Data for (Study ST000600)

(Analysis AN000919)

Values for each metabolite have been scaled by dividing by the mean across all factors

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C15:0 0.9536 1.0433
C16:0 0.9102 1.0838
C16:1n7 0.8410 1.1484
C16:1n7t 0.9606 1.0368
C17:0 0.9519 1.0449
C18:0 0.9656 1.0321
C18:1n7 0.8854 1.1070
C18:1n9 0.9151 1.0792
C18:2n6 0.9416 1.0545
C18:3n3 0.9140 1.0802
C18:3n6 0.9145 1.0798
C20:0 1.0100 0.9906
C20:1n9 1.0070 0.9934
C20:2n6 0.9319 1.0635
C20:3n6 0.9310 1.0644
C20:4n3 0.9783 1.0202
C20:4n6 0.9882 1.0110
C20:5n3 0.9095 1.0844
C22:2n6 1.0557 0.9481
C22:4n6 0.8302 1.1585
C22:5n3 0.9067 1.0871
C22:5n6 0.8582 1.1323
C22:6n3 0.9922 1.0073
Run Hierarchial cluster analysis on this study | Run Heatmap cluster analysis on this study


F1Treatment:E (Vehicle control)
F2Treatment:T (Treated with TPhP)