Data for (Study ST001135)

(Analysis AN001860)

Values for each metabolite have been scaled by dividing by the mean across all factors

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Adenine 1.0476 1.0450 0.7939 1.1135
Adenosine 0.9682 0.9757 1.0258 1.0303
Alanine 1.3808 1.1505 0.4910 0.9777
Arginine 0.9283 0.9350 1.1069 1.0299
Argininosuccinic acid 1.1266 1.0612 0.7156 1.0967
Asparagine 1.0894 1.0051 0.9425 0.9630
Aspartic acid 1.2713 1.1287 0.5827 1.0173
Beta-Alanine 1.0358 0.9663 0.9567 1.0412
Betaine 0.9294 0.9743 1.0349 1.0615
Betaine aldehyde 0.8762 0.6758 NA 1.7722
Carnitine 1.0329 1.0379 0.9391 0.9902
Carnosine 1.0315 0.9391 1.0182 1.0113
Choline 0.9993 0.9488 1.0695 0.9825
cis-3-hydroxyproline 0.9830 0.9649 1.0213 1.0308
Citrulline 0.9599 0.9343 1.0261 1.0797
Creatine 0.8592 0.8854 1.2051 1.0502
Creatinine 0.8706 0.9751 1.0569 1.0974
Cystathionine 0.9781 0.9954 0.9922 1.0343
Cysteine 0.9867 0.6846 1.1790 1.1498
Gamma-Aminobutyric acid 0.9616 0.9876 1.0650 0.9858
Glutamic acid 0.9986 0.9582 1.0232 1.0200
Glutamine 1.0354 1.0014 0.9164 1.0468
Glutathione 1.0183 0.8580 1.1292 0.9945
Glycine 0.9882 0.9777 0.9953 1.0387
Guanosine 0.9729 NA 1.0271 NA
Histidine 0.9526 0.9693 1.0520 1.0261
Homocysteine NA NA 1.0000 NA
Homoserine 0.9487 1.0167 0.9093 1.1599
Inosine NA NA NA 1.0000
Isoleucine 0.9668 0.9625 1.0221 1.0486
Leucine 0.9789 0.9624 1.0321 1.0267
Lysine 0.9494 0.9700 1.0954 0.9852
Methionine 0.9761 0.9528 1.0558 1.0154
Ornithine 1.2204 1.1903 0.6188 0.9705
Oxidized glutathione 1.0522 1.1770 0.6877 1.0831
Phenylalanine 0.9849 0.9648 1.0262 1.0241
Proline 1.2363 1.1087 0.6176 1.0375
Putrescine 1.1528 1.0267 0.8052 0.9178
S-Adenosylhomocysteine 1.0358 1.0086 1.1386 0.8170
S-Adenosylmethionine 0.9689 0.9796 0.9825 1.0690
Sarcosine 1.3232 0.7057 1.1391 0.8465
Serine 1.0803 1.0072 0.8682 1.0444
Spermidine 1.0334 1.0402 0.8085 1.1179
Spermine 1.1257 1.2027 0.5663 1.1052
Threonine 1.0298 0.9945 0.9228 1.0528
Tryptophan 0.9640 0.9500 1.0484 1.0375
Tyrosine 0.9774 0.9640 1.0405 1.0180
Valine 0.9368 0.9406 1.0771 1.0454
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