Data for (Study ST000484)

(Analysis AN000750)

Values for each metabolite have been scaled by dividing by the mean across all factors

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1-Methylhistidine 1.3009 0.8415 0.7981 0.9447
3-Methylhistidine 1.0787 1.1979 1.0808 0.6161
Alanine 0.8489 1.1523 0.9151 1.1360
allo-Isoleucine 1.0514 1.1360 0.7200 1.0200
alpha-Aminoadipic-acid 1.0662 0.7859 1.0962 1.0155
alpha-Amino-N-butyric-acid 0.7282 1.0790 1.0585 1.1818
Anserine 1.1027 0.8236 1.2715 0.7191
Arginine 1.1482 0.8986 0.9515 0.9796
Asparagine 0.9044 0.9644 1.0396 1.1041
Aspartic Acid 0.8276 0.8913 1.0639 1.2414
beta-Alanine 0.9006 0.9542 1.1672 0.9629
beta-Aminoisobutyric-acid 0.6508 0.8861 1.1132 1.4024
Carnosine 0.9529 1.1403 1.0762 0.8242
Citrulline 0.9512 1.2961 0.6831 1.1509
Cystathionine 1 1.7521 0.8391 0.6614 0.6016
Cystathionine 2 NA NA NA NA
Cystine 0.8654 1.1538 1.3846 0.5769
Ethanolamine 0.9067 1.1245 0.9750 1.0200
gamma-Amino-N-butyric-acid 0.7353 0.6811 1.4132 1.1374
Glutamic Acid 1.0337 0.9806 0.9598 1.0274
Glutamine 1.0333 1.0689 0.9244 0.9829
Glycine 0.8407 1.0162 1.1318 1.0175
Histidine 1.0569 0.9470 1.0615 0.9084
Homocystine 1.0000 NA NA NA
Hydroxylysine 1 NA NA NA NA
Hydroxylysine 2 NA NA NA NA
Hydroxyproline 0.6378 1.0073 1.2633 1.1136
Isoleucine 0.9697 0.9657 0.9360 1.1496
Leucine 0.9012 0.9985 0.9840 1.1418
Lysine 1.1529 0.8649 0.9735 0.9806
Methionine 0.8592 1.0452 0.9709 1.1624
Ornithine 0.9539 1.0190 0.9677 1.0769
Phenylalanine 0.8950 1.0162 1.0119 1.0976
Phosphoethanolamine 0.8261 0.8796 1.2909 0.9774
Proline 0.8302 1.1076 0.9329 1.1819
Sarcosine 0.8267 1.1898 0.9374 1.0985
Serine 0.7986 0.9037 1.1928 1.1069
Taurine 0.8125 1.1293 1.0420 1.0485
Threonine 0.7831 1.0392 1.0226 1.1983
Tryptophan 0.8929 1.0393 0.9888 1.1054
Tyrosine 0.9152 0.9997 0.9988 1.1054
Valine 0.9262 1.0483 0.9548 1.0971
Run Hierarchial cluster analysis on this study | Run Heatmap cluster analysis on this study


F1time (mins):1 | Category:Caloric Restriction
F2time (mins):1 | Category:Control
F3time (mins):2 | Category:Caloric Restriction
F4time (mins):2 | Category:Control