Return to study ST001406 main page   Show: (1)HMDB and KEGG pathways   (2)REACTOME pathways containing these metabolites

SelectMetabolite Name Metabolite Id Refmet Name Ret. Index Quant. m/z Analysis Display
PCB-101 ME323641 PCB101 813.2907325.8798GC POSITIVE ION MODE
PCB-138 ME323643 PCB138 1002.5033359.8406GC POSITIVE ION MODE
PCB-153 ME323642 2,2',4,4',5,5'-Hexachlorobiphenyl 956.6924359.8407GC POSITIVE ION MODE
PCB-180 ME323644 PCB180 1118.7848393.8017GC POSITIVE ION MODE
PCB-28 ME323635 PCB28 619.0833255.9609GC POSITIVE ION MODE
