Data for (Study ST000906)

(Analysis AN001473)

Values for each metabolite have been scaled by dividing by the mean across all factors

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3HB 1.1282 0.8718
alanine 1.1318 0.8682
BCAA 1.1232 0.8768
citrate 0.5583 1.4417
glucose 0.7076 1.2924
glutamine 1.1399 0.8601
histidine 1.0989 0.9011
lactate 1.0196 0.9804
lipid 1.0202 0.9798
phe 1.0951 0.9049
succinate 0.8878 1.1122
tyrosine 1.1253 0.8747
Run Hierarchial cluster analysis on this study | Run Heatmap cluster analysis on this study


F2Treatment:Vit-A deficient food