.160.841.840.781.340.350.781.371.040.540.830.821.650.530.591.501.060.900.44
DL 3 Aminoisobutyric acidME4262451.090.331.130.741.251.220.660.710.550.801.691.220.411.380.581.011.261.320.410.440.720.701.242.060.731.370.881.310.550.510.611.030.881.601.740.760.591.890.971.391.170.610.920.661.311.231.230.682.200.480.951.710.560.411.270.980.880.620.961.280.771.170.810.910.561.530.250.850.891.001.140.550.571.091.190.441.090.950.900.650.401.050.570.650.870.731.710.771.070.971.160.730.700.950.761.220.602.010.951.400.460.840.790.870.850.720.300.910.861.180.380.690.681.060.430.750.580.440.970.901.180.801.031.121.782.621.001.321.071.370.611.010.970.601.710.710.631.
1 MethyladenosineME4262040.970.341.020.931.090.810.691.180.610.831.210.890.841.300.721.120.881.290.770.580.590.751.061.350.991.
Dimethyl cyclohexane 1 4 dicarboxylateME4262431.031.260.950.980.941.221.120.841.130.950.870.871.370.871.020.820.662.131.620.831.011.030.951.791.080.880.880.871.280.621.271.100.800.960.651.491.230.931.000.701.
L CitrullineME4262620.980.781.140.891.011.780.920.951.350.870.821.142.850.670.750.990.780.831.021.481.540.901.020.770.670.891.401.371.080.771.690.950.990.992.300.591.600.650.850.870.420.841.410.760.850.430.660.351.141.200.780.411.390.630.781.121.410.950.893.030.760.361.491.060.440.720.341.601.231.050.441.450.850.070.661.150.990.901.260.900.740.680.690.471.481.090.560.200.730.631.100.500.441.331.530.840.421.411.580.940.510.931.760.631.471.230.290.371.
L TyrosineME4262710.881.521.101.010.851.020.681.111.650.980.810.722.001.261.301.181.110.660.751.781.470.971.110.900.721.030.581.191.301.230.920.891.000.251.700.432.260.570.880.870.871.320.991.150.451.120.331.361.440.920.760.521.011.530.931.611.021.020.590.800.951.070.921.420.821.121.602.340.981.001.321.
cis 4 Hydroxy D prolineME4262320.750.681.460.681.100.830.901.051.220.830.961.201.341.280.741.
PEG n5ME4262921.050.610.950.931.140.940.960.910.760.930.900.900.930.820.891.280.821.590.760.990.961.021.140.730.881.020.761.000.893.070.830.851.110.850.830.890.941.880.801.270.880.851.090.940.850.990.852.320.860.731.101.000.800.701.480.850.840.830.760.760.680.760.891.052.980.990.790.891.660.910.751.470.781.060.860.640.871.130.680.881.001.150.870.670.970.660.770.621.070.840.780.831.160.870.871.500.930.900.900.940.720.991.760.771.000.781.110.680.970.890.810.880.970.690.850.590.970.731.
L Glutamic acidME4262671.001.311.000.981.080.990.760.831.421.360.930.941.200.660.771.070.631.061.640.940.621.140.890.971.040.911.700.960.891.371.601.390.820.441.101.050.830.671.040.870.480.971.230.741.270.931.041.311.060.861.040.680.862.270.841.620.870.651.410.910.750.731.131.371.620.780.951.290.900.901.401.670.922.530.751.151.030.940.970.911.210.700.950.631.270.931.030.360.800.721.110.921.411.351.100.740.621.721.020.731.
PPG n4ME4262961.010.931.011.010.910.950.950.840.791.150.901.000.960.891.380.862.400.900.901.030.991.011.090.700.981.160.840.971.054.641.020.970.971.090.731.021.030.791.030.811.071.120.901.090.881.280.950.450.970.821.461.060.960.920.850.860.991.030.881.020.930.931.141.290.330.901.001.220.831.151.030.801.050.660.860.661.210.880.941.121.221.351.100.781.140.860.940.860.890.980.720.920.491.
3 5 9 3 6 19 Trihydroxyurs 12 en 28 oic acidME4262101.050.720.951.040.910.971.321.131.311.131.070.870.990.901.030.950.710.810.820.991.561.290.971.141.040.820.700.741.240.871.501.190.900.400.671.201.141.301.070.760.731.140.621.451.011.710.621.060.980.671.250.750.891.201.050.940.841.311.950.441.720.881.
DL LeucineamideME4262470.980.611.020.941.001.311.040.981.021.090.841.011.451.391.
2 4 XylidineME4262060.951.130.911.080.920.981.010.891.101.070.971.100.810.910.960.930.980.970.741.311.630.941.090.450.831.000.861.251.420.360.601.071.020.791.351.110.461.030.990.861.211.010.920.900.721.540.860.660.950.910.801.
DL GlutamineME4262461.021.391.000.961.
1 8 Diazabicyclo 5 4 0 undec 7 eneME4262031.040.461.020.971.
4 PentylanilineME4262141.010.620.990.941.
2 Pyridylacetic acidME4262081.040.780.900.991.
Diethyleneglycol diacetateME4262421.050.901.041.060.911.
3 HydroxypyridineME4262121.
PPG n5ME4262970.940.781.
Nicotinyl alcoholME4262871.290.710.881.050.960.971.271.011.381.221.020.790.770.801.070.800.810.921.380.891.281.120.940.811.180.830.781.
1 MethylhistidineME4262051.040.441.250.930.980.750.830.420.831.130.872.020.490.271.020.720.281.040.391.231.490.911.020.960.510.610.872.022.780.290.840.911.231.381.130.030.760.140.560.530.721.010.710.


F1batch:1 | WU day of presentation:d0 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:Yes | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F2batch:1 | WU day of presentation:d14 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:No | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F3batch:1 | WU day of presentation:d14 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:Yes | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F4batch:1 | WU day of presentation:d3 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:Yes | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F5batch:1 | WU day of presentation:d7 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:Yes | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F6batch:2 | WU day of presentation:d0 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:No | Admitted to the ICU:None | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F7batch:2 | WU day of presentation:d0 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:No | Admitted to the ICU:No | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F8batch:2 | WU day of presentation:d0 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:No | Admitted to the ICU:Yes | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F9batch:2 | WU day of presentation:d0 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:None | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F10batch:2 | WU day of presentation:d0 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:No | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F11batch:2 | WU day of presentation:d0 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:Yes | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F12batch:2 | WU day of presentation:d14 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:Yes | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F13batch:2 | WU day of presentation:d28 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:No | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F14batch:2 | WU day of presentation:d28 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:Yes | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F15batch:2 | WU day of presentation:d3 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:No | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F16batch:2 | WU day of presentation:d3 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:Yes | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F17batch:2 | WU day of presentation:d7 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:No | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F18batch:2 | WU day of presentation:d7 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:Yes | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F19batch:3 | WU day of presentation:d0 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:No | Admitted to the ICU:None | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F20batch:3 | WU day of presentation:d0 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:No | Admitted to the ICU:No | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F21batch:3 | WU day of presentation:d0 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:None | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F22batch:3 | WU day of presentation:d0 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:No | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F23batch:3 | WU day of presentation:d0 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:Yes | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F24batch:3 | WU day of presentation:d14 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:Yes | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F25batch:3 | WU day of presentation:d3 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:No | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F26batch:3 | WU day of presentation:d3 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:Yes | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F27batch:3 | WU day of presentation:d7 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:No | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F28batch:3 | WU day of presentation:d7 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:Yes | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F29batch:4 | WU day of presentation:d0 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:No | Admitted to the ICU:None | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F30batch:4 | WU day of presentation:d0 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:No | Admitted to the ICU:Yes | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F31batch:4 | WU day of presentation:d0 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:None | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F32batch:4 | WU day of presentation:d0 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:No | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F33batch:4 | WU day of presentation:d0 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:Yes | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F34batch:4 | WU day of presentation:d14 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:No | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F35batch:4 | WU day of presentation:d14 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:Yes | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F36batch:4 | WU day of presentation:d28 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:No | Admitted to the ICU:None | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F37batch:4 | WU day of presentation:d28 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:No | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F38batch:4 | WU day of presentation:d28 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:Yes | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F39batch:4 | WU day of presentation:d3 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:No | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F40batch:4 | WU day of presentation:d3 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:Yes | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F41batch:4 | WU day of presentation:d3 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:Yes | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:1
F42batch:4 | WU day of presentation:d7 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:No | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F43batch:4 | WU day of presentation:d7 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:Yes | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F44batch:5 | WU day of presentation:d0 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:No | Admitted to the ICU:None | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F45batch:5 | WU day of presentation:d0 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:No | Admitted to the ICU:No | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F46batch:5 | WU day of presentation:d0 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:None | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F47batch:5 | WU day of presentation:d0 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:No | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F48batch:5 | WU day of presentation:d0 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:Yes | REMDESIVIR on:1 | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F49batch:5 | WU day of presentation:d0 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:Yes | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F50batch:5 | WU day of presentation:d14 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:Yes | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F51batch:5 | WU day of presentation:d28 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:No | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F52batch:5 | WU day of presentation:d28 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:Yes | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F53batch:5 | WU day of presentation:d3 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:No | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F54batch:5 | WU day of presentation:d3 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:Yes | REMDESIVIR on:1 | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F55batch:5 | WU day of presentation:d3 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:Yes | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F56batch:5 | WU day of presentation:d7 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:No | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F57batch:5 | WU day of presentation:d7 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:Yes | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F58batch:6 | WU day of presentation:d0 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:No | Admitted to the ICU:None | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F59batch:6 | WU day of presentation:d0 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:No | Admitted to the ICU:No | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F60batch:6 | WU day of presentation:d0 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:No | Admitted to the ICU:Yes | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F61batch:6 | WU day of presentation:d0 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:None | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F62batch:6 | WU day of presentation:d0 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:No | REMDESIVIR on:1 | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F63batch:6 | WU day of presentation:d0 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:No | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F64batch:6 | WU day of presentation:d0 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:No | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:1
F65batch:6 | WU day of presentation:d0 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:Yes | REMDESIVIR on:1 | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F66batch:6 | WU day of presentation:d0 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:Yes | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F67batch:6 | WU day of presentation:d14 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:No | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F68batch:6 | WU day of presentation:d14 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:Yes | REMDESIVIR on:1 | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F69batch:6 | WU day of presentation:d14 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:Yes | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F70batch:6 | WU day of presentation:d28 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:No | Admitted to the ICU:None | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F71batch:6 | WU day of presentation:d28 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:No | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F72batch:6 | WU day of presentation:d28 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:Yes | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F73batch:6 | WU day of presentation:d3 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:No | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F74batch:6 | WU day of presentation:d3 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:Yes | REMDESIVIR on:1 | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F75batch:6 | WU day of presentation:d3 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:Yes | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F76batch:6 | WU day of presentation:d7 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:No | Admitted to the ICU:None | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F77batch:6 | WU day of presentation:d7 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:No | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F78batch:6 | WU day of presentation:d7 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:Yes | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F79batch:6 | WU day of presentation:d84 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:Yes | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F80batch:7 | WU day of presentation:d0 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:No | Admitted to the ICU:None | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F81batch:7 | WU day of presentation:d0 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:No | Admitted to the ICU:No | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F82batch:7 | WU day of presentation:d0 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:No | Admitted to the ICU:No | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:1
F83batch:7 | WU day of presentation:d0 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:No | Admitted to the ICU:Yes | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F84batch:7 | WU day of presentation:d0 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:None | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F85batch:7 | WU day of presentation:d0 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:No | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F86batch:7 | WU day of presentation:d0 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:No | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:1
F87batch:7 | WU day of presentation:d0 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:Yes | REMDESIVIR on:1 | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F88batch:7 | WU day of presentation:d0 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:Yes | REMDESIVIR on:1 | DEXAMETHOSONE on:1
F89batch:7 | WU day of presentation:d0 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:Yes | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F90batch:7 | WU day of presentation:d14 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:No | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:1
F91batch:7 | WU day of presentation:d14 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:Yes | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F92batch:7 | WU day of presentation:d28 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:No | Admitted to the ICU:None | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F93batch:7 | WU day of presentation:d28 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:No | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F94batch:7 | WU day of presentation:d28 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:Yes | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F95batch:7 | WU day of presentation:d3 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:No | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F96batch:7 | WU day of presentation:d3 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:Yes | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F97batch:7 | WU day of presentation:d3 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:Yes | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:1
F98batch:7 | WU day of presentation:d7 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:No | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F99batch:7 | WU day of presentation:d7 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:No | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:1
F100batch:7 | WU day of presentation:d7 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:Yes | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F101batch:7 | WU day of presentation:d7 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:Yes | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:1
F102batch:7 | WU day of presentation:d84 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:No | Admitted to the ICU:None | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F103batch:7 | WU day of presentation:d84 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:No | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F104batch:7 | WU day of presentation:d84 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:Yes | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F105batch:8 | WU day of presentation:d0 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:No | Admitted to the ICU:None | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F106batch:8 | WU day of presentation:d0 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:No | Admitted to the ICU:No | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F107batch:8 | WU day of presentation:d0 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:No | Admitted to the ICU:No | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:1
F108batch:8 | WU day of presentation:d0 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:No | Admitted to the ICU:Yes | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:1
F109batch:8 | WU day of presentation:d0 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:None | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F110batch:8 | WU day of presentation:d0 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:No | REMDESIVIR on:1 | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F111batch:8 | WU day of presentation:d0 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:No | REMDESIVIR on:1 | DEXAMETHOSONE on:1
F112batch:8 | WU day of presentation:d0 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:No | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F113batch:8 | WU day of presentation:d0 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:Yes | REMDESIVIR on:1 | DEXAMETHOSONE on:1
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F115batch:8 | WU day of presentation:d0 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:Yes | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:1
F116batch:8 | WU day of presentation:d14 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:No | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F117batch:8 | WU day of presentation:d14 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:Yes | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F118batch:8 | WU day of presentation:d14 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:Yes | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:1
F119batch:8 | WU day of presentation:d28 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:No | Admitted to the ICU:None | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F120batch:8 | WU day of presentation:d28 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:No | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F121batch:8 | WU day of presentation:d3 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:No | REMDESIVIR on:1 | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F122batch:8 | WU day of presentation:d3 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:No | REMDESIVIR on:1 | DEXAMETHOSONE on:1
F123batch:8 | WU day of presentation:d3 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:No | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F124batch:8 | WU day of presentation:d3 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:No | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:1
F125batch:8 | WU day of presentation:d3 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:Yes | REMDESIVIR on:1 | DEXAMETHOSONE on:1
F126batch:8 | WU day of presentation:d3 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:Yes | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F127batch:8 | WU day of presentation:d7 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:No | REMDESIVIR on:1 | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F128batch:8 | WU day of presentation:d7 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:No | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F129batch:8 | WU day of presentation:d7 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:No | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:1
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F131batch:8 | WU day of presentation:d7 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:Yes | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:1
F132batch:8 | WU day of presentation:d84 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:No | Admitted to the ICU:None | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F133batch:8 | WU day of presentation:d84 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:Yes | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F134batch:9 | WU day of presentation:d0 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:No | Admitted to the ICU:None | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
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F136batch:9 | WU day of presentation:d0 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:No | REMDESIVIR on:1 | DEXAMETHOSONE on:1
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F138batch:9 | WU day of presentation:d0 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:No | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:1
F139batch:9 | WU day of presentation:d0 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:Yes | REMDESIVIR on:1 | DEXAMETHOSONE on:1
F140batch:9 | WU day of presentation:d0 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:Yes | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F141batch:9 | WU day of presentation:d0 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:Yes | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:1
F142batch:9 | WU day of presentation:d14 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:No | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F143batch:9 | WU day of presentation:d14 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:Yes | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F144batch:9 | WU day of presentation:d28 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:Yes | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F145batch:9 | WU day of presentation:d3 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:No | REMDESIVIR on:1 | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F146batch:9 | WU day of presentation:d3 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:No | REMDESIVIR on:1 | DEXAMETHOSONE on:1
F147batch:9 | WU day of presentation:d3 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:No | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F148batch:9 | WU day of presentation:d3 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:No | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:1
F149batch:9 | WU day of presentation:d3 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:Yes | REMDESIVIR on:1 | DEXAMETHOSONE on:1
F150batch:9 | WU day of presentation:d3 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:Yes | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F151batch:9 | WU day of presentation:d3 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:Yes | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:1
F152batch:9 | WU day of presentation:d7 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:No | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F153batch:9 | WU day of presentation:d7 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:No | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:1
F154batch:9 | WU day of presentation:d7 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:Yes | REMDESIVIR on:1 | DEXAMETHOSONE on:1
F155batch:9 | WU day of presentation:d7 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:Yes | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
F156batch:9 | WU day of presentation:d7 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:Yes | Admitted to the ICU:Yes | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:1
F157batch:9 | WU day of presentation:d84 | SARS-CoV-2 Positive:No | Admitted to the ICU:None | REMDESIVIR on:- | DEXAMETHOSONE on:-
Data matrix