Summary of all studies containing PUBCHEM ID 71464507
Project | Study | Study_title | Subject_type | Subject_species | Metabolite_name |
PR000139 | ST000160 | Basic Metabolism Studies (wt and TPA null) | Animal | Mus musculus | icoseneoylcarnitine [Data] |
PR000153 | ST000211 | T cell metabolism during graft-versus-host disease (CAB 307)-PART II | Animal | Mus musculus | icoseneoylcarnitine [Data] |
PR000154 | ST000199 | IDH1 and Glioma knockdown idh1 (part II) | Human | Homo sapiens | icoseneoylcarnitine [Data] |
PR000156 | ST000201 | Bone Marrow Metabolomics (part II) | Animal | Mus musculus | icoseneoylcarnitine [Data] |
PR000169 | ST000198 | Liver and Plasma metaboites for 13C-glucose load in wild type, LIRKO and LIRFKO mice | Animal | Mus musculus | icoseneoylcarnitine [Data] |
PR000181 | ST000221 | Normal plasma cells,Low proliferation multiple myeloma and High proliferation multiple myeloma cells | Human | Homo sapiens | (11Z)-eicoseneoylcarnitine [Data] |
PR000198 | ST000245 | Acyl-Carnitine Analysis in mouse soleus muscle | Animal | Mus musculus | icoseneoylcarnitine [Data] |
PR000216 | ST000272 | Acyl-carnitine analysis (plasma) | Animal | Mus musculus | icoseneoylcarnitine [Data] |
PR000238 | ST000297 | Intestinal lipid oxidation after VSG | Animal | Rattus norvegicus | CAR(20:1) [Data] |
PR000240 | ST000299 | Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) study in LDLR-/- mice | Animal | Mus musculus | CAR(20:1) [Data] |
PR000280 | ST000351 | Determining the metabolic profile of wildtype, lrgAB, and atlA mutant Steptococcus mutans grown aerobically and anaerobically | Bacterial cells | Streptococcus mutans | C20:1 [Data] |
PR000295 | ST000374 | Mice exercise metabolomics (part I) | Animal | Mus musculus | EICOSENOYLCARNITINE [Data] |
PR000510 | ST000713 | Metabolic profiling of cyst fluid from patients with Intraductal Pancreatic Mucinous Neoplasm | Human | Homo sapiens | EICOSENOYLCARNITINE (*) (M+H)+ [Data] |
PR000510 | ST000823 | Metabolic profiling of cyst fluid from patients with Intraductal Pancreatic Mucinous Neoplasm (part II) | HUMAN | Homo sapiens | EICOSENOYLCARNITINE (*) (M+H)+ [Data] |
PR000519 | ST000722 | Metabolomics of Diapause in Aedes albopictus | Insect | Aedes albopictus | EICOSENOYLCARNITINE (*) (M+H)+ [Data] |
PR000521 | ST000724 | Red squirrels age related changes | Animal | Tamiasciurus hudsonicus | EICOSENOYLCARNITINE (*) (M+H)+ [Data] |
PR000522 | ST000725 | Metabolome, body composition, and muscle performance in children | Human | Homo sapiens | EICOSENOYLCARNITINE (*) (M+H)+ [Data] |
PR000536 | ST000743 | Metabolomics of bariatric weight loss | Human | Homo sapiens | EICOSENOYLCARNITINE (*) (M+H)+ [Data] |
PR000537 | ST000744 | Metabolomics of intensive weight management clinic (IWMC) weight loss | Human | Homo sapiens | EICOSENOYLCARNITINE (*) (M+H)+ [Data] |
PR000540 | ST000750 | Rat amniotic fluid metabolomics (part II) | Rat | Rattus norvegicus | EICOSENOYLCARNITINE (*) (M+H)+ [Data] |
PR000541 | ST000751 | Mouse placentas-DEHP exposure | Mouse | Mus musculus | EICOSENOYLCARNITINE (*) (M+H)+ [Data] |
PR000546 | ST000757 | Tubuloglomerular feedback and salt-sensitive hypertension | Rat | Rattus norvegicus | EICOSENOYLCARNITINE (*) (M+H)+ [Data] |
PR000547 | ST000758 | Effects of caloric restriction in HCR/LCR rats | Rat | Rattus norvegicus | EICOSENOYLCARNITINE (*) (CAS# 000-00-0); (M+H)+ [Data] |
PR000556 | ST000770 | Intranasal oxytocin in lean and obese men | Human | Homo sapiens | 11-CIS-ICOSENEOYLCARNITINE [Data] |
PR000557 | ST000771 | Looking for changes in lipid levels with knock out of ACADM (shACADM) | Human | Homo sapiens | 11-CIS-ICOSENEOYLCARNITINE [Data] |
PR000557 | ST000819 | Looking for changes in lipid levels with knock out of ACADM (shACADM) (part II) | HUMAN | Homo sapiens | 11-CIS-ICOSENEOYLCARNITINE [Data] |
PR000583 | ST000818 | Integrated nutrigenomic and metabolomic analysis of Africans with variable diet | HUMAN | Homo sapiens | EICOSENOYLCARNITINE (*) (M+H)+ [Data] |
PR001883 | ST003222 | A small molecule macrophage migration inhibitory factor agonist ameliorates age-related myocardial intolerance to ischemia-reperfusion insults via metabolic regulation - Part 1 | Mammal | Mus musculus | Carnitine C20:1 [Data] |
PR001941 | ST003431 | Metabolomics analysis of breast cancer cell lines treated with dimethylmalonate (DMM), GSK2194069, and their combination. | Cultured cells | Homo sapiens | O-Paullinoyl-L-carnitine 85 [Data] |
PR001941 | ST003432 | Intracellular and medium metabolomics of BT-474 cells treated with LW6 | Cultured cells | Homo sapiens | O-Paullinoyl-L-carnitine 85 [Data] |
PR001941 | ST003433 | Intracellular and medium metabolomics of BT-474 cells treated with dimethylmalonate, Fasnall, and GSK2194069 | Cultured cells | Homo sapiens | O-Paullinoyl-L-carnitine 85 [Data] |
PR001941 | ST003434 | Plasma concentrations of Fasnall in mice after a bolus of 10 mg/kg administered intraperitoneally. | Mammal | Mus musculus | O-Paullinoyl-L-carnitine 85 [Data] |
PR001941 | ST003435 | Metabolomics analysis of zebrafish embryos treated with rotenone, Fasnall, TVB-2640, and GSK2194069 | Fish | Danio rerio | O-Paullinoyl-L-carnitine 85 [Data] |
PR001941 | ST003436 | Pharmacokinetics of Fasnall in NSG mice | Mammal | Mus musculus | O-Paullinoyl-L-carnitine 85 [Data] |
PR002049 | ST003298 | Annual changes on metabolomics profile in latex | Plant | Hevea brasiliensis | Acylcarnitine(20:1) [Data] |