Data for (Study ST002743)

(Analysis AN004447)

Values for each metabolite have been scaled by dividing by the mean across all factors

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Adenine NA NA
Adenosine 0.9241 1.0759
Ala 1.5493 0.4507
Arg 1.4227 0.5773
Argininosuccinic acid 1.0000 NA
Asn 1.3250 0.6750
Asp 1.6420 0.3580
Beta-Ala 0.3517 1.6483
Betaine 1.2881 0.5679
Betaine aldehyde NA NA
Carnitine 0.4729 1.5271
Carnosine NA 1.0000
Choline 0.1958 1.8042
Citrulline 1.4517 0.5483
Creatine 0.3369 1.6631
Creatinine 0.7678 1.2322
Cystathionine NA NA
Gamma-Aminobutyric acid 0.6901 1.3099
Gln 1.7032 0.2968
Glu 1.3103 0.6897
Glutathione (GSH) 0.6835 1.3165
Glutathione (GSSG) 0.9069 1.0931
Gly 1.3784 0.6216
Guanine NA NA
Guanosine NA NA
His 1.5231 0.4769
Homocysteine NA NA
Homoserine 1.0000 NA
Hydroxyproline 1.2328 0.7672
Hypoxanthine NA 1.0000
Ile 1.4125 0.5875
Inosine NA 1.0000
Leu 1.4999 0.5001
Lys 1.2093 0.7907
Met 1.0000 NA
N,N-Dimethylglycine NA NA
Ornithine 0.8084 1.1916
Phe 1.5310 0.4690
Pro 1.1667 0.8333
Putrescine NA NA
S-Adenosylhomocysteine NA NA
S-Adenosylmethionine 1.0335 0.9665
Sarcosine 1.0000 NA
Ser 1.5015 0.4985
Spermidine 1.0000 NA
Spermine 1.0000 NA
Thr 1.5756 0.4244
Trp 1.2942 0.5587
Tyr 1.5378 0.4622
Urea NA NA
Val 1.3913 0.6087
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F1Genotype:Wild-type | Species:H. sapiens
F2Genotype:Wild-type | Species:P. alecto