Data for (Study ST002543)

(Analysis AN004190)

Values for each metabolite have been scaled by dividing by the mean across all factors

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2 methyl pentane 1.3939 2.6061 0.0000 NA
3 methyl pentane 1.1930 2.8070 0.0000 NA
Acetone 2.5637 1.4363 0.0000 NA
Chloroform NA 4.6997 NA NA
Dimethyl Sulfide 2.1856 1.6477 NA NA
Isoprene 0.9768 3.0232 0.0000 NA
Methyl Bromide -0.6635 NA -0.0000 -0.0000
Methyl Chloride 1.2009 2.7991 0.0000 0.0000
Methyl Iodide NA NA -0.0000 -0.0000
n-hexane -0.4356 NA -0.0000 NA
Styrene NA 1.6499 NA NA
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F1Sample Type:Cells | Treatment:Control
F2Sample Type:Cells | Treatment:Hypoxia
F3Sample Type:Media | Treatment:Control
F4Sample Type:Media | Treatment:Hypoxia