Data for (Study ST003276)

(Analysis AN005364)

Values for each metabolite have been scaled by dividing by the mean across all factors

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Alanine 1.0554 0.9701
Asparagine 1.0354 0.9809
Aspartate 1.0583 0.9685
Cadaverine 1.0282 0.9847
Choline 1.0246 0.9867
Citrate 1.0371 0.9800
Creatine 1.0358 0.9806
Fructose 1.0919 0.9503
Glucose 1.0635 0.9657
Glutamate 1.0230 0.9876
Glutamine 1.0452 0.9755
Glycine 1.0397 0.9786
Histidine 1.0203 0.9890
Isoleucine 1.0524 0.9717
Lactate 0.9661 1.0183
Phenylalanine 1.0765 0.9587
Pyroglutamate 1.2674 0.8555
Serine 1.0352 0.9810
sn-3-GPC 1.0073 0.9961
Threonine 1.0041 0.9978
Tyrosine 1.0328 0.9823
Uridine 1.0328 0.9823
Valine 1.0454 0.9754
Run Hierarchial cluster analysis on this study | Run Heatmap cluster analysis on this study


F1Group:Asthenozoospermia | Sample source:Human seminal fluid
F2Group:Normozoospermia | Sample source:Human seminal fluid