Data for (Study ST003215)

(Analysis AN005272)

Values for each metabolite have been scaled by dividing by the mean across all factors

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Cer(d18:0/18:0) 1.0945 0.9743 0.8987 1.0325
Cer(d18:0/20:0) 1.1036 0.5519 1.2707 1.0321
Cer(d18:0/22:0) 1.2387 0.5415 1.1012 1.0727
Cer(d18:0/24:0) 1.1345 0.5203 1.2196 1.1255
Cer(d18:0/24:1) 1.1200 0.5405 1.1383 1.2012
Cer(d18:1/16:0) 0.9662 1.0456 1.0377 0.9504
Cer(d18:1/17:0) 0.8449 1.1695 1.2678 0.7178
Cer(d18:1/18:0) 1.0226 1.0801 0.8347 1.0626
Cer(d18:1/18:1) 1.2542 0.8355 0.8859 1.0244
Cer(d18:1/20:0) 1.0472 1.0505 0.8952 1.0071
Cer(d18:1/22:0) 1.1942 0.5410 1.1432 1.1217
Cer(d18:1/22:1) 1.2403 0.6786 1.0275 1.0536
Cer(d18:1/23:0) 1.1543 0.4941 1.1279 1.2236
Cer(d18:1/24:0) 1.1173 0.4831 1.2596 1.1400
Cer(d18:1/24:1) 1.2257 0.6496 1.0394 1.0853
Cer(d18:1/26:0) 1.1913 0.7540 0.8258 1.2043
Cer(d18:2/22:0) 1.1212 1.0967 0.8620 0.9201
Cer(d18:2/24:0) 1.1999 0.6639 1.1998 0.9363
Cer(d18:2/24:1) 1.2120 0.9384 0.9227 0.9268
Cer(m18:1/20:0) 1.1531 0.6742 1.0256 1.1471
Cer(m18:1/24:0) 1.1242 0.6529 1.0115 1.1768
Cer(m18:1/24:1) 1.1034 0.7574 0.8827 1.2322
GlcCer (d18:0/20:0) 1.1597 0.6509 1.2144 0.9750
GlcCer (d18:0/24:0) 1.1409 0.5873 0.9620 1.2685
GlcCer (d18:0/24:1) 1.0202 0.4683 1.3725 1.1390
GlcCer (d18:1/16:0) 1.2159 0.6803 1.0316 1.0723
GlcCer (d18:1/18:0) 1.0857 0.7672 1.0148 1.1090
GlcCer (d18:1/20:0) 1.2073 0.5680 1.1628 1.0619
GlcCer (d18:1/22:0) 1.1910 0.5402 1.1392 1.1295
GlcCer (d18:1/24:0) 1.0601 0.6150 1.0531 1.2332
GlcCer (d18:1/24:1) 1.0490 0.6298 1.0786 1.2426
SM(d18:0/20:0) 0.6514 2.0487 0.7553 0.6147
SM(d18:0/22:0) 0.9343 1.2345 0.9655 0.8658
SM(d18:0/24:0) 1.0402 0.6647 1.2288 1.0663
SM(d18:0/24:1) 0.8628 1.1713 1.0209 0.9784
SM(d18:1/18:0) 0.7921 1.6432 0.7900 0.7747
SM(d18:1/20:0) 0.2021 3.3540 0.2286 0.2153
SM(d18:1/24:1) 0.9027 1.2526 0.9636 0.9219
Run Hierarchial cluster analysis on this study | Run Heatmap cluster analysis on this study


F1Sample source:Brain | Genotype:3xTg | Treatment:Control
F2Sample source:Brain | Genotype:3xTg | Treatment:Protein restriction
F3Sample source:Brain | Genotype:Non-transgenic | Treatment:Control
F4Sample source:Brain | Genotype:Non-transgenic | Treatment:Protein restriction