Data for (Study ST000434)

(Analysis AN000684)

Values for each metabolite have been scaled by dividing by the mean across all factors

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arachidonic 0.9902 1.0184 1.0006
elaidic 0.9101 1.3419 0.8199
linoleic 0.8931 1.3668 0.8285
linolenic 0.9331 1.2997 0.8174
myristic 1.0104 1.1501 0.8177
oleic 0.9034 1.3254 0.8515
palmitic 0.9738 1.2080 0.8315
palmitoleic 1.0041 1.2669 0.7056
stearic 0.8978 1.2580 0.9352
Run Hierarchial cluster analysis on this study | Run Heatmap cluster analysis on this study


F2treatment:T1D good glycemic control
F3treatment:T1D poor glycemic control