Data for (Study ST002745)

(Analysis AN004451)

Values for each metabolite have been scaled by dividing by the mean across all factors

Run Hierarchial cluster analysis on this study | Run Heatmap cluster analysis on this study

LPC 16:0 0.1324 0.0109 2.8260 2.6167 0.2212 0.0132
LPC 16:1 0.1010 0.0054 2.9131 2.4747 0.2456 0.0005
LPC 18:0 0.1376 0.0103 2.7811 2.6507 0.2441 0.0134
LPC 18:1-d7 1.0202 0.0636 1.3238 1.2206 1.4746 0.0784
LPC 18:2 0.1151 0.0112 2.9073 2.5106 0.2106 0.0122
PC 15:0/18:1-d7 1.0972 0.0641 1.2988 1.0053 1.5357 0.0671
PC 36:4 0.2336 0.0024 2.8481 2.0933 0.3660 0.0089
PE 15:0/18:1-d7 1.0290 0.8864 0.9731 0.9544 1.1305 0.8942
PE 34:1 0.0200 0.0107 2.0174 4.7879 0.0496 0.0274
PE 34:2 0.0633 0.0444 2.0743 4.4090 0.1015 0.0683
PE 36:3 0.2660 0.2174 2.3251 2.7116 0.2914 0.3060
PE 36:4 0.2275 0.2022 2.3136 2.8734 0.2823 0.2777
PE 38:4 0.2678 0.1914 2.2585 2.7907 0.3354 0.2946
PE 38:5 0.2430 0.1848 2.3063 2.8340 0.3130 0.2567
PE 38:6 0.2376 0.1656 2.3418 2.8987 0.2760 0.2250
PE 40:7 0.2503 0.2031 2.3288 2.7467 0.3110 0.2702
PS 15:0/18:1-d7 1.1037 0.0231 1.3962 0.8961 1.5175 0.0460
PS 38:4 0.1895 0.0113 2.8864 2.1265 0.3484 0.0138
SM d18:1/18:1-d9 1.1427 0.0550 1.3217 0.9345 1.5095 0.0626
SM d34:1 0.2463 0.0392 2.7862 2.1833 0.3555 0.0014
Run Hierarchial cluster analysis on this study | Run Heatmap cluster analysis on this study


F1fraction:aqueous | Extraction from condensate:No heat step
F2fraction:aqueous | Extraction from condensate:standard
F3fraction:condensate | Extraction from condensate:No heat step
F4fraction:condensate | Extraction from condensate:standard
F5fraction:input | Extraction from condensate:No heat step
F6fraction:input | Extraction from condensate:standard