Data for Detecting sex-related changes to the metabolome of a critically endangered freshwater crayfish during the mating season (Study ST001721)

(Analysis AN002805)

Values for each metabolite have been scaled by dividing by the mean across all factors

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Azelaic acid 2.2730 1.1729 0.2578 0.2523 1.7397 1.7645 0.2638 0.2759 NA
Citric acid 1.7148 0.8718 0.1825 1.3601 0.8331 1.3538 0.3684 1.3154 NA
Deoxyinosine 1.4215 1.1252 1.0576 1.1183 0.2197 1.0443 1.2849 0.7286 NA
Glutathione 1.2205 0.5035 0.3739 2.9122 0.8231 0.7934 0.2649 1.1085 NA
Hydroxyphenyllactic acid 0.5329 1.0038 1.0451 2.4606 0.5026 0.7398 0.6973 1.0180 NA
Indolelactic acid 0.6852 0.8477 1.2073 1.5608 0.5077 1.4303 1.0723 0.6885 NA
Inosine 1.8906 1.5000 1.2285 1.1527 0.5424 0.5715 0.5260 0.5884 NA
Kynurenic acid 3.7777 1.1491 1.1500 1.7841 0.0342 0.0374 0.0271 0.0405 NA
Oxidized glutathione 1.1955 0.5288 0.2349 1.9069 0.9360 1.8674 0.2073 1.1232 NA
Pantothenic acid 1.0875 0.4068 0.3440 4.3744 0.7570 0.4928 0.2409 0.2965 NA
Sucrose 0.6266 0.6588 0.3201 0.2775 1.1184 4.3718 0.2908 0.3361 NA
Tryptophan 1.3763 1.2316 1.0573 0.9458 0.5593 1.0852 1.0118 0.7328 NA
Uridine 1.2467 1.0902 0.9347 0.7512 0.9841 1.0349 1.0251 0.9332 NA
Uridine-5^-phosphoric acid disodium salt 2.4397 0.6789 0.3221 1.5194 0.2301 1.5389 0.2920 0.9789 NA
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F1Sex:Female | Timepoint:1
F2Sex:Female | Timepoint:2
F3Sex:Female | Timepoint:3
F4Sex:Female | Timepoint:4
F5Sex:Male | Timepoint:1
F6Sex:Male | Timepoint:2
F7Sex:Male | Timepoint:3
F8Sex:Male | Timepoint:4
F9Sex:- | Timepoint:-