Data for (Study ST002534)

(Analysis AN004169)

Values for each metabolite have been scaled by dividing by the mean across all factors

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16:0 Palmitic acid 0.4045 0.3880 0.4210 0.4161 3.6723
18:0 Stearic acid 0.8688 0.7134 0.9017 0.7213 1.8993
20:4 Arachidonic acid 1.1773 0.8931 1.2905 0.9375 0.6840
AMP 1.2762 1.4244 1.0588 1.0653 0.0002
Aspartate 0.9553 0.8803 1.5684 1.2123 0.4248
Citrate 0.5341 0.6664 0.7760 0.6379 2.5855
N-actylasparate 0.9668 0.8111 1.8231 1.4509 0.0036
Palmitoylcarnitine 0.5736 1.1375 0.6076 1.2390 1.5146
Ribose 5-phosphate 0.8351 1.0451 1.1968 1.0300 0.9230
Run Hierarchial cluster analysis on this study | Run Heatmap cluster analysis on this study


F1Sample type:brain tissue | Isotopically labeled:no | Group:brain_nontumor
F2Sample type:brain tissue | Isotopically labeled:no | Group:brain_tumor
F3Sample type:brain tissue | Isotopically labeled:yes | Group:brain_nontumor
F4Sample type:brain tissue | Isotopically labeled:yes | Group:brain_tumor
F5Sample type:serum | Isotopically labeled:yes | Group:serum