Data for (Study ST000562)

(Analysis AN000864)

Values for each metabolite have been scaled by dividing by the mean across all factors

Run Hierarchial cluster analysis on this study | Run Heatmap cluster analysis on this study

Cer C14 1.3814 1.2679 0.6031 0.7476
Cer C16 1.4068 1.3613 0.5464 0.6855
Cer C18 1.3326 1.7533 0.3763 0.5377
Cer C20 1.6110 1.6313 0.3496 0.4081
Cer C22 1.8725 1.4846 0.2918 0.3510
Cer C24 1.4061 1.4588 0.5327 0.6024
Cer C24:1 1.1948 1.5073 0.6562 0.6417
Run Hierarchial cluster analysis on this study | Run Heatmap cluster analysis on this study


F1Adipose tissue:Brown | Treatment:N
F2Adipose tissue:Brown | Treatment:Y
F3Adipose tissue:White | Treatment:N
F4Adipose tissue:White | Treatment:Y