Data for (Study ST003487)

(Analysis AN005725)

Values for each metabolite have been scaled by dividing by the mean across all factors

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2-Aminomuconate 1.1034 0.9724 0.9955 0.9287
3-Methyleneoxindole 0.6976 1.2676 1.3067 0.7280
5-Hydroxyindoleacetate 0.7724 1.1627 1.1316 0.9332
5-hydroxytryptophan 0.7696 1.1090 1.1255 0.9959
6-Hydroxykynurenic acid 0.5442 1.2065 1.4042 0.8451
Anthranilate 1.0654 1.0477 1.0575 0.8294
Formyl-5-hydroxy-kynurenamine 0.1464 0.5528 1.2240 2.0768
g-Oxalo-crotonate 1.0038 1.0009 0.7994 1.1959
Hydroxyindole-acetylglycine 0.3512 1.3409 1.1819 0.6935
Indole 0.7481 1.2342 1.2688 0.7488
Indole-3-acetaldehyde 0.6811 1.3794 1.2508 0.6888
Indolepyruvate 1.0517 0.5191 0.7711 1.6581
Kynurenate 0.9413 1.1133 1.0509 0.8944
kynurenine 0.1464 0.5528 1.2240 2.0768
L-tryptophan 0.7021 1.2971 1.2797 0.7212
N-formyl kynurenine 0.1640 0.7113 1.2954 1.8293
Picolinic acid 0.7789 1.0857 1.1657 0.9698
Tryptamine 0.6723 1.2644 1.1560 0.9073
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F1treatment:10 uM 680c91 | Sample source:Breast cancer cells
F2treatment:10 uM AT0174 | Sample source:Breast cancer cells
F3treatment:1 uM AT0174 | Sample source:Breast cancer cells
F4treatment:DMSO vehicle | Sample source:Breast cancer cells