Data for (Study ST003265)

(Analysis AN005349)

Values for each metabolite have been scaled by dividing by the mean across all factors

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Adenosine Diphosphate(ADP) 1.0390 0.9610
Adenosine Monophosphate(AMP) 0.9186 1.0814
Adenosine Triphosphate(ATP) 0.8824 1.1176
Choline 1.0188 0.9812
Citric Acid 1.0597 0.9403
Creatine 1.0662 0.9338
Fructose 1,6-Bisphosphate 0.8395 1.1605
Fumaric Acid 1.8004 0.1996
Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid 0.8638 1.1362
L-Lactic Acid 1.0402 0.9598
Malic Acid 1.7973 0.2027
NAD 1.1045 0.8955
NADH 0.9110 1.0890
NADP 1.0432 0.9630
NADPH 0.9392 1.0608
Succinic Acid 1.3128 0.6872
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F1Genotype:Me2-knockout | Sample source:CD8 T cell
F2Genotype:wild-type | Sample source:CD8 T cell