Clustering data with heatmap algorithm for (Study ST002101)

This analysis uses the 'heatmap.2' function of gplots package in the R statistics environment

The rows are scaled to have mean=0 and standard deviation=1


F1Treatment:3 times per week with 4 consecutive respectively intraperitoneal injection (10 mL/kg of olive oil)
F2Treatment:3 times per week with 4 consecutive respectively intraperitoneal injection with 10% CCl4 (10 mL/kg of olive oil)
F3Treatment:3 times per week with 4 consecutive respectively intraperitoneal injection with 1% CCl4 (10 mL/kg of olive oil)
F4Treatment:3 times per week with 4 consecutive respectively intraperitoneal injection with 5% CCl4 (10 mL/kg of olive oil)
F5Treatment:Only intraperitoneally (i.p) injected with 1% CCl4 (10 mL/kg, dissolved in olive oil) at the 12th injection. During the previous 11 times they were treated the same as the healthy controls with an equal volume of olive oil.
F6Treatment:Only intraperitoneally (i.p) injected with 5% CCl4 (10 mL/kg, dissolved in olive oil) at the 12th injection. During the previous 11 times they were treated the same as the healthy controls with an equal volume of olive oil.
Data matrix