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SelectMetabolite Name Metabolite Id Refmet Name Ret. Index Quant. m/z Analysis Display
Cer (d32:1) ME656319 Cer 32:1;O2 4.996554.478ESI/QTOF negative ion mode
Cer (d34:0) ME656320 Cer 34:0;O2 5.914584.526ESI/QTOF negative ion mode
Cer (d34:1) ME656321 Cer 34:1;O2 5.672572.481ESI/QTOF negative ion mode
Cer (d34:2) ME656322 Cer 34:2;O2 5.095580.494ESI/QTOF negative ion mode
Cer (d36:1) ME656323 Cer 36:1;O2 6.384610.541ESI/QTOF negative ion mode
Cer (d38:1) ME656324 Cer 38:1;O2 7.093628.544ESI/QTOF negative ion mode
Cer (d39:1) ME656325 Cer 39:1;O2 7.446652.588ESI/QTOF negative ion mode
Cer (d40:1) ME656326 Cer 40:1;O2 7.772656.575ESI/QTOF negative ion mode
Cer (d40:2) ME656327 Cer 40:2;O2 7.185664.588ESI/QTOF negative ion mode
Cer (d41:1) ME656328 Cer 41:1;O2 8.093670.592ESI/QTOF negative ion mode
Cer (d42:2) ME656329 Cer 42:2;O2 7.738692.619ESI/QTOF negative ion mode
Ceramide (d18:1/23:0) ME656154 Cer 18:1;O2/23:0 8.098636.6273ESI/QTOF positive ion mode
Ceramide (d40:1) ME656155 Cer 40:1;O2 7.773622.6121ESI/QTOF positive ion mode
Ceramide (d42:1) ME656156 Cer 42:1;O2 8.412650.6435ESI/QTOF positive ion mode
Ceramide (d42:2) ME656157 Cer 42:2;O2 7.74648.6274ESI/QTOF positive ion mode
