Data for (Study ST001948)

(Analysis AN003170)

Values for each metabolite have been scaled by dividing by the mean across all factors

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2-Hydroxybutyric acid 1.0784 1.1701 0.7707 0.9854
2-Hydroxyglutaric acid 0.8880 1.2009 0.9497 0.9548
3^-CMP 0.9814 1.2474 1.0130 0.7571
3-Hydroxybutyric acid 1.0297 1.3875 0.6948 0.8897
4-Pyridoxic acid 0.4367 1.1439 0.6276 1.7586
Adenine 1.0051 1.0769 0.9755 0.9427
Adipic acid 1.0192 0.9985 0.9457 1.0377
ADP 0.9907 1.0723 1.0182 0.9182
alpha-Aminoadipic acid 0.9676 1.1662 1.4743 0.3900
AMP 0.7409 2.0295 0.5986 0.6157
Citric acid 1.1864 1.0455 0.8450 0.9341
Dihydroxyacetone phosphate 1.1053 1.0374 1.0576 0.8059
Glycocholic acid 0.7828 1.2287 0.7543 1.2214
Hippuric acid 0.9250 0.9415 1.0980 1.0311
Hypoxanthine 1.1250 1.2200 0.8285 0.8338
IMP 0.8199 1.4672 0.9328 0.7695
indole_3_propionate 0.9806 1.0410 1.2087 0.7685
Indoleacetic acid 0.9313 1.0332 1.1107 0.9208
Indoxyl sulfate 0.8589 0.9819 1.2921 0.8588
Inosine 1.1974 1.1690 0.7614 0.8838
Kynurenine 1.2179 1.1445 0.7757 0.8747
Lactic acid 1.0655 1.1215 0.8491 0.9677
Malic acid 0.9925 1.0607 0.8772 1.0692
Myo-inositol 0.9410 1.0990 0.9440 1.0126
O-Phosphotyrosine 1.0073 0.9540 0.9971 1.0421
Oxoglutaric acid 0.9711 1.0984 0.8672 1.0616
Pantothenic acid 1.0654 1.0684 0.7218 1.1483
Phosphoenolpyruvic acid 0.9906 1.0120 0.9560 1.0409
Pyruvic acid 1.0108 1.0806 0.9479 0.9613
sn-Glycero-3-phosphate 1.0026 0.9498 1.0557 0.9920
Sorbitol 0.9904 1.0327 1.0017 0.9747
SUM_fructose_glucose_galactose 1.0814 0.9999 0.9674 0.9562
SUM_fumarate_maleate 1.0441 1.1123 0.5890 1.2572
SUM_glycodeoxycholate_glycochenodeoxycholate 0.9327 1.3184 0.7954 0.9496
SUM_hexose_diphosphates 0.8300 1.1586 1.0764 0.9249
SUM_Taurodeoxycholic acid/Taurochenodeoxycholic acid 1.1485 0.8939 1.0263 0.9400
Taurocholic acid 0.9877 1.2078 0.7370 1.0667
UMP 0.8687 1.4267 0.9787 0.7181
Uric acid 0.9737 1.0468 0.9602 1.0178
Uridine 1.1064 1.0627 0.8908 0.9464
Xanthine 1.1142 1.1565 0.7784 0.9576
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F1Species:Human | Case-Control:GDM | Time:1st Trimester | Treatment (1=control, 2=treatment):1
F2Species:Human | Case-Control:GDM | Time:1st Trimester | Treatment (1=control, 2=treatment):2
F3Species:Human | Case-Control:No_GDM | Time:1st Trimester | Treatment (1=control, 2=treatment):1
F4Species:Human | Case-Control:No_GDM | Time:1st Trimester | Treatment (1=control, 2=treatment):2