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SelectMetabolite Name Metabolite Id Refmet Name Ret. Index Quant. m/z Analysis Display
1-Aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylicacid ME651174 1-Aminocyclopropanecarboxylic acid 1.0108675-MS negative ion mode/C18
3-Amino-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)propanoate ME651201 beta-Tyrosine 1.7681946-MS negative ion mode/C18
AlaPheArg ME651230 Ala-Phe-Arg 14.143961-MS negative ion mode/C18
Arginine ME651236 Arginine 0.8697559-MS negative ion mode/C18
AsnGlnGln ME651237 Asn-Gln-Gln 5.6766734-MS negative ion mode/C18
AspAsp ME651238 Asp-Asp 0.9521884-MS negative ion mode/C18
AspAsp-0.9946096 ME651239 Asp-Asp 0.9946096-MS negative ion mode/C18
AspGlu ME651240 Asp-Glu 1.0007945-MS negative ion mode/C18
beta-Alanine ME651248 beta-Alanine 0.87303925-MS negative ion mode/C18
beta-Alanine-0.95868075 ME651249 beta-Alanine 0.95868075-MS negative ion mode/C18
beta-Alanine-2.1040177 ME651250 beta-Alanine 2.1040177-MS negative ion mode/C18
Cilastatin ME651263 Cilastatin 3.2344387-MS negative ion mode/C18
Creatine ME651269 Creatine 0.95314735-MS negative ion mode/C18
cysteine ME651271 Cysteine 1.010082-MS negative ion mode/C18
D-Homoserine ME651280 D-Homoserine 0.8892795-MS negative ion mode/C18
Glutamate ME651307 Glutamic acid 1.1013618-MS negative ion mode/C18
Glutamicacidg-semialdehyde ME651308 D-Glutamic acid 2.1056035-MS negative ion mode/C18
Glycine ME651312 Glycine 0.88083494-MS negative ion mode/C18
GlyTyrAsn ME651316 Gly-Tyr-Asn 3.2345335-MS negative ion mode/C18
Histidine ME651321 Histidine 0.8457898-MS negative ion mode/C18
L-2-Aminoadipicacid ME651333 Aminoadipic acid 1.6109911-MS negative ion mode/C18
Leucine ME651340 Leucine 2.3009212-MS negative ion mode/C18
L-Serine ME651344 Serine 0.8481725-MS negative ion mode/C18
LysTrpArg ME651345 Lys-Trp-Arg 12.673539-MS negative ion mode/C18
LysTrpArg-12.785133 ME651346 Lys-Trp-Arg 12.785133-MS negative ion mode/C18
MetGluLys ME651349 Met-Glu-Lys 8.976513-MS negative ion mode/C18
MetLysSer ME651355 Met-Lys-Ser 3.234017-MS negative ion mode/C18
Metyrosine ME651356 Metyrosine 9.608946-MS negative ion mode/C18
N-Acetyl-L-Histidine ME651360 N-Acetylhistidine 1.0464991-MS negative ion mode/C18
PantothenicAcid ME651371 Pantothenic acid 3.430017-MS negative ion mode/C18
ProHisTrp ME651381 Pro-His-Trp 10.892685-MS negative ion mode/C18
ProLysPro ME651382 Pro-Lys-Pro 13.082525-MS negative ion mode/C18
Pyroglutamicacid ME651390 Pyroglutamic acid 1.2950168-MS negative ion mode/C18
Pyroglutamicacid-1.3865262 ME651391 Pyroglutamic acid 1.3865262-MS negative ion mode/C18
Pyroglutamicacid-1.5248408 ME651392 Pyroglutamic acid 1.5248408-MS negative ion mode/C18
TrpProHis ME651413 Trp-Pro-His 10.67983-MS negative ion mode/C18
TrpProHis-10.745563 ME651414 Trp-Pro-His 10.745563-MS negative ion mode/C18
Tryptophan ME651415 Tryptophan 3.6893237-MS negative ion mode/C18
2-Furoylglycine ME651438 2-Furoylglycine 1.0853753-MS negative ion mode/HILIC
3-Amino-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)propanoate ME651461 beta-Tyrosine 5.8277006-MS negative ion mode/HILIC
AlaMetLys ME651509 Ala-Met-Lys 1.053729-MS negative ion mode/HILIC
ArgCysCys ME651516 Arg-Cys-Cys 2.0538783-MS negative ion mode/HILIC
AspAsp ME651517 Asp-Asp 2.952983-MS negative ion mode/HILIC
AspGlu ME651518 Asp-Glu 2.0361547-MS negative ion mode/HILIC
AspThr ME651519 Asp-Thr 2.986764-MS negative ion mode/HILIC
beta-Alanine ME651522 beta-Alanine 4.8328185-MS negative ion mode/HILIC
beta-Alanine-6.9398165 ME651523 beta-Alanine 6.9398165-MS negative ion mode/HILIC
Creatine ME651539 Creatine 6.9446096-MS negative ion mode/HILIC
CysCysTyr ME651542 Cys-Cys-Tyr 1.6293103-MS negative ion mode/HILIC
GlnTrpGln ME651586 Gln-Trp-Gln 1.0848768-MS negative ion mode/HILIC
GluSer ME651588 Glu-Ser 1.9653546-MS negative ion mode/HILIC
Glutamicacidg-semialdehyde ME651590 D-Glutamic acid 4.832273-MS negative ion mode/HILIC
GluTyrThr ME651592 Glu-Tyr-Thr 0.94710815-MS negative ion mode/HILIC
HisCys ME651597 His-Cys 1.5454953-MS negative ion mode/HILIC
HisLeuLys ME651598 His-Leu-Lys 1.1560371-MS negative ion mode/HILIC
Isoleucine ME651618 Isoleucine 5.8175583-MS negative ion mode/HILIC
L-DOPA ME651629 DOPA 1.6013179-MS negative ion mode/HILIC
Leucine ME651631 Leucine 5.754187-MS negative ion mode/HILIC
LysPhe ME651641 Lys-Phe 1.081086-MS negative ion mode/HILIC
MetMetTrp ME651651 Met-Met-Trp 1.0966965-MS negative ion mode/HILIC
PantothenicAcid ME651674 Pantothenic acid 2.5449166-MS negative ion mode/HILIC
PheArgSer ME651677 Phe-Arg-Ser 1.1971426-MS negative ion mode/HILIC
Phenylalanine ME651678 Phenylalanine 5.6374874-MS negative ion mode/HILIC
Pirenzepine ME651681 Pirenzepine 0.71526355-MS negative ion mode/HILIC
ProTyrTrp ME651686 Pro-Tyr-Trp 1.9180354-MS negative ion mode/HILIC
Pyroglutamicacid ME651695 Pyroglutamic acid 5.840759-MS negative ion mode/HILIC
SerLysMet ME651708 Ser-Lys-Met 5.6376185-MS negative ion mode/HILIC
ThrGly ME651724 Thr-Gly 1.1795585-MS negative ion mode/HILIC
TrpTyrGlu ME651726 Trp-Tyr-Glu 1.4084401-MS negative ion mode/HILIC
Tryptophan ME651727 Tryptophan 5.5356474-MS negative ion mode/HILIC
Valine ME651732 Valine 6.013578-MS negative ion mode/HILIC
1-Aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylicacid ME650151 1-Aminocyclopropanecarboxylic acid 0.6364213-MS positive ion mode/C18
1-Aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylicacid+1.2266328 ME650152 1-Aminocyclopropanecarboxylic acid 1.2266328-MS positive ion mode/C18
1-L-Leucyl-L-Proline ME650161 Leu-Pro 3.0453415-MS positive ion mode/C18
2-Methylbutyrylglycine ME650194 2-Methylbutyrylglycine 3.0071375-MS positive ion mode/C18
2-Methylbutyrylglycine+0.9057921 ME650195 2-Methylbutyrylglycine 0.9057921-MS positive ion mode/C18
2-Methylbutyrylglycine+3.9581158 ME650196 2-Methylbutyrylglycine 3.9581158-MS positive ion mode/C18
4-Hydroxy-L-threonine ME650237 4-Hydroxythreonine 1.2667704-MS positive ion mode/C18
5-aminosalicyluricacid ME650246 5-Aminosalicyluric acid 1.219162-MS positive ion mode/C18
5-Hydroxytryptophan ME650250 5-Hydroxy-tryptophan 3.263502-MS positive ion mode/C18
AlaAlaAsp ME650293 Ala-Ala-Asp 0.9358135-MS positive ion mode/C18
Arginine ME650305 Arginine 0.8764598-MS positive ion mode/C18
ArgSerPro ME650306 Arg-Ser-Pro 11.306665-MS positive ion mode/C18
AsnGlySer ME650307 Asn-Gly-Ser 3.7226896-MS positive ion mode/C18
AsnHisSer ME650308 Asn-His-Ser 1.2266097-MS positive ion mode/C18
AspAspPro ME650309 Asp-Asp-Pro 1.2446378-MS positive ion mode/C18
AspLeu ME650310 Asp-Leu 1.2497512-MS positive ion mode/C18
Asymmetricdimethylarginine ME650311 Dimethylarginine 1.0352609-MS positive ion mode/C18
beta-Alanine ME650318 beta-Alanine 0.8832818-MS positive ion mode/C18
Carboxyprimaquine ME650338 Carboxyprimaquine 1.2449086-MS positive ion mode/C18
Creatine ME650350 Creatine 0.9470492-MS positive ion mode/C18
CysAlaGly ME650356 Cys-Ala-Gly 13.1412525-MS positive ion mode/C18
CysProIle ME650357 Cys-Pro-Ile 8.265308-MS positive ion mode/C18
CysSer ME650358 Cys-Ser 1.2206877-MS positive ion mode/C18
Dacarbazine ME650361 Dacarbazine 3.9146154-MS positive ion mode/C18
D-Homoserine ME650372 D-Homoserine 1.323009-MS positive ion mode/C18
D-Proline ME650400 D-Proline 1.2466414-MS positive ion mode/C18
Gamma-Glu-Leu ME650418 gamma-Glutamylleucine 1.2439053-MS positive ion mode/C18
GlnProLys ME650420 Gln-Pro-Lys 4.825221-MS positive ion mode/C18
GlnSerHis ME650421 Gln-Ser-His 10.705208-MS positive ion mode/C18
GlnSerThr ME650422 Gln-Ser-Thr 0.99586886-MS positive ion mode/C18
GluGlu ME650424 Glu-Glu 4.2144103-MS positive ion mode/C18
Glycine ME650426 Glycine 1.2122759-MS positive ion mode/C18
GlyValGly ME650427 Gly-Val-Gly 0.95968133-MS positive ion mode/C18
GlyValHis ME650428 Gly-Val-His 5.14883-MS positive ion mode/C18
HisLeuSer ME650439 His-Leu-Ser 5.3889437-MS positive ion mode/C18
Histidine ME650440 Histidine 0.8409019-MS positive ion mode/C18
Histidine+0.8661965 ME650441 Histidine 0.8661965-MS positive ion mode/C18
Histidine+1.047004 ME650442 Histidine 1.047004-MS positive ion mode/C18
HisVal ME650443 His-Val 0.9090833-MS positive ion mode/C18
Homoarginine ME650444 Homoarginine 0.9629798-MS positive ion mode/C18
Homocysteine ME650445 Homocysteine 2.8205686-MS positive ion mode/C18
Homoserine ME650446 Homoserine 1.0398608-MS positive ion mode/C18
IleAla ME650453 Ile-Ala 1.4936752-MS positive ion mode/C18
IleAlaVal ME650454 Ile-Ala-Val 3.0618467-MS positive ion mode/C18
IlePro ME650455 Ile-Pro 3.0226705-MS positive ion mode/C18
Indospicine ME650458 Indospicine 2.9849553-MS positive ion mode/C18
Isoleucine ME650461 Isoleucine 2.1833432-MS positive ion mode/C18
L-Cysteinesulfonicacid ME650473 Cysteine-S-sulfate 0.7756112-MS positive ion mode/C18
Leucine ME650474 Leucine 2.2567677-MS positive ion mode/C18
Leucine+3.3912697 ME650475 Leucine 3.3912697-MS positive ion mode/C18
LeuHisLeu ME650476 Leu-His-Leu 6.4867897-MS positive ion mode/C18
LeuLeuAla ME650477 Leu-Leu-Ala 3.379758-MS positive ion mode/C18
LeuPro ME650478 Leu-Pro 1.2490845-MS positive ion mode/C18
LeuProIle ME650479 Leu-Pro-Ile 14.139464-MS positive ion mode/C18
LeuProPro ME650480 Leu-Pro-Pro 9.93982-MS positive ion mode/C18
Lidocaine ME650491 Lidocaine 4.9714904-MS positive ion mode/C18
L-Serine ME650494 Serine 1.1051059-MS positive ion mode/C18
LysAsnPro ME650495 Lys-Asn-Pro 4.2028646-MS positive ion mode/C18
LysCysHis ME650496 Lys-Cys-His 8.863811-MS positive ion mode/C18
LysGluVal ME650497 Lys-Glu-Val 0.99063534-MS positive ion mode/C18
LysHis ME650498 Lys-His 4.347981-MS positive ion mode/C18
LysIle ME650499 Lys-Ile 0.97035354-MS positive ion mode/C18
Lysine ME650500 Lysine 0.80358905-MS positive ion mode/C18
LysLysLys ME650501 Lys-Lys-Lys 13.434689-MS positive ion mode/C18
LysVal ME650502 Lys-Val 0.8899152-MS positive ion mode/C18
Methionine ME650509 Methionine 1.3970598-MS positive ion mode/C18
MetHisLys ME650510 Met-His-Lys 9.005064-MS positive ion mode/C18
MetHisLys+10.030071 ME650511 Met-His-Lys 10.030071-MS positive ion mode/C18
MetHisLys+9.225381 ME650512 Met-His-Lys 9.225381-MS positive ion mode/C18
MetHisLys+9.580145 ME650513 Met-His-Lys 9.580145-MS positive ion mode/C18
MetHisLys+9.714662 ME650514 Met-His-Lys 9.714662-MS positive ion mode/C18
MetHisLys+9.8822365 ME650515 Met-His-Lys 9.8822365-MS positive ion mode/C18
MetHisLys+9.901607 ME650516 Met-His-Lys 9.901607-MS positive ion mode/C18
N2-Succinyl-L-ornithine ME650534 N2-Succinylornithine 1.1214516-MS positive ion mode/C18
N-AcetylCilastatin ME650537 N-AcetylCilastatin 6.6915655-MS positive ion mode/C18
N-Acetyl-L-Histidine ME650539 N-Acetylhistidine 1.0460984-MS positive ion mode/C18
Ne-Methyl-L-lysine ME650544 N(6)-Methyllysine 0.88153493-MS positive ion mode/C18
N(pai)-Methyl-L-histidine ME650531 3-Methylhistidine 0.88011557-MS positive ion mode/C18
PantothenicAcid ME650566 Pantothenic acid 3.4304254-MS positive ion mode/C18
Perindopril ME650573 Perindopril 13.604183-MS positive ion mode/C18
Perindopril+13.513286 ME650574 Perindopril 13.513286-MS positive ion mode/C18
Phenylalanine ME650579 Phenylalanine 1.247261-MS positive ion mode/C18
Phenylalanine+3.1124516 ME650580 Phenylalanine 3.1124516-MS positive ion mode/C18
Phenylalanine+3.2762616 ME650581 Phenylalanine 3.2762616-MS positive ion mode/C18
pipecolicacid ME650590 Pipecolic acid 3.257194-MS positive ion mode/C18
ProGluTyr ME650593 Pro-Glu-Tyr 1.2478721-MS positive ion mode/C18
ProHis ME650594 Pro-His 3.690659-MS positive ion mode/C18
Proline ME650595 Proline 0.86064386-MS positive ion mode/C18
Proline+0.86503255 ME650596 Proline 0.86503255-MS positive ion mode/C18
Proline+2.0194335 ME650597 Proline 2.0194335-MS positive ion mode/C18
Proline+2.1935194 ME650598 Proline 2.1935194-MS positive ion mode/C18
Proline+3.5784535 ME650599 Proline 3.5784535-MS positive ion mode/C18
ProPheArg ME650600 Pro-Phe-Arg 9.260476-MS positive ion mode/C18
ProProPhe ME650603 Pro-Pro-Phe 11.31182-MS positive ion mode/C18
Pyroglutamicacid ME650608 Pyroglutamic acid 0.8776488-MS positive ion mode/C18
Pyroglutamicacid+1.2445769 ME650609 Pyroglutamic acid 1.2445769-MS positive ion mode/C18
Pyroglutamicacid+1.5233006 ME650610 Pyroglutamic acid 1.5233006-MS positive ion mode/C18
SerHisSer ME650620 Ser-His-Ser 0.98438114-MS positive ion mode/C18
SerSer ME650621 Ser-Ser 0.922276-MS positive ion mode/C18
S-(p-Azidophenacyl)glutathione ME650619 S-(p-Azidophenacyl)glutathione 1.1769313-MS positive ion mode/C18
ThrHisGln ME650630 Thr-His-Gln 11.223016-MS positive ion mode/C18
Tranexamicacid ME650631 Tranexamic acid 1.2459966-MS positive ion mode/C18
Tranexamicacid+3.9845319 ME650632 Tranexamic acid 3.9845319-MS positive ion mode/C18
TyrCysThr ME650640 Tyr-Cys-Thr 0.8976853-MS positive ion mode/C18
Tyrosine ME650641 Tyrosine 1.4670217-MS positive ion mode/C18
Tyrosine+1.775995 ME650642 Tyrosine 1.775995-MS positive ion mode/C18
TyrPro ME650643 Tyr-Pro 5.2013116-MS positive ion mode/C18
TyrProArg ME650644 Tyr-Pro-Arg 8.745844-MS positive ion mode/C18
Valine ME650659 Valine 0.9042489-MS positive ion mode/C18
Valine+1.1798357 ME650660 Valine 1.1798357-MS positive ion mode/C18
Valine+3.1044893 ME650661 Valine 3.1044893-MS positive ion mode/C18
ValLysTyr ME650662 Val-Lys-Tyr 6.6062884-MS positive ion mode/C18
Vigabatrin ME650664 Vigabatrin 0.7941237-MS positive ion mode/C18
Vigabatrin+11.291644 ME650665 Vigabatrin 11.291644-MS positive ion mode/C18
1-Aminocyclohexanecarboxylicacid ME650703 1-Azaniumylcyclohexane-1-carboxylate 1.6656684-MS positive ion mode/HILIC
1-Aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylicacid ME650704 1-Aminocyclopropanecarboxylic acid 2.5020857-MS positive ion mode/HILIC
1-Aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylicacid+3.3449767 ME650705 1-Aminocyclopropanecarboxylic acid 3.3449767-MS positive ion mode/HILIC
1-L-Leucyl-L-Proline ME650713 Leu-Pro 7.864313-MS positive ion mode/HILIC
1-L-Leucyl-L-Proline+8.0396595 ME650714 Leu-Pro 8.0396595-MS positive ion mode/HILIC
2-Methylbutyrylglycine ME650748 2-Methylbutyrylglycine 6.5662055-MS positive ion mode/HILIC
3-Nitrotyrosine ME650778 Nitrotyrosine 2.180876-MS positive ion mode/HILIC
AlaLeu ME650842 Ala-Leu 7.0966578-MS positive ion mode/HILIC
Allysine ME650846 Allysine 2.0637162-MS positive ion mode/HILIC
ArgGluGlu ME650854 Arg-Glu-Glu 1.0864376-MS positive ion mode/HILIC
AsnAspHis ME650855 Asn-Asp-His 2.793923-MS positive ion mode/HILIC
AspHisCys ME650856 Asp-His-Cys 1.9411781-MS positive ion mode/HILIC
AspSerTrp ME650857 Asp-Ser-Trp 2.0612695-MS positive ion mode/HILIC
Benserazide ME650862 Benserazide 3.4553032-MS positive ion mode/HILIC
beta-Alanine ME650864 beta-Alanine 6.9533415-MS positive ion mode/HILIC
Creatine ME650886 Creatine 6.9535637-MS positive ion mode/HILIC
CysAsnThr ME650896 Cys-Asn-Thr 5.443667-MS positive ion mode/HILIC
D-1-Piperideine-2-carboxylicacid ME650901 D-1-Piperideine-2-carboxylic acid 2.064831-MS positive ion mode/HILIC
D-4-Hydroxyphenylglycine ME650902 D-4-Hydroxyphenylglycine 1.6808326-MS positive ion mode/HILIC
D-Homoserine ME650907 D-Homoserine 3.895079-MS positive ion mode/HILIC
D-Proline ME650928 D-Proline 1.1703095-MS positive ion mode/HILIC
D-Proline+1.2886649 ME650929 D-Proline 1.2886649-MS positive ion mode/HILIC
Formimino-L-glutamicacid ME650946 Formiminoglutamic acid 2.8815124-MS positive ion mode/HILIC
Formimino-L-glutamicacid+5.156737 ME650947 Formiminoglutamic acid 5.156737-MS positive ion mode/HILIC
GlnHisPhe ME650954 Gln-His-Phe 1.1402742-MS positive ion mode/HILIC
GlnLysGlu ME650955 Gln-Lys-Glu 1.1261076-MS positive ion mode/HILIC
GlnProLys ME650956 Gln-Pro-Lys 1.797374-MS positive ion mode/HILIC
GluGlnAsn ME650958 Glu-Gln-Asn 2.909095-MS positive ion mode/HILIC
Glutamicacidg-semialdehyde ME650959 D-Glutamic acid 2.5435653-MS positive ion mode/HILIC
Glutarylglycine ME650964 Glutarylglycine 2.5022757-MS positive ion mode/HILIC
Glycyl-L-leucine ME650965 Gly-Leu 2.1221306-MS positive ion mode/HILIC
GlyGlyAsp ME650966 Gly-Gly-Asp 7.2766438-MS positive ion mode/HILIC
GlyGlyGly ME650967 Gly-Gly-Gly 2.0779502-MS positive ion mode/HILIC
GlyLysSer ME650968 Gly-Lys-Ser 1.0372667-MS positive ion mode/HILIC
Hydroxylysine ME650990 5-Hydroxylysine 2.141262-MS positive ion mode/HILIC
IleAla ME650994 Ile-Ala 7.660703-MS positive ion mode/HILIC
Indospicine ME650997 Indospicine 6.226758-MS positive ion mode/HILIC
Isobutylglycine ME651001 N-Isobutylglycine 5.433171-MS positive ion mode/HILIC
Isoleucine ME651003 Isoleucine 4.3696966-MS positive ion mode/HILIC
Isoleucine+5.8270445 ME651004 Isoleucine 5.8270445-MS positive ion mode/HILIC
L-DOPA ME651013 DOPA 1.5873882-MS positive ion mode/HILIC
L-DOPA+1.5934027 ME651014 DOPA 1.5934027-MS positive ion mode/HILIC
Leucine ME651015 Leucine 1.4374928-MS positive ion mode/HILIC
Leucine+1.5613806 ME651016 Leucine 1.5613806-MS positive ion mode/HILIC
Leucine+5.754839 ME651017 Leucine 5.754839-MS positive ion mode/HILIC
LeuThr ME651018 Leu-Thr 1.1866603-MS positive ion mode/HILIC
Lidocaine ME651022 Lidocaine 3.362667-MS positive ion mode/HILIC
LysAsnPro ME651025 Lys-Asn-Pro 5.989488-MS positive ion mode/HILIC
LysLeuSer ME651026 Lys-Leu-Ser 0.9916671-MS positive ion mode/HILIC
LysTrpPro ME651027 Lys-Trp-Pro 1.7056735-MS positive ion mode/HILIC
MetAlaHis ME651033 Met-Ala-His 2.322311-MS positive ion mode/HILIC
MetAlaHis+2.5042598 ME651034 Met-Ala-His 2.5042598-MS positive ion mode/HILIC
Methionine ME651035 Methionine 3.3022783-MS positive ion mode/HILIC
Methionine+5.8419194 ME651036 Methionine 5.8419194-MS positive ion mode/HILIC
MetHisLys ME651037 Met-His-Lys 1.0853088-MS positive ion mode/HILIC
Ne-Methyl-L-lysine ME651059 N(6)-Methyllysine 2.877624-MS positive ion mode/HILIC
N,N-dimethylhistidine ME651051 N,N-Dimethylhistidine 4.701541-MS positive ion mode/HILIC
PantothenicAcid ME651080 Pantothenic acid 2.5324152-MS positive ion mode/HILIC
Phenylalanine ME651083 Phenylalanine 5.6434836-MS positive ion mode/HILIC
ProHis ME651095 Pro-His 5.8476796-MS positive ion mode/HILIC
Proline ME651096 Proline 1.62507-MS positive ion mode/HILIC
Proline+6.318923 ME651097 Proline 6.318923-MS positive ion mode/HILIC
ProPro ME651100 Pro-Pro 2.1635835-MS positive ion mode/HILIC
ProVal ME651101 Pro-Val 2.8638191-MS positive ion mode/HILIC
Pyroglutamicacid ME651108 Pyroglutamic acid 5.8467355-MS positive ion mode/HILIC
Pyroglutamicacid+6.857936 ME651109 Pyroglutamic acid 6.857936-MS positive ion mode/HILIC
Saccharopine ME651120 Saccharopine 1.0656519-MS positive ion mode/HILIC
SerArgSer ME651122 Ser-Arg-Ser 2.0653992-MS positive ion mode/HILIC
SerTrpArg ME651123 Ser-Trp-Arg 1.1766553-MS positive ion mode/HILIC
Tranexamicacid ME651137 Tranexamic acid 1.5735675-MS positive ion mode/HILIC
Tranexamicacid+1.6785449 ME651138 Tranexamic acid 1.6785449-MS positive ion mode/HILIC
Tranexamicacid+6.7117825 ME651139 Tranexamic acid 6.7117825-MS positive ion mode/HILIC
Tyrosine ME651146 Tyrosine 5.8325195-MS positive ion mode/HILIC
TyrPro ME651147 Tyr-Pro 1.2291903-MS positive ion mode/HILIC
TyrTyrThr ME651148 Tyr-Tyr-Thr 1.1997707-MS positive ion mode/HILIC
Valine ME651161 Valine 1.7190979-MS positive ion mode/HILIC
Valine+6.607372 ME651162 Valine 6.607372-MS positive ion mode/HILIC
Vigabatrin ME651164 Vigabatrin 1.3712684-MS positive ion mode/HILIC
Vigabatrin+3.9734793 ME651165 Vigabatrin 3.9734793-MS positive ion mode/HILIC
