Data for (Study ST000827)

(Analysis AN001315)

Values for each metabolite have been scaled by dividing by the mean across all factors

Run Hierarchial cluster analysis on this study | Run Heatmap cluster analysis on this study

C22 CER 1.5117 1.2658 0.4809 0.6118
C24:1 CER 1.2100 1.0576 0.7218 0.9411
N-ICOSANOYLSPHINGOSINE 1.4123 1.2737 0.5600 0.6440
Run Hierarchial cluster analysis on this study | Run Heatmap cluster analysis on this study


F1Bleomycin:no | Parp1 KO:no | Parp1 WT (129S Background):yes | Saline:yes
F2Bleomycin:no | Parp1 KO:yes | Parp1 WT (129S Background):no | Saline:yes
F3Bleomycin:yes | Parp1 KO:no | Parp1 WT (129S Background):yes | Saline:no
F4Bleomycin:yes | Parp1 KO:yes | Parp1 WT (129S Background):no | Saline:no