Studies involving sample source:Urine

Study ID Study Title Species Institute
ST000020Biomarker Discovery in Knee Osteoarthritis (I)HumanUniversity of North Carolina
ST000022Biomarker Discovery in Knee Osteoarthritis (II)HumanUniversity of North Carolina
ST000028Metabolomics Involved in Early Life Antibiotic Exposures(DuraSTAT-Urine)MouseUniversity of North Carolina
ST000037Metabolomics Involved in Early Life Antibiotic Exposures(EstroSTAT-Urine)MouseUniversity of North Carolina
ST000050Preterm Neonatal Urinary Renal Developmental and acute kidney injury Metabolomic ProfilingHumanUniversity of North Carolina
ST000092A statistical analysis of the effects of urease pre-treatment on the measurement of the urinary metabolome by gas chromatography–mass spectrometryHumanPacific Northwest National Laboratory
ST000236Quick Comparison of Urine Metabolites in Human and SD Rats of Different Sex by Untargeted UPLC-TOFMS and In-house Software PlatformHumanBeijing Institute of Radiation Medicine
ST000236Quick Comparison of Urine Metabolites in Human and SD Rats of Different Sex by Untargeted UPLC-TOFMS and In-house Software PlatformRatBeijing Institute of Radiation Medicine
ST000256Signal Intensities Derived from Different NMR Probes and Parameters Contribute to Variations in Quantification of MetabolitesHumanUniversity of Michigan
ST000291LC-MS Based Approaches to Investigate Metabolomic Differences in the Urine of Young Women after Drinking Cranberry Juice or Apple JuiceHumanUniversity of Florida
ST000329Minimal change disease and focal segmental sclerosis in urineHumanUniversity of California, Davis
ST000336Targeted LC/MS of urine from boys with DMD and controlsHumanUniversity of Florida
ST000381Urinary Metabolites in IC/PBS Diagnosis (part I)HumanUniversity of California, Davis
ST000382Urinary Metabolites in IC/PBS Diagnosis (part II)HumanUniversity of California, Davis
ST000398Metabolic profiling of maternal urine can aid clinical management of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM)HumanUniversity of Aveiro
ST000411Smoking and urinary metabolomicsHumanUniversity of North Carolina
ST000420NIST SRM Smoker non-Smoker Urine ComparisonHumanRTI International
ST000436Metabolomic analysis of EE urine samplesHumanUniversity of Minnesota
ST000444Preconcentration of organic solutes in urine by bubble burstingHumanV.I. Kulakov Research Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology
ST000535CHEAR Urine Reference Material Proficiency Test NMR (Part I)HumanRTI International
ST000538CHEAR Urine Reference Material Proficiency Test NMR (Part II)HumanRTI International
ST000544CHEAR Urine Reference Material Proficiency Test BiocratesHumanRTI International
ST000557Metabolites in CHEAR reference urine and plasmaHumanUniversity of Minnesota
ST000559Urine metabolomic profiling of diabetic nephropathy in the steptozotocin induced type-1 diabetes mouse model.MouseRTI International
ST000573Exploratory research on first and second trimester urinary metabolic profiles and fetal growth restrictionHumanMayo Clinic
ST000595Emory University high-resolution metabolomic profiling CHEAR pooled reference materials: UrineHumanEmory University
ST000603Urinary Volatile Compound, Associated with Chronic Inflammation In Interstitial CystitisHumanUniversity of California, Davis
ST000610CHEAR Urine Reference MaterialHumanRTI International
ST000611Relative level of inosine/adenosine and sarcosineHumanBaylor College of Medicine
ST000615GC/MS measurement of sarcosine in urine samplesHumanBaylor College of Medicine
ST000628TCA Cycle Metabolites of Dietary Salt Effects on Blood Pressure in Human Urine from 20 Participants of the DASH2 Clinical Trial (part I)HumanMayo Clinic
ST000629Amino Acd Metabolites of Dietary Salt Effects on Blood Pressure in Human Urine from 20 Participants of the DASH2 Clinical Trial (part II)HumanMayo Clinic
ST000630Neuromodulator Metabolites of Dietary Salt Effects on Blood Pressure in Human Urine from 20 Participants of the DASH2 Clinical Trial (part III)HumanMayo Clinic
ST000631TCA Cycle Metabolites of Dietary Salt Effects on Blood Pressure in Rat Urine (part IV)RatMayo Clinic
ST000632Amino Acid Metabolites of Dietary Salt Effects on Blood Pressure in Rat Urine (part V)RatMayo Clinic
ST000633Neuromodulator Metabolites of Dietary Salt Effects on Blood Pressure in Rat Urine (part VI)RatMayo Clinic
ST000634TCA Cycle Metabolites of Dietary Salt Effects on Blood Pressure in Human Urine from DASH2 Clinical Trial (part VII)HumanMayo Clinic
ST000635Amino Acid Metabolites of Dietary Salt Effects on Blood Pressure in Human Urine from DASH2 Clinical Trial (part VIII)HumanMayo Clinic
ST000636Neuromodulator Metabolites of Dietary Salt Effects on Blood Pressure in Human Urine from DASH2 Clinical Trial (part IX)HumanMayo Clinic
ST000786N-acetylisoputreanine-g-lactam IdentificationHumanColorado State University
ST000855Urine metabolic profiles of pregnant women in relation to environmental exposuresHumanUniversity of Michigan
ST000891NMR comparison of urine samples by 1D NOESY presat and PURGEHumanUniversity of Georgia
ST000907Murine vitamin A deficiency results in a hypermetabolic state and alterations in bacterial community structure and metabolism.(Urine)MousePennsylvania State University
ST000917Biomarkers of NAFLD progression: a lipidomics approach to an epidemic. Part 3:UrineHumanLIPID MAPS
ST000922Crab Urine StudyCrabGeorgia Institute of Technology
ST000934Metabolome profiles in urogenital schistosomiasis and associated pathologiesHumanUniversity of Ibadan, Nigeria
ST000973Metabolome profiles in urogenital schistosomiasis and associated pathologies (part II)HumanUniversity of Ibadan, Nigeria
ST001002A pilot study of urine metabolomics in two female and one male subject towards an outpatient estimate of circadian phase using urine storage as a factor (part II)HumanMayo Clinic
ST001003A pilot study of urine metabolomics in a female subject towards an outpatient estimate of circadian phase (part I)HumanMayo Clinic
ST001039Denver Asthma Panel Study-CHEAR Ancillary Study (part II)HumanEmory University
ST001040Maternal gut microbiome, pregnancy exposure to environmental contaminants, and child health outcomes: A pilot study exploring potential effect modifications by dietHumanIcahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
ST0010471H-NMR urinary metabolomic profiling for diagnosis of gastric cancer.HumanUniversity of Alberta
ST001048Pediatric Inner-City Environmental Exposures at School and Home and Asthma StudyHumanIcahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
ST001069Evaluation of Seryl-leucine core 1 O-glycosylated peptide (SLC1G) in TB patient urineHumanColorado State University
ST001104Seryl-leucine core 1 O-glycosylated peptide (SLC1G) identificationHumanColorado State University
ST001121Identification of urine metabolites in patients with interstitial cystitis using untargeted metabolomics (part I)HumanUniversity of California, Davis
ST001122Identification of urine metabolites in patients with interstitial cystitis using untargeted metabolomics (part II)HumanUniversity of California, Davis
ST001146Global Nonhuman primate (NHP) urine metabolomics (part-I)Rhesus monkeyGeorgetown University
ST001159Targeted NHP urine metabolomics (part-II)Rhesus monkeyGeorgetown University
ST001257Nutrimetabolomics and DASH dietHumanUniversity of Colorado Denver
ST001262The impact of tobacco smoke exposure and environmental exposures on the pulmonary microbiome of critically ill childrenHumanEmory University
ST001271Colorectal cancer before and after surgery metabolomics data integrationHumanLomonosov MSU
ST001280Macrophage-Mediated Clofazimine Sequestration is Accompanied by a Shift in Host Energy MetabolismMouseUniversity of Michigan
ST001317Dynamics of Exposure, Phthalates, and Asthma in a Randomized Trial (DEPART)HumanIcahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
ST001355Influence of propylparaben in childrenHumanSeoul National University College of Medicine and Hospital
ST001385Microbial and metabolic variations mediate the influence of childhood and adolescent EDC and trace element exposure on breast density.HumanIcahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
ST001491Global Urine Metabolic Profiling to Predict Gestational Age in Term and Preterm PregnanciesHumanStanford University
ST001606Aromatic amino acid metabolism by the anaerobic gut bacterium Clostridium sporogenesMouseStanford University
ST001618Metabolomics Analysis: Opioid Addiction Project (Golestan Cohort Study) - MS (part-I)HumanUniversity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
ST001619Metabolomics Analysis: Opioid Addiction Project (Golestan Cohort Study) - NMR (part-II)HumanUniversity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
ST001633Aromatic amino acid metabolism by the anaerobic gut bacterium Clostridium sporogenes (part-II)MouseStanford University
ST001649Urinary microbiota and metabolome in pediatric vesicoureteral reflux and scarringHumanUniversity of Missouri-Columbia
ST001662LC-MS Metabolomics of Urine Reveals Distinct Profiles for Low- and High-Grade Bladder CancerHumanHealth Research Institute Hospital La Fe
ST001682Untargeted urine LC-HRMS metabolomics profiling for bladder cancer binary outcome classificationHumanLomonosov MSU
ST001683A gut microbe-focused metabolomics pipeline enables mechanistic interrogation of microbiome metabolism.MouseStanford University
ST001705Machine learning-enabled renal cell carcinoma status prediction using multi-platform urine-based metabolomics (part-I)HumanUniversity of Georgia
ST001706Machine learning-enabled renal cell carcinoma status prediction using multi-platform urine-based metabolomics NMR (part-II)HumanUniversity of Georgia
ST001724The effects of birth weight and breeding value for protein deposition on the urine metabolome in growing pigs (part-III)PigAarhus University
ST001728Metabolomics and metagenomics of metformin (Urine)HumanSeoul National University
ST001790Effect of external low-dose rate radiation on mouse biofluid metabolomic signatures (part I)MouseGeorgetown University
ST001791Effect of external low-dose rate radiation on mouse biofluid metabolomic signatures (part II)MouseGeorgetown University
ST001826Metabolomic and lipidomic profiles of CKD in obese patients in serum and urine (part 3 of 3)HumanUniversity Rey Juan Carlos
ST001873Metabolomics analysis of multiple samples on AB 5600-Part 1HumanDalian Institute Of Chemical Physics
ST001874Metabolomics analysis of multiple samples on Agilent 6546-Part 1HumanDalian Institute Of Chemical Physics
ST001883Metabolomics of Ndufs4 KO urine (part - I)MouseNorth-West University
ST001884Metabolomics of Ndufs4 KO urine (part - II)MouseNorth-West University
ST001890Multiomics Longitudinal Modeling of Preeclamptic Pregnancies (part II)HumanStanford University
ST001891Small molecule signatures of mice lacking T-cell p38 alternate activation, a model for immunosuppression conditions, after exposure to total body radiation (part I)MouseGeorgetown University
ST001923Urine-Based Metabolomics and Machine Learning Reveals Metabolites Associated with Renal Cell Carcinoma ProgressionHumanUniversity of Georgia
ST001924Urine-Based Metabolomics and Machine Learning Reveals Metabolites Associated with Renal Cell Carcinoma Progression NMR (part-I)HumanUniversity of Georgia
ST001928Metabolomics profiles of premenopausal women are different based on O-desmethylangolensin metabotypeHumanGeorge Mason University
ST001929Metabolomics profiles of premenopausal women are different based on O-desmethylangolensin metabotype (Part 2)HumanGeorge Mason University
ST001943Urinary signature of chronic kidney disease in patients with severe obesity by CE-MSHumanUniversity Rey Juan Carlos
ST002020TIPs Metabolomics (urine)HumanVanderbilt University Medical Center
ST002048Effects of Zika virus infection on the metabolome of pregnant women: a longitudinal studyHumanUniversity of Georgia
ST002082Predicting dying: a study of the metabolic changes and the dying process in patients with lung cancerHumanUniversity of Liverpool Institute of Life Course & Medical Sciences
ST002103NC HHEAR Hub Pilot Study within the HHEAR ConsortiumHumanUniversity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
ST002165Untargeted metabolomics profiling of mice urine after 5 Gy and 7.5 Gy total body radiation exposure at 24 hours - LCMS Study.MouseInstitute of Nuclear Medicine and Allied Sciences
ST002166Untargeted metabolomics profiling of mice urine after 5 Gy and 7.5 Gy total body radiation exposure at 24 hours - NMR Study.MouseInstitute of Nuclear Medicine and Allied Sciences
ST002175Effect of external high-dose rate radiation on mouse biofluid metabolomic signaturesMouseGeorgetown University

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