Data for (Study ST000659)

(Analysis AN001005)

Values for each metabolite have been scaled by dividing by the mean across all factors

Run Hierarchial cluster analysis on this study | Run Heatmap cluster analysis on this study

1-AG 1.1462 0.9980 0.9896 0.8603
1-LG 1.0997 0.9896 1.0017 0.9062
1-OG 1.1370 0.9783 0.9437 0.9272
2-AG 1.0682 1.0412 1.1305 0.7811
2-LG 1.2109 0.9384 0.9049 0.9223
2-OG 1.1179 1.0096 1.0244 0.8492
AEA 0.8661 1.1562 0.8251 1.1315
aLEA 0.8943 1.0642 1.0429 1.0105
DEA 0.8648 1.1785 0.8291 1.1079
DGLEA 0.9374 1.1005 0.8993 1.0505
DHEA 0.9572 1.0575 0.9256 1.0501
LEA 0.8975 1.0888 0.9424 1.0670
NA-Gly 1.0561 0.9903 1.0167 0.9377
NO-Gly 1.0688 0.9726 0.9988 0.9569
Run Hierarchial cluster analysis on this study | Run Heatmap cluster analysis on this study


F1Visit:v2 | Blood Draw:A
F2Visit:v2 | Blood Draw:B
F3Visit:v3 | Blood Draw:A
F4Visit:v3 | Blood Draw:B